Home / Channel / AMD teases Radeon RX Vega exclusively with Linus – press unhappy

AMD teases Radeon RX Vega exclusively with Linus – press unhappy

Right now KitGuru has staff over with AMD in Los Angeles as we prepare our launch articles, but it would appear AMD has been working with LinusTechTips to showcase an exclusive ‘unboxing' of the upcoming RX Vega graphics card. The video is very light on details and has a lot of ‘oohing and aahing' over bundled cables – but it shows Linus on stage with an AMD HoloCube, a 32 thread Alienware Threadripper system and some showcasing of the upcoming Radeon RX Vega. The crowd seem very young and the level of excitement in the video is so insanely high we almost felt as if we were backstage at a Justin Bieber concert. We didn't notice any panties being thrown on the stage, which was a relief.

AMD have a lot riding on the success of the upcoming RX VEGA graphics card and it won't be long before we can give our full analysis on Threadripper – our guy Luke Hill is beavering away on gathering tons of benchmarks as we speak.

While the LinusTechtips video has little tangible benchmarking on show – Linus does manage to run Cinebench and gets a score of 2866 on the 32 thread Threadripper system. He shows a dab hand at changing memory in the Alienware system, as it wouldn't initially even boot up due to some  issues. Someone will likely have had their wrist slapped for that one.

We have noticed that many members of the press aren't that happy about the exclusive given to Linus with journalists such as Cameron Wilmot from Tweaktown posting ‘feeling frustrated' on his own Facebook page about the event. There are many other well known people in the post chipping in to share their views. We noticed key industry people including Scan UK and Nvidia staff members such as Bryan Del Rizzo making some points in Cameron's post.

Cameron uploaded an image which says ‘AMD, you gave exclusive content coverage on new products to Linus. That's like a reverse sellout or something, and totally uncool'.

We do see the AMD shift towards social media influencers in the last year or so rather than traditional tech websites, but Cameron makes the point Maybe for children, but many still want detailed content with a mix of short stuff.'

Well known global tech websites such as Tweaktown have had key staff flown half way around the world to these events so its obvious that some ill feeling is likely to creep in. From our side (and I checked with my boss who seems completely disinterested in this), KitGuru already knew AMD had a very strong relationship with Linus and he has such a huge following on Youtube they obviously feel he needs some special treatment.

Playing Devils Advocate however- its a rather strange move from AMD as key members of the press will likely feel that being left out of this almost negates the purpose of  a ‘unified launch' for some of the most important AMD products in the last decade.

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  1. It’s their product. They can launch wherever they want with whomever they want. Stop being salty because you were not the one they chose. Bad mouthing Linus is so hot right now

  2. Good for Linus, he looks exhausted so he’s probably worked his ass off to get that exclusive. I’m still going to read the KitGuru article when it comes out either way!

  3. Its not about being salty. All tech media work very hard in covering all sorts of tech launches and even have well detailed reviews out. When you axe out everybody to favour one person even when tech media flew there from other parts of the world creates a very bad impression and also friction is not good if and when AMD wants to be in touch with others. Possibly, its a conflict of interest on Linus’ part. You cannot be level headed and be unbiased when you’re promoting a product launch. AMD did this before. And despite people working with AMD the same way they work with Intel and Nvidia, they create animosity for no reason. That’s their way of saying they cannot handle different point of view, observations, criticism and supportive arguments from others.

    Ask yourself the question: Would you trust a single source or a collection of source saying on the same lines? Its easy to control the flow of information if you restrict to a single or a small group. Its not just one or two tech media that has a problem. AMD India did the same, even at the extreme when one of the PRs saying that they won’t allow Hardware BBQ in. Its a well known fact that they interact those who are known to do ‘premium content’- as in pay money for exposure types. Its a bad trend, but I am surprised its happening over there of all places.

  4. What a bunch of whiners lol
    “Oh , they didn’t give us the card, and “the tech press” is unhappy.
    Cause… you know, we… I mean they.. aren’t happy like.”

  5. except the product is not exclusively for Linus’ audience
    and it also throws a wrench is Linus’ credibility from this point forward

  6. Đenan Hajrović

    It is a part of the alien ware showcase… should LENOVO for example be pissed because it did not get TR 16 core exclusivity… what a load of pussies the tech world is… fight for it instead of acting like a B….

  7. “tech press” rofl

    if “tech press” was worth a dime id give maybe 1 f about “tech press” and their “frustrations” lol

  8. Stop_AMD_propaganda

    But Linus Tech Tips are Nvidia fanboys.


    And Roy Taylor said that reviews must be fair.


  9. Someone is butthurt…
    So many people feel so entitled it’s really mind boggling!

  10. You guys realise HotHardware had already benched Threadripper and the Alienware Area 51 PC on their YouTube channel? This was before Linus’, it would appear that there’s quite a few of these out in the wild.

  11. http://i.imgur.com/6cUqFKC.jpg

  12. You know I watch Linus a lot, but you do have a point. After watching the linus video it seemed less ‘here is vega and our feelings’ and more ‘AMD paid us a lot of money to do this stage show’. It did appear to be an advert – which I am sure annoys the press more as well. I will wait on the benchmarks and results from KitGuru and other sites I trust.

  13. well well said ZMe UI. It does damage him I think – ive lost a little faith in him. His fanbase is fanatical though – he has the personality to really reel in people to the point its almost like a preacher on a Sunday. Its something ive noticed recently. I am able to see past the spin though – I would say a lot of cash passed hands there for that stage show.

  14. when you manage to string one sentence together coherently let us know. until then youtube 24/7 for you I reckon.

  15. “tech press”?

    Lol. Most of these guys constantly promote intel and nvidia. People like them are the reason that most people don’t even know much about amd in the first place. And now they’re salty because amd decided to choose a well-known intel+nvidia lover to unveil their products?

    ‘reverse sellout’? These people are out of their minds.

  16. Im trying to work out your point. can you explain?

  17. He has since made a big bed of AMD branded $100 notes to relax in. so he will be ok.

  18. Alexander Yordanov

    Whilst I understand that a glorified ad from Linus is triggering, the salty tag on this article isn’t helping you guys…

  19. Always something someone/people have to complain about. Welcome to the tech world in 2017.

  20. Raphael Silva ✔️

    Only Cinebench… benchmarked…

  21. ‘It did appear to be an advert’

    Because it was a fucking advert ya dingus. It wasn’t supposed to be in detail. They simply unveiled it to everyone for the first time. And linus himself said in the video that more detailed stuff will come later from some people.

  22. TWEAKTOWN? Please

  23. Atleast he’s getting money. You’re shilling for intel cause you’re a butthurt fanboy.

    Where was all this uproar when linus was an intel+nvidia fanboy?

    Suddenly people start showing interest in amd and trolls like you are relentlessly trying to bash amd.

  24. Awe so sowwy it wasn’t Geekbench….

  25. I read a post on one of the journalists webpages and they said AMD flew Linus out to an event and his staff and it cost AMD $30,000+ first class. I dont know how any reader could value that persons opinion when they are affectly taking bribes. While a lot of tech media are losing hits to youtube influencers I wouldn’t make a single buying decision from a youtuber. Linus videos are just full of adverts for companies – not a problem with Linus getting loads of money but ive a problem believing him when he is reviewing the same products – as buying advice. This would never have happened in the good old days – its all adverts – fast moving videos and subliminal advertising. Wake up.

  26. Same as Linus, what’s your point??????

  27. What is with this word ‘salty’. Is this something Linus has said recently? – its being repeated so many times. Why dont you email KitGuru and ask them to ‘de-salt’ the header to something like ‘We think Linus is a pretty ok guy but Tweaktown don’t really like him getting exclusives on big releases like VEGA’. That would be just boring enough for you to accept.

    Meanwhile Linus gets tons of money to produce an AMD advert. Which you all seem to miss. Fanatical preacher power!

  28. The tech world are fighting for it. they are fighting for honest, detailed reviews of the hardware WE want to buy. I am glad you are happy that Linus is preaching to a group of 14 year old boys who get him to sign sandals (no honestly, its a story on linus site). He is just a personality who wins over people – like a preacher shouting about the lord on a sunday to vagant, disillusioned people with no clue. As a reviewer, the whole thing smells to me. His videos have constant adverts in them set to appeal to a young audience. Sometimes he even has ‘sponsored by the company’ at the start of the video – the same product he is reviewing.

    Its amazing we have to fight to tell you how wrong this is. when really we need to herd you all into a corner and let you buy all the shit he recommends when the advertisers give him money. Meanwhile we will be buying from the sites that genuinely do honest buying adivce. More fool you.

  29. Alexander Yordanov

    Google salty then. It’s my third language and I know the meaning of this word in this context :p

  30. let us all know when you work it out.

  31. So do all the rest of the 14 year old Linus fans who get him to sign their sandals – the guys ego is out of control – thats a good story for a tech site? (its on Linus site today. no seriously it is) and uncovering corruption and money being handed to a youtuber parading as a ‘reviewer’ isnt?

  32. You are a few years too late in noticing the word ‘salt’, have you been living under a rock? It isn’t a recent thing. And the press might not be happy about AMD giving the exclusive to LMG, but it’s a good marketing strategy. You can’t tell people that something is bad because the company didn’t give you access before someone else.

  33. Excessive jealousy from journalists and bloggers. I did not expect such a “low level” way of thinking in tech world in 2017 !

  34. Đenan Hajrović

    This is not a review of any kind , this is simply a SHOWCASE done by LINUS and ALIENWARE , the reviewers will have their reviews and review samples at the same times as linus so they are crying over nothing,, IF linus had DIBS on the review sample and had DIBS on review launch lets say a day early vs the others then and just then should the PRESS RIOT and I would also..

  35. So he won’t be reviewing it then under his code of ethics for getting a massive hand out by AMD to handle a stage show for them and to promote all their products to fanatical 14 year old kids screaming and hollering like Lady GA GA fans? If you are fool enough to beleve any review from him after this – then more fool you.

  36. Đenan Hajrović

    One more thing HOTHARDWARE did a preview of TR with cinebench results from a pre-production ARE 51 TR day before LINUS did and you did not see LINUS crying over it and by your “LOGIC” hot hardware should also not be trusted at all

  37. then how happy is AMD back when RYZEN 7 launch , the most of tech-jonalists said intel kaby-lake is better for “pure” gamer ?

  38. No but you can tell people its bad that this guy gets given thousands from the same company to handle an exclusive preview for them – THEN he gets it to review. Are you likely to point out negatives in a review of a product if that company is handing you fat $100 notes to make a bed with? I think not Taurus_Silver. AMD have him in their corner and either Nvidia will start to pay him more to get him on their side or they won’t and AMD have him cornered to say what they want. Even if he has enough ethics to NOT be biased after getting loads of cash from the company he will no doubt be more likely to ignore some minor negatve points to keep AMD happy – for the next hand out.

    This to me, isnt about Tweaktown or KitGuru, or Linus – its more about how a unifed launch should work and about favouring a certain youtuber with a massive audience and bribing him to do a stage show to promote their products to get them sales.

  39. Did they get VEGA and money from AMD to host a stage show which would invite their fan base to a stadium and be promoted all over youtube to millions of people as a sales tool?

  40. Well ive worked out you are shit with photoshop, anything else im missing?

  41. requires > 80 IQ

    thanks for playing lol

  42. Well what are they complaining about? If Tweaktown generates the same volume of views on each of their videos they could get exclusivity too. Sorry but LTT generates million views within hours of releasing a video. Linus is like the tech geek social media superstar. I’m not a big fan of all his reviews though. Hire a decent presenter and give more style to the content and you’ll be on your way too.

  43. Đenan Hajrović

    not amd , alienware… and tbh linus is the biggest of them all and a silly entertainer… it was a smart move

  44. Come on people maybe we wait for review from linus, check what everybody else say. And then you
    can punish him on internet. Probably he don’t care anyway. And we already seen alienware 51 with threadripper and the same how the vega look.

  45. Oh come on. Alienware wouldn’t get authorisation to give Linus a VEGA without AMD involved. Look at the big picture. Its like joining the dots – its not hard. Put the fanboyism to the side and think about it for a minute.

  46. Raphael Silva ✔️

    Not a big deal, hothardware and linus benchmarked c15 cause AMD let them bench this soft only, which lead us some questions.

  47. Đenan Hajrović

    Alienware not only got permission from AMD it got the damn 16 cpu exclusivity vs the entire world 😀 they can do whatever they want.. sadly because are 51 is utter garbage for the absurd asking price

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  49. Good one John.. you tard. lol

    That was the whole point…. I am mocking quoting the childish “tech press”.

  50. ? wow.

  51. lol

  52. send in your CV? :p

  53. Here’s some ice for your sphincter. You apparently need it.

  54. Did you see the mess of the insides of the Alienware system ? and what in the name of god – faulty ram? nice showcase!

  55. you are still shit with photoshop lol – I love conspiracy theories though – any more?

  56. Đenan Hajrović

    Yeah, I mean AW will never ever learn

  57. Oh ffs. You know as well as we all do that both Intel and Nvidia have been paying off the “tech press” (what a laugh) for years. So stop with this cry baby bs.

  58. If he didn’t have 4 million followers, he wouldn’t have had a snowball’s chance in hell. Still a shame to give such an Intel/Nvidia sell-out, the chance to unveil something so big, for AMD.

  59. Steven Morrison

    John relax a little. I wouldn’t say Linus was that bad. Its clear he gets a lot of cash from advertisers. but I wouldn’t say he was corrupt. Not sure I like this video though and pictures of him signing sandals – its all like playing to his ego.

  60. John, you’re shilling so hard right now. You really should stop. It’s sad.

  61. Steven Morrison

    Another Linus fan? i gotta say. I watched linus for years but I never knew his fan base came out of the woodwork so quickly – its like fanatical support. Have to give him major props for it all though – its impressive. Wish I had a fanatical fanbase to protect me.

  62. This is at LTX…. a private event hosted by Linus himself with a full days activities with multiple brands sponsoring the event, AMD were asked and they said yes.. the same as Freshbooks accounting software were asked and said yes… Linus sold the tickets and booked the event and it was going to happen regardless of if AMD showed up or not.

  63. Well Steve O. It’s simple. Put out something that people actually care about. Otherwise, get in line.

  64. Jesus Steve. What is salty? Really? You’re done.

  65. so it’s ok if the tech media are all just a bunch of sellouts

  66. Im curious – how is he an Nvidia / Intel sell out? (I don’t follow him at all, sorry).

  67. Nikolas Karampelas

    to me it seems more like butthurt reactions. It is not like AMD give this event to the average Joe or something, they checked who will have the bigger impact and picked him, end of story.
    Anyway I’m waiting for kitguru review to see the hard numbers for those cards, I don’t care for the fanfare.

  68. Linus decides to host an event (LTX) a days worth of activities based around technology….he pays for a convention hall and starts inviting manufacturers to help out with entertainment

    Razer exclusive unboxing/Corsair key swapping/ball pit/Razer mousepad design/ editing tutorial / sumo wrestling/case toss/Asus CSGO/16k gaming rig to name a few.

    AMD simply offered an unboxing of their RX card for this event as its free publicity…. and boom everyone is salty and thinking that AMD put this thing together.. guess what they didn’t and im sure if any large “tech site” put together a days worth of events based on tech AMD would be happy to help out in some way.

  69. Steven Morrison

    Get in line for him to sign my sandals you mean?

  70. Steven Morrison

    You dont need to call me Jesus – thats reserved for Linus – just call me Steven.
    My granddad used to use the word salty all the time. Funny how the youth of today have claimed it, and are using it en masse now as a cool phrase. I prefer pepper though.

  71. Alexander Yordanov

    Why do you think I am a Linus fan?

  72. Steven Morrison

    seems that way 🙁

  73. Steven Morrison

    Did Hothardware (never heard of them) get a Vega too, like Linus – any links to read it ?

  74. I know right, on top of the fact that most tech press is so boring I don’t even care what they have to say, to slander Linus because he has a better personality that everyone flocks to him is absurd.

  75. Which event was that then? because im pretty certain they flew many people to that event…. this event was in canada paid for by Linus Media Group and AMD were simply invited to it, the fact that AMD decided to offer a RX Vega un-boxing is simply smart media play… 4 million viewer base for little cost to them… damn no company launching a product would turn that down.

  76. Steven Morrison

    He has a better personality and isnt boring? I don’t want excitement reading a CPU review, I want facts. jesus is that all you can say? Man, oh man. This is just turning into Nickolodean now. I read a comment from someone on the KitGuru facebook page that AMD gave it to Linus because his audience isn’t enthusiast based and is just ‘mainstream’ so they can reach a different audience – one seen in the video (mostly young kids with their cell phones on show). I can see what that means now. Its a lot of young kids who just love Linus, like a pop star – they don’t care about the technical quality of the reviews, his ability, his ethetics – its just ‘its Linus he is a great personality. so fuck you all who say differently’.

    Its scary, I never knew his fanbase was so young and fanatical. I am a bit ashamed I grouped myself into them for so long. Im too old in the tooth for this nonsense.

  77. 1. Linus is not preaching to 14 year olds, I’m 27 and I follow him.
    2. This is where you FAIL as a reporter for “Hardware”. “He is just a personality who wins over people”, JUST. Guess what? if you have a bad attitude no one will want to see your dumb reviews.
    4. This is not wrong, he is just a step in the future, a transition from boring reviewers to someone that can actually make you smile once in a while on top of telling you the basics of what you want to hear.
    5. Most of what he recommends isn’t “that shit”, regular products, some good deals, get over yourself.

  78. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. This wasn’t a review though. It was strictly promotional.

  79. and idiots think that i used photoshop

    is communal IQ here > 80? rofl

  80. 1. I’m already working for what now 10 years? Trust me his fanbase is not all so young like you would like to believe.
    Do you really believe everyone wants to read cpu facts in their free time to pass time or have fun? Don’t you think linus doesn’t spice things up by giving basic facts and mixing it with some fun?
    All you can say is “they’re having fun they must be kids, if not they would be serious and salty like me”. Well Guess what? Even mature audience, having finished work want to go relax but still get some quick info, why is Linus’s method wrong?

  81. better that than getting 0,0001$ per shill post form nvidia like you

  82. A private event my ass. Its public, its on youtube, its paid for by companies. God you are such a Linus groupie. ive seen you post so many times about how awesome he is. You like to preach against Nvidia all the time and ive seen you lecture people on ethics. I mean you just confirmed AMD paid for part of the show, and its likely to be more money than you will make in a few years of working. Linus gets all the kit, the money, brainwashes young kids who haven’t a clue and you are defending it. He will get to review it, he will get paid for ads in the videos by AMD again. So many holes in your logic it bewilders me you can claim you know your shit.

  83. Fake press, fake news lol

  84. Silly? I think he is a marketing genius. Hopefully he makes enough money in 2018 to bugger off to an island he just bought and stop polluting the minds of kids without any sense to see through all the subliminal advertising he does.

  85. says a guy thats getting all worked up over who got to show video game graphics card first and is voicing his FRUSTRATIONS!

    the IRONY rofl

  86. Damn John, your so salty, I bet you wish you were Linus, but sadly you’re a boring reviewer so you will never become famous like him. Maybe, oh I don’t know just maybe…You should go read up some books on how to stop being a hater and start being a winner? Maybe it’s got to do on how your being a hater here? hmmmm what a predicament…..

  87. naaa that needs maybe 70 IQ to get lol, just look at all the salty reviewers, let me get some popcorn! They even feel so BAD that they say your photoshop abilities are “shit” even though you only made a couple of read lines and a sentence!

    Guys, if you want to get it think outside the box!! Come on stop frowning salty reviewer look at the username, maybe look at who upvoted? Come on I can’t give you anymore tips connect the dots!!

  88. Oh your post is so boring and you have no personality. Lost interest.

  89. I don’t know how much bias that is, because he does recommend ryzen since it does do better in many aspects over intel CPUs. And for many years even I wouldn’t recommend AMD because nvidia always had something near the same price and more stable.

  90. You admitted you are 27? Are you the guy handing him your sandals to sign? I admire your honesty.

    When did i start reporting for hardware? Im a reader, like you. But with a brain.

  91. It was 120 this morning. Then you joined up and dragged the mean down

  92. Disagree. The Intel/Nvidia ‘bias’ was simply becasue AMD didn’t have anything to compete. Now AMD have finally got their shiz together, both techsites and social media went into a massive feeding frenzy over it. I don’t know any site that’s still 100% Intel/Nvidia. Most are saying sensible things like pure gamers ought to stick with Intel cos of their higher clock speeds but designers and gamers that use their gear for things other for gaming too ought to go AMD.

    Linus got lucky. LTT had an event on at exactly the right time and AMD took advantage of that.
    Linus probably said to a load of companies. “Hey we’ve got this event on. This is an opportunity for some free advertising. Have you got anything juicy for us to tell the crowd?”
    Alienware/AMD took the bait and the rest is history.

  93. MAYBE JUST MAYBE JOHN, when he says private he means that a select group were there at the PHYSICAL EVENT.
    Oh, and your wondering why Linus can get all the kit, money, and brainwashing but people still defend it? It’s because he’s actually interesting, not like your content.

  94. the word ‘salty’ again, its like fucking burger king in here today. Can you supersize mine to go with the extra lashings of pretentious bullshit being served? We get a diluge of linus fans, and we have sandals being signed, the word ‘salty’ being thrown around by every 14 year old california kid using the new macbook pro daddy bought them.

    Meanwhile linus is on the phone laughing his bollocks off ‘hey amd have you another 100,000 bucks ? Ive just came up with a great idea on reddit to sucker in more kids to buy amd hardware. Well they are all too young to buy it themselves but daddy will.’ yes sirr!’

  95. I bet you must think everyone younger then you is even more dumb than you. Well news flash for you! Your personality is still so immature that you can’t even “look” interesting to others.

  96. At least AMD is better than Intel, but Nvidia is better than AMD it seems, at least least when it comes to marketing. Anyway, Vega is probably going to be good for those people that do blender rendering 😛

  97. Hey im not the shill posting badly photoshoped images.(sorry i meant paint, i know photoshop is too expensive for you.)

  98. You can lick mine once you extract yours from linus ass.

  99. Yep. Social media for the ‘news’. Websites for the analysis.

  100. well guess what? I’m just correcting you so you can look at yourself one day and think, “oh maybe I should stop being a hater and get going with my own life.” so get on with it, just follow the linus way, learn a thing or two, even steve jobs or gates can teach you a thing or two about how to act.

  101. Gege Argya Pandhega

    I thought people unhappy because Linus dropping the RX Vega.

  102. no i dont think everyone younger is dumber than me. Just most of them, and at least 100% of the linus fanbase, which includes the 4 people over 21.

  103. I’m writing quick here sir no time for grammar when I have to correct your bullshit! How simple minded you always do the same thing, you see someone put some lines on a photo “oh your shit at photoshop”, you see someone write something wrong “oh your illiterate”, then you act like your not a hater. Look up the definition for the word salty ’cause it’s you!

  104. Little cost to them? Thats hilarious. Amd fly him and his crew everywhere first class. We are talking hundreds of thousands. Linus wont get out of bed for less than 50k. To fit that memory in the alienware desktop, and to lift that monitor over his head. thats not cheap. I heard the final call for the promotion came down to three people. Ryan reynolds, tom cruise and linus. Linus was the cheapest, but only a little. Doing a positive video review of vega is next.

  105. Yeah sure, 100% how absolute of you. “Anyone and everyone who likes to laugh seeing linus with his antics must be dumber then me.” is basically what I’m reading here. In the meantime this is capitalism and the one who adapts best gets more cut. Linus is still smarter, and I bet way more people then you think

  106. it’s ’cause of the tech reporters, just look at the comment section the fishes are flopping

  107. This article is pretty ridiculous TBH and is based on a false premise.

    AMD is actually doing some great marketing here for once by controlling the release of ‘hype’ content like unboxings and showcases. The alternative here is having random sites like Kitguru, Hardware Unboxed and Gamers Nexus post random stuff on Twitter that would just equate to the same as what the Linus Video achieved, a showcase and a bit of hype, rather than having some disjointed reviewers post some early stuff.

    There were no benchmarks disclosed in the video, just a TR cinebench run that AMD already disclosed performance for long ago, so nothing to cry about there. Is the tech press now crying over the fact they weren’t allowed to unbox it first? Guess what, prove that you have an instant reach of over 4 million people on YouTube alone and then you can claim to have been hard done by.

    AMD owes you nothing, you ARE NOT a prime platform to build hype and excitement for a product. Your bread and butter is reviews, are you not a review site? Did linus do a review? Did he do benchmarks?

    Get 5mil readers then redo this article, till then git gud.

  108. These are comments on disqus, not content. Wow you guys really suck at grasping technology outside youtube. Where people constantly tell you what to do so you can do things you couldnt otherwise. Defending brainwashing – wow the government must love you guys, they dont even have to try!

  109. Sadly even those kids that like to use the word ‘salty’ can still make more bucks than you with your cheap personality, at least they get it.
    lol comparing lnius to tom cruise? are you mad mate? has all the salt and poverty gone to your brain?

  110. you said a few comments back that your a reviewer, are you really a lying troll in disguise? I never even said I defend brainwashing, I said you don’t get it. If one could truly preach what’s best for everyone trust me I would do it. How does your brainwashing with facts differ from that of someone else? Your opinion is just as bad as anyone.

  111. Yes of course they are dumber than me. I can make my own mind up, i dont need some overpaid emo who thinks he is a rock star signing sandals to tell me what to buy. I read, yes ‘read’ indepth analysis. Those kind of figures that go right over your head unless someone is dancing around in a ninja outfit to keep your tiny ADHD mind focused for more than 30 seconds at a time. Not bored yet’? I hear linus has a new video up called ‘we sign sandals, only 30 bucks a shot’. Has advertising for hush puppies in it too. They are on sale on amazon right now – just enter the code ‘linusiloveyou’ on the way out. Bargain.

  112. They didn’t say, it didn’t have one in the machine.

  113. Linus makes infotainment, smart move, now lot’s of people know that AMD exists.

  114. Awwww. There there now. *Pat *pat

  115. I’m not interested in what they did, or were allowed to benchmark, i was just pointing out that Linus wasn’t the only one with early access to TR…

  116. Steve jobs died of cancer, he doesnt tend to do much at all anymore. Bad taste nepnep, linus wouldnt be too proud of you.

  117. You are pretty certain? You know very little, you think you do. The macau event. An amd event. One of the many

  118. Reverse Sellout? Seriously? Sounds like somebody is salty THEY didn’t get the first look. AMD simply decided to choose a well known “influencer” to show their new product at a time where there’s literally no other tech convention going on. Better this, to put AMD back into the news, than a couple slide on a website saying the product is coming soon(tm) and nobody bats an eye. It made you guys talk about it after all.

  119. damnnn so much salt, grow a pair and maybe you’ll look like a man. I’m so sorry I didn’t know mister salt was soo rich, you must swim in money since you’re here being a hater on linus getting money from AMD!
    I didn’t know you were so smart either! You can make up your own mind a true sign of intelligence, oh and look you can even identify an overpaid emo at the drop of a hat. Maybe if you were so smart you would be doing right about now instead of being a hater

  120. Free advertising? Linus? Come out from under the rock. Lol!

  121. Oh wait no one told you? When someone dies people don’t cremate everything with them INCLUDING all the books and experiences they left behind, learn from those sunny boy! You have a severe case of tunnel vision, but it’s time to get over yourself ’cause we leaving!

  122. Jerry Erlandson

    I feel like you are just a triggered adult that is not getting the full picture. Linus has a company that is based off Sponsorships* that us true. What you are missing is that no matter how much he has been played ever to do a review, he never gives biased advice because someone played him. He has bashed companies before even though they sponsored him. Also the downfall to these events is who has enough time to go to events like this? Teens. It still does not change the fact that a lot of his demographic is 20 to 27 years. This event was a sponsorship played by and and razor to just show off the card and a benchmark…. If you are butthurt about that why do you slurp up leaks on random websites like candy? The press need to be more mature in this industry… And not be seated in irritable opinion but facts.. Just like there reviews

  123. Atleast amd doesn’t forcefully sabotage other companies to remove competition so that they can sell overpriced grills.

    How retarded do you have to be to be offended by a company trying to hype their product? Did you have a problem with people overhyping intels or nvidias product? Why do people like you always try to bash on amd?

    You want to talk about brainwashing? Look at yourself first. You’re literally bitching about a company showing off their newest products because you support a rival company. Just how brainwashed are you?

  124. Jerry Erlandson

    Wow this is sad

  125. Yeah your underestimating business Daleos of course there was a lot of transactions here. Either way I hope vega is any good, competition most always drives prices down

  126. Jerry Erlandson

    You are being immature as the people you are describing :/

  127. Yes good man, you dont want to miss that new masterpiece just uploaded on linustechtips. Another ‘shocked’ looking thumbnail with linus looking like someone shoved a hot poker up his ass – with some clickbait headline like ‘OMFG today we overclock a toaster, but does it run any faster and does your toast taste better?’.

  128. Allright you got me there, some videos are boring as hell and he clickbaits like crazy.
    But honestly, how many news outlets don’t clickbait in some form or manner, and then they shove ads down your throat in every other way possible. I can’t even look at forbes nowadays. Even kitguru is full of it.
    Man just follow the linus way when he does it good. He does simplify many topics in short 3-5 minute videos and youtube let’s you skip ads with fastfoward.
    I still believe alot of people could learn from him. He can make a message, and that’s not easy.
    Well it’s been chill mate and I had some fun, but sadly I gotta leave life calls my name.
    Ps: stop being a hater on others, just accept, adapt and conquer or somethin’ like that.

  129. by the way, wtf is a holocube, word amd this is what you give us? But I mean for the laughs I guess it’s cool.

  130. Steven Morrison

    Ah come on man you are just as bad as john. It was a good debate until a few people starting crapping all over this. Kitguru didnt bitch, they reported on a story. thats what news reporters do. We make our own opinion, but let it be our own, not based on some misplaced loyalty to a youtube personality who wouldn’t care if we lived or died.

  131. nah, youre cheapo low quality shill, yeah we get it lol

  132. Why is everyone so mad over Linus? He didn’t even advertise TunnelBear during LTX2017…

  133. You must be young.

  134. LOL

    tech shills butthurt about missing out of clicks
    suits them right being fucking anti-AMD all the time

  135. Lol you seriously have one GIANT stick up your butt. It’s quite impressive really how far up there you managed to get it stuck (I imagine you just curse Linus’ name a couple times each time you shove it in another inch, cause you obviously have nothing better to do rofl).

  136. Whats with all the excitement? Linus is a high bidder shill, we all know that. Used to watch him, until I learned to walk on my own. All his videos are the same – clickbait thumbnail, ads in videos, change of mind every few months when the dollars dry up from the specific companies. its all a pattern. No need to get all butthurt about it though he has a massive audience. 90% under 18 male, normally building their first or second system and just about to get out of their training pants.

    It makes sense for AMD to let him do an unboxing exclusively on stage – he reaches the most people – not necessary the audience who buy the cards but the people who talk about it and create buzz. An audience of non enthusiast young males who love the whole idea of owning a lot of this hardware so its outside the usual hardcore circles like KitGuru, Guru3d, Hexus, Toms Hardware Hardocp etc. All these Linus kids hang around and discuss his last video. There is room for linus, but its for the kids. Move on, who cares anyway?

  137. Btw it is deluge so long as we are correcting grammar and spelling.

  138. Thought you left about 2 hours ago? ive been out. walked the dog, had a wank and read the newspaper and you left like 50 comments in that time. Thought you said you had a life? Its ok, I understand, my personality is great and im filling in that spot in your empty life right now – that spot normally reserved for reviews of toasters and other random shit people pay Linus to say is great. What did you buy on Amazon today? A USB key chain that Linus says you must have to be cool – or am I being too salty? God I love that word now, I used to say ‘I love my fries salty’ now I am just walking around like a Linus groupie dropping the word in every other sentence. When I was walking my dog I spotted another man with his labradoodle and said ‘Hi man, that dog turd you left seems right and salty’. He looked at me like I was a complete twat, but he will learn. I want to be one of the cool kids too. Maybe Linus will visit me soon and I can get him to sign my left buttock? I would get him to sign the right one, but I have that spot reserved for my other hero – Spongebob squarepants.

  139. Hey if anyone would get it, it would be you man.

  140. keep licking, no time for patting.

  141. I dont know why the press would be salty that Linus got first grabs of the hardware, did you guys watch that show? It was a joke, I’d be thankful it was Linus and not one of you because he has to live with this shot show in his credit for life.

  142. Never change Kitguru Never change.

  143. People shouldn’t forget about this video, This isn’t the first time Kitguru acting salty.

  144. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/04d5448da0d0f00f6375c6689573bea070537f3e38112a866deb552e79452b67.png yes I agree, and your well thought out, carefully worded response is surely what AMD will put on the front page of their new VEGA and Threadripper brochure — its exactly all the reasons why we should buy AMD products – such educated, informative, inciteful, intellicual posts explaining why Intel and Nvidia are both such bad value for money

  145. I was speaking in the third person about Linus as a reviewer. Jesus, ill try and dumb this down more so you can follow me, but I can’t make any promises. Maybe single syllable words and a lot of full stops so your brain can realise it has to analyse the last sentence? let me know what works for you.

  146. Yes im practising with a stick up my ass. Its how Linus makes all his ‘shocked’ looking thumbnails on youtube along with the click bait titles – my favourite was ‘How to overclock your vacuum cleaner – but can it lift our deep shag pile carpet?’. He practises for hours, but I heard he quite likes the stick now so I might not get the chance.

  147. Sounds like sour grapes. Is it Linuss fault nobody cares who Cameron is?

  148. “The video is very light on details and has a lot of ‘oohing and aahing’ over bundled cables”

    “The crowd seem very young and the level of excitement in the video is so insanely high we almost felt as if we were backstage at a Justin Bieber concert. We didn’t notice any panties being thrown on the stage, which was a relief.”

    These two statements, along with no information about the event itself (LTX private event which AMD were invited too and did not set up) give the article a distinct inference.

    Its less about “supporting” LTT and far more about getting facts and context right before aimlessly reporting what someone else said with no research to back it up. Many sites do this now, take someone else’s article… reword it, add some quotes and repost, this is a prime example of that.

    This isn’t Kitguru “reporting” on a story… its Kitguru repeating a story

  149. Some videos are boring as hell? go watch the ninja hacking a server video. It woud be cheesy if it was funny. Its as funny as having your dick chopped up and forcefed to you for breakfast on top of your cornflakes.

  150. Well what an interesting tirade, i could quite happily drop to your level of idiocy but unfortunately i would lose that debate and clearly you would beat me with experience.