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Fresh Ryzen benchmark results are showing up online

It looks like people are starting to get their hands on close to if not completely finished Ryzen processors as third-party benchmark numbers are now starting to leak. We have previously seen some benchmark leaks for engineering samples of Ryzen and we have seen a few cherry picked performance examples from AMD itself but with the processor now just a month away, real world users are going to start getting their hands on it.

This particular leak comes from the Ashes of the Singularity database, similarly to our Vega performance leaks a few months back. This also happens to be where we first saw performance numbers appear for Ryzen engineering samples back in August 2016. The specific benchmark listing has been pulled but not before a screenshot was taken and posted to an asian forum site.

As you can see, this particular system was running an AMD Ryzen ‘ZD' CPU, which is in contrast to the earlier ‘ES' samples we saw last year. This sample has eight cores and sixteen threads clocked at 3.6GHz with a 4GHz turbo boost.  The system here also featured 16GB of RAM and an Nvidia Titan X (Pascal).

The benchmark was run at the ‘Crazy' 4K preset and as you can see, the average CPU frame rate from the three tests is 70.5 frames per second. You can make various comparisons by looking at other public benchmarks in the AoTS database but I would wait until Ryzen has been put through its paces by more people across a wider range of benchmarks before drawing any conclusions.

KitGuru Says: It is always interesting to get some early performance numbers. This time around, we are much closer to Ryzen's launch so I imagine this sample is close to if not the exact final product coming in a months time. 

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  1. valgarlienheart .

    This sounds like a good upgrade to my ageing 3570k

  2. actually slightly beats a 10 core intel cpu slightly 140w of power too. ill still wait until i see a reviewer tho un edge since my fx was slower than a phenom.

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  4. After the disappointment that RX480 was, I’d rather wait for Tech reviews final results.

  5. Well, I doubt even Ashes uses that many threads anyway. But like you I still want to see reviews first. Until then I will take this and other leaks with salt.

  6. If RX-480 is disappointing then the GTX 1060 must be an utter disappointment now that RX-480 can match it in DX11 and thrashes it in DX12/Vulkan while costing a good bit less. 😛

    EDIT: Oh and every previous GPU from both AMD and Nvidia that targeted the mainstream market must be as well since they were all worse than even the GTX 1060. 😛

  7. Google is paying 97$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family! !mj174d:
    On tuesday I got a great new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $8752 this last four weeks.. Its the most-financialy rewarding I’ve had.. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it
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  8. I’ll still be waiting for it to launch and see user reviews on how it runs, hopefully it’ll overclock to around 4.5GHZ when pushed hard and beat out any of the Intel competition for under £500, but we will see.

  9. with Ryzen, AMD may get their 10-15% of marketshare

  10. Just curious, but why do you feel your 3570k is aging? I have the same chip running at a moderate 4.3 GHz overclock in my home PC and it just screams even compared to PC’s I use at work with more modern chips. Even though I am a big AMD fan, I was thinking of delidding my 3570k and getting a water cooler for it to see how far I can push it. But it would be because I love doing stuff like that, not because I feel it’s in some way deficient.

  11. Akira Tabuchi Yagui

    Just ignore these trolls… Some people want a GTX titan X performance with the price of the RX480 😛 lol

  12. valgarlienheart .

    The 3570K is an awesome CPU but it’s starting to show its age a little, I do a fair bit of video encoding now and the 3570K takes a little longer than I’d like. Also I’m trying not to make a profit this year so I got to spend some money, a new pc seems like the way to go.

  13. Yeah like that will ever happen. Well, it will eventually, but by then Titan will have improv ed by just as much if not more so. 😛

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