Home / Component / CPU / AMD FX 8150 Black Edition 8-Core Review (with Gigabyte 990FXA-UD7)

AMD FX 8150 Black Edition 8-Core Review (with Gigabyte 990FXA-UD7)

The AMD FX 8150 processor ships in a very artistic box with the words ‘Black Edition' featuring on the front. This means that the processor is unlocked, to make sure the overclocking experience is as easy as possible.

Processor Model CPU Base CPU Turbo Core CPU Max Turbo TDP Cores L2 Cache L3 Cache Max DDR3 PKG NB
FX-8150 3.6GHz 3.9GHz 4.2GHz 125W 8 8MB 8MB 1866mhz AM3+ 2.2GHZ
FX-8120 3.1GHz 3.4GHz 4.0GHz 125W 8 8MB 8MB 1866mhz AM3+ 2.2GHZ
FX-6100 3.3GHz 3.6GHz 3.9GHz 95W 6 6MB 8MB 1866mhz AM3+ 2.0GHZ

The FX-8150 slots in right at the top of the new FX range.

The FX 8150 is based around an 8 core design… the world's first 8 core desktop chip. It runs with a base frequency of 3.6ghz, and can turbo right up to 4.2ghz. If you are mathematically challenged, this translates to a 600mhz boost.

Above, we have listed CPU Turbo Core speeds of 3.9ghz and ‘max turbo' speeds of 4.2ghz.

Above, we took a screenshot during an encoding task, and we can see that the multiplier has increased to 19.5x, giving a clock speed of 3.9ghz, matching the AMD Turbo core figure.

The design offers new instruction support for FMA4, XOP, AES, AVX, and SSE 4.2, for next generation PC applications.

The Bulldozer Concept was realised with a 2 core design which could share the hardware when the demand was based around a single thread. The engineers wanted a hardware design which would have little impact on the timing and complexity of critical paths. A structure which would also benefit from increasing the amortized bandwidth. AMD designed the chip so it could utilise the shared bandwidth with a targeted feature set to benefit both threads.

Bulldozer is a ‘monolithic' dual core building block which can support two threads of execution. It shares latency tolerant functionality with dynamic resource allocation between threads. In real world terms this offers greater scalability and predictability than two threads sharing a single core.

The design also has bandwidth related advantages for multi threaded situations without significant loss on serial single threaded workload components. Another benefit is that when only one thread is active, it can get access to all the shared resources.

The Bulldozer front end modules can decode up to 4 instructions per cycle, which compares to 3 on the previous generation Phenom II processors.

The shared front end features decoupled predict and fetch pipelines with a prediction directed instruction prefetch design. This is fed into the dedicated cores which feature a unified scheduler per core and a way predicted 16k byte L1 Dcache.

The shared FPU features co processor organisation and reports the completion of tasks back to the parent core. There are dual 128 bit packed integer pipes and a unified scheduler for both threads. The chip has a 16 way unified L2 cache.

AMD are using the same die for their desktop and server products, each Bulldozer module has two cores, for a total of eight. Zambezi, Interlagos and Valencia chips all follow this structure.

Above, a breakdown of the chip structure. There is 128kb of Level1 data cache, split into 16kb per core. There is 256k of Level 1 instruction cache, split into 64kb per module. Finally there is a 8MB of Level 2 cache, split into 2 MB per module.

The Integrated Northbridge controls a total of 8MB of Level 3 cache, with two 72 bit wide DDR3 memory channels and four 16 bit HyperTransport links. AMD have attempted to minimise the silicon area by sharing functionality between two cores, and circuits are power gated dynamically to help improve power efficiency.

The AM3+ platform offers support for CPU voltage loadline as well as increases in both ILDT current and DRAM current. This will help improve HyperTransport link speeds. Out of the box memory support extends to DDR3 1866mhz speeds.

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  1. It seems quite good, I preordered one, will try and get it past 5 ghz with water 🙂

  2. Yeah 2600k is still the leader under £300, much as I had thought before release. Still, I like the eight core design, seems a fine gaming solution and thats really what most of us do.

  3. Its disappointing. I dont think its much better, if at all than the 2500k and it costs more here. I prefer the motherboards from AMD but realistically, that cheapo gigabyte board you reviewed would be all I would ever need.

    Not that impressed overall, but its not a poor product. I had imagined it might be a disaster.

  4. In the hands of the expert crowd with phase, im sure this will hit 5-7ghz. it might be a killer product then.

  5. @ samuel. Sure I game, but all I do? I think not.

    My views on this are slightly disappointing. It is a good chip., but it is VERy late to the game. Intel have a new range to announce very soon. I dont think anyone would be massively happy about this release. Intel will be having a chuckle.

  6. I know it is a new technology, but why is it failing so badly against the 2600k when rendering and professional tasks? It has double the physical cores? It seems such an inefficient design. Very disappointed, I wont be ordering one.

  7. My friend told me I was mad buying a 2500k last month ‘because bulldozer will be a much better processor and cost less’.

    What happened? AMD?

  8. biased review. Just for your info the processors have to be tested at lower resolution in games just so you do not get limited by graphic cards performance (i thought you should know that by now), that being the case in this review where the scores in game are far to close. Give it a go at lower resolutions and see how it ends up then.

  9. If you want to show the difrence between those procesors that should be the way to do it. The way this review is made doesn’t actually presents the difrences between tho competitors (because thay are all limited by the GPU). For that matter why should we buy any of those ? we should just go for a weaker CPU (and much cheaper one) that provides 3 less fps less (at that resolution) than those “high end” CPUS

    And you skyped the power consumtion slide. I wonder why? from what i have read at 4,8 ghz the FX consumes as much as 260 W while running Cinebench.

  10. Who cares about low resolution? I always read those in reviews and say ‘great this one is 3 fps more, but I never use that res anyway, so who cares?’.

    Seems like a decent chip to me, but overprices here.

  11. John, I don’t want to show differences between processors and system builds at settings that no gamer or enthusiast user will ever touch. We have limited time and focus on the important aspects of the hardware. When building a system it is key to factor in who will buy it and how much they will spend. No one will spend all this money on a gaming system then nothing on a screen to enjoy the high end hardware.

    I think we have shown the differences between the processors in many ways. It actually highlights that at high resolution most of them perform at a very similar level with only slight variables. If you are buying a processor for gaming, then the Core i5 2500k is still the ideal ‘enthusiast’ solution due to the low price in the UK, as I said in the conclusion. A lot of people will be reassured to know that if they buy any of the processors on test today, with a good graphics card that their gaming experience will be first class (even if there are slight variables).

    In regards to power consumption, we are always limited to time. I don’t publish a third party ‘slide’ showing a result. I would test it myself and give an analysis of idle and load results. I haven’t had time to do it right.

    If you have any more concerns over ‘conspiracy theories’ please feel free to email me.

  12. Makes sense and I found it a good review. always some haters 😉

  13. Chip is good, but its not good enough, Not against Intel really.

    It also looks weak on a single core basis. weaker than the last generation X6.

  14. I got a lot from this, especially in regards to rendering. I work rendering 6 hours a day, sometimes from home and i have a 2600k which has b een a great, relatively inexpensive purchase. with studio max it performs well and a part of me was hoping that the 8 core 8150 could very well outperform the 2600k thanks to the extra physical cores, but sadly the cores seem inefficient, lacking ‘horsepower’.

    In regards to other areas it seems strong, but really wont come to full force until the extra extensions are used, which going on history will be long into the next cycle of hardware from intel. Direct X 11 for instance is barely used now, and when it is, it makes very little image quality difference (apart from a few t itles).

    Its not quite the release I was expecting or hoping for. I will wait for X79, but it will be out of my price league. shame the 8 cores hasnt really made any difference in the real world 🙁

  15. Gaming on any of those systems is fine. thats the conclusion I get. 1080p, if you buy any of the chips you are set. Simple as that. I live in the real world myself and know that even if I bought a last generation X6 1090T or even the 1060 I could play any game on my TV at 1080p.

    Im more interested in the raw productivity tests as I dont just game, and this chip hasn’t shown me I dont need to change my last generation AMD hardware for this. They really are so far behind Intel that I am shocked this was ever released.

    All the new instruction support really will mean very little this year or perhaps even next year. quite saddened 🙁

    Overclockers will like the processor however because it seems a little of fun, like the K series from Intel in that regard. hitting new speeds and seeing what is possible with cooling changes. the X4 and X6 sucked in that regard.

  16. You complettly forgot about power consumtion… 260W at 4.8 while doing cinebench is ALOT… plus the 4 “cores”one are worst than the older quad core generation. This showld not have been released. Now Intel will just charge much more for their CPU… bad bad bad AMD

  17. I find it rather worring that you publish a CPU review without showing power consumption, tight schedule or not. This review in my view gives a completely wrong signal to consumers. The AMD FX-8150 not only perform worse than for example the 2600K, its draws A LOT more power. Some one mentioned 4,8 GHz.. take a look at this graph from NordicHardware..

    Source: http://www.nordichardware.se/test-lab-cpu-chipset/44360-amd-fx-8150-bulldozer-goer-entre-pa-marknaden-test.html?start=30#content

  18. Hi Nize. We can take a look at power consumption later when we get time to do it properly. But people can certainly look at your links in the meantime.

  19. Glad to hear it and good to see the open discussions in the comments Zardon!

  20. Haters gonna hate.

    I’m more interested in how it plays Shogun 2. I don’t play most of the games in the review except for Deus Ex. Basically AMD say “use the scorpius platform” which will be a FX cpu, any AMD GPU from 6850 upwards and the 990FX mobo’s. What I want to know is: will the FX-8150 with the HD6870X2 play Shogun 2 better than the 2500K with the same GPU?
    That said, nearly all other reviews basically say “It’s ok, but it doesn’t live up to expectations”. My point is that all the hype surrounding it meant that it would never have met expectations because expectations were that it would beat the i7, it hasn’t but it does seem to have nestled into a niche between the i7 and i5.
    Also, AMD doesn’t have the collossal R&D budget that Intel has.
    I don’t think the review was biased at all.

  21. Amazing how people always want more :p Im the same, id like to have seen detailed power consumption like the rest of the review which was very detailed.

    No bias at all. I think all the hardware was presented very fairly and I can take from this that the core i5 2500k is still the bargain buy.

    I dont think the FX chip is bad at all, and ive seen it online for £199.99 as it looks like AMD are taking the comments onboard. Some retailers selling it for £230 however so pay attention if you buy one !

  22. All the good DX11 games covered and at the resolution I want to see.

    Looks pretty good all around, but on a ‘core per core’ basis it is quite weak really. Still it looks like a mega fun processor to play with, which is one aspect AMD were missing for years. I can see guys getting 6ghz on high end cooling with this.

  23. You know, I was really expecting better performance numbers at that price. Looks like I will be waiting until they go down a bit. I’m pretty excited to see what I can accomplish with my water cooling setup. For now, looks like I will be getting a second HD6870 and getting my 955BE stable at a higher clock speed.

    Great review Z. As always, there are some people that like to nit pick but anyone who follows this site really regularly knows that you guys are super slammed with work.

  24. If this CPU is priced below i5 2500k it would be interesting, maybe so for the people that bought 990-whatever board…
    But still, the power consumption is really worrying… I hope they can fix this in next stepping.
    all in all, disappointing release… but not that much for me, since I’m not a fanboi 😀

  25. here is the Shogun 2 performance:


    an i3 2130 does better… cheers AMD

  26. why your CPUZ says that your Bulldozer is 8130P? (ES) ?

  27. Just the version of CPUz. correct name is listed in ‘specification’.

  28. A lot of you are forgetting that this is a new design path that AMD has taken with their CPU (more like APU, as this is the first steps they are making towards it), also the troubles that AMD had with Global Foundries during production and release… and last but not least, you are all speaking as though this is what they will release for an entire year (or more even?), as I understand it, there will be further revisions/progression in 2012 and onward.

    Now to be honest, I was waiting to see what Bulldozer would actually be like before making my uprgade from a Intel Q9400, and in all honesty, the only thing im really disappointed with about this processor is it’s price. it’s actual competition (2500K) doesnt hammer it to hell and back, not by a long shot.

  29. Another test with Gigabyte 990FXA-UD7 and Crosshair Formula V

    Gigabyte 990FXA-UD7 runs better

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