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AMD Ryzen 5 1500X (4C8T) CPU Review


7-Zip is an open source Windows utility for manipulating archives. We measure the Total Rating performance using the built-in benchmark tool. The test stresses all CPU cores to 100% and shows an affinity for memory bandwidth.

Mozilla Kraken

Mozilla Kraken is a browser-based JavaScript benchmark that tests a variety of real-world use cases. We use Chrome as the test browser. The test exhibits very little multi-threading and shows an affinity for CPU clock speed and IPC.


WPrime is a leading multithreaded benchmark for x86 processors that tests your processor performance by calculating square roots with a recursive call of Newton’s method for estimating functions. We use the 1024M test in WPrime to analyse processor calculation performance.

CPU-related testing overview:

7-Zip leverages all eight of the Ryzen 5 1500X’s processing threads to return a handsome lead over the 4C4T i5-7400. At stock, Ryzen 5 1500X is 51% faster than the multiplier-locked Intel competitor. The lead grows to 62% when the 1500X is pushed to 3.9GHz. You get 7600K-beating performance from the 1500X in this program.

Kraken is largely single-threaded which puts the emphasis on IPC performance and clock frequency. That latter point hamstrings the Core i5-7400 and sees Ryzen 5 1500X posting superior performance numbers. Overclocking helps to put the 1500X in 4.2GHz i7-6800K territory, which is a bold result. Shining a light on the Core i3-7350K shows it to be a very strong contender at this price point in a test where frequency on a fast architecture is critical.

WPrime posts positive 1500X numbers thanks to its strong multi-threaded capabilities. All of Intel’s Kaby Lake Core i5 processors are outperformed by Ryzen 5 1500X. That’s before an overclock to the AMD chip even enters the equation.

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  1. Jonathan Onix Maldonado

    eso no sirve

  2. AMD are back in the game
    Great to see you back AMD – Thanks for Ryzen!

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  4. “Grand Theft Auto V favours Intel hardware, despite its desire for high thread counts and core frequencies” With the 7700K beating the 6800K and Ryzen bottoming its charts, that game certainly does not favor high thread counts. Its a DX11 POS.

  5. Any DX12 game should be tested with a Radeon GPU. It is quite clear by now that nVidia’s DX12 implementation fails to parallelize rendering workload properly. I’d even go as far as to say i beleive they may have built in some intel only optimizations (think GenuineIntel checks or such racket).

    DX12 is Radeon territory. If you want to eliminate GPU Bottlenecks, use Fury X at 1080p. Or two 480s in CF. Gives much more representative results.

  6. El i5 7400 es genial!!