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AMD Ryzen 7 8700G APU Review – it’s interesting but…

Borderlands 3 at 1080p

You will have to watch our video to get the full blow-by-blow explanation of our gaming benchmark tests but the short take is that in Borderlands 3 at 1080p we found an add-in graphics card was essential. The AMD 780M integrated graphics perform well but did not pass 40fps, and that makes for a poor gaming experience.

Far Cry 6 at 1080p

In Far Cry 6 at 1080p we saw a similar figures to Borderlands 3 with the AMD Ryzen 7 8700G running at 40fps on the Medium preset. Once again an add-in graphics card is a necessity.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider

It was three for three with Shadow of the Tomb Raider with frames rates on the integrated 780M graphics topping out at 38fps. This is better than we expected however it is not quite enough to make us happy.

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