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KitGuru poll shows overwhelming public support for AMD Ryzen

Ryzen – its been impossible to avoid and its clearly one of AMD's most important hardware releases within the last decade. Leaks, slides, pre release benchmarks and expected pricing have all hit the internet but there is no doubt that AMD are driving forward to put the hurt on Intel (recap on all the Ryzen news to this point HERE).

It really has hit saturation point before the processors are due to hit retail – and the good news is we won't have too long to wait now.

Last night on our Facebook page, we opened a poll to ask KitGuru readers if they still believed that AMD's Ryzen would be a competitive release again Intel in 2017.

The results of over 1,000 readers within the space of a few hours surprised us. While many people have said AMD have lost their way in recent years, it would appear that KitGuru readers still have a huge amount of faith in the company.

This level of faith has been compounded by the fact that many readers have been outspoken against Intel and their yearly refreshes which bring little in the way of tangible performance gains to the table. With processor prices continuing to rise – a shake up is surely needed to drive this stagnant market forward.

The KitGuru poll showed that almost 22% of the people polled said they had their cash already in hand for the processors to hit the stores – these people are just ready to adopt the new platform. A staggering 52% said they had high hopes that Ryzen will be competitive against Intel in 2017. Another 19% percent proved more cautious – waiting for the indepth analysis on leading tech sites such as KitGuru before parting with their cash. Less than 4% said they had lost faith in AMD and had little cause for excitement.

Discuss on our Facebook page, over HERE

KitGuru says: Many could argue that AMD have lost their way in recent years, but no one could argue that their fan base isn't as strong as ever. I think we can all agree that Intel need some competition again to drive those crazy prices down, proving good for the consumer.

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  1. Public support? It’s a semi conductor architecture not an elected government. The public will buy whatever suits them best.

  2. You must be fun at parties.

  3. What kind of parties? Ones for semi conductor companies? Obviously not.

  4. AMD is going to sell 30% slower chips at 30% lower price, sad news for everybody imo

  5. 30% slower?! where did you get it?

  6. Single thread benchmarks

  7. We’ll see about the benchmarks but they are heavily relying on gamers due to the lack of integrated GPU, and hoping to get some leverage in the server markets of which they currently have near zero market share.

    Over 70 percent of the consumer PC market are machines with integrated graphics, OEM machines and notebooks for example. So by launching a chip without it, they limit themselves to the less than 30 percent requiring a discrete card for now. We’ll see how it goes.

  8. CMON AMD DON’T MAKE ME BUY A REHASHED 7th gen processor! Live up to the hype son!

  9. I would like to see those benchmarks.

  10. 30% slower? You obviously haven’t seen the newest benchmarks?! The IPC alone is about on par with the broadwell-e.

  11. Them benchmarks are showing that single core performance is close to 6900 and 6950x which are twice and 4 times the price. Just because it’s not on par with 7700 doesn’t mean it’s sh.t for gaming which mostly depends on gpu anyway. It will be more then enough. At the same time great for everything else. The most exciting news imo are that you’ll be able to build “x99” system for a fraction of a price (mobo’s are meant to be cheaper too) Remember that them benchmarks aren’t overclocked cpu’s and memory freq and timings are questionable. So it should be even better. Unless the test results and pricing are all made up. In that case my monologue is pointless 😀

  12. From what I hear, they are also rumored to sell APUs later on this year, but I don’t have any further details that I am aware of.

  13. The low-end desktop is what primarily use igpu’s.
    There are no margins in this market. Hence AMD going for the higher end and is able to massively undercut Intel, because the margins are massive compared to the lowend.

  14. AMD and Intel need this to succeed. They’re both better for it.

  15. High end consumer desktop is a very small market segment.

    There are obviously margins in the OEM market which are slimmer, but you’re talking about 73 percent of all machines (desktop+notebook) having integrated graphics. A lot of little margins in this case is a great deal more than a few larger ones.

    Unless Intel allow AMD to basically dominate ALL of the other 27 percent of machines with discrete cards (unlikely) it’s not going to massively affect Intel’s volume sales.

    Intel will be more concerned about the lucrative server market, which they do totally dominate. In fairness, they can only lose market share when they currently have 99 percent.

    AMD have to start somewhere but be under no illusion that AMD will suddenly rule the PC market. They can only claw back some of a small desktop market while they have no iGPU parts yet.

    Until we see a raft of notebook and iGPU parts the wider consumer impact will be fairly low, as much as gamers like to think PC revolves around them lol.

  16. That sentence made my brain hurt. You’ve heard rumours of an APU but you aren’t aware if you have any more rumours that you are aware of. Be sure to drop by if you are made aware of any more rumours but only if you are sure you are aware of them.

  17. Honestly, for the price difference between the ryzen and intel processors, you can afford to stick a discreet gpu (say, an rx 460) in there with the ryzen and still walk away cheaper.

  18. Assuming Ryzen prices are as low as you hope, performance is as good as you hope and Intel change absolutely nothing about their prices whatsoever.

    Rather unlikely.

  19. A small part of me is gutted that I’m missing out on all the fun. October last year I was down to a single laptop and I needed to put together a gaming PC. I only went for a i5 6600K but factor in the Asus Z170 Gene and it all seems a massive ball ache upgrading again. Still my 290X is due for an upgrade so lets see what’s on the table in the upcoming months from AMD.

  20. IronMetal ㋛ PutoPeludo


  21. IronMetal ㋛ PutoPeludo

    Cheaper and better!

  22. I think APUs are interesting for the notebook market, less so for desktop. Theoretically AMD could have a useful edge if they can ship them in notebooks with superior graphics to Intel’s integrated for a similar sort of price.

    Integrated in notebooks is still mostly useless for gaming except very low end. AMD chucking an RX 460 or something thereabouts onto a die with a quad core Ryzen could make for a nice cheap little low power gaming notebook.

  23. I guess if you can’t handle the anxiety, the best thing to do is to make up stories.

  24. oh really? I think Ryzen 5 1600X (near-finalized) is on par with Skylake’s i7-6900K, with much lower price.

    Source? Here it is, from CPU-Z CPU benchmark test.

  25. lol gj with proving his point.

  26. Hyperthreading originally was the old SMT that AMD dropped back when they had dual cores.
    Because Intel monopolized it and hadn’t improved that tech for years, they lost their advantage as AMD’s new SMT is more superior in efficiency.

    Plus Intel could only use HT, they don’t really understand its design to polish it or evolve it.

  27. 1600X is a XFR enabled 6 core 12 thread CPU.

    A 1400X could be faster than a i7 6900k in some form because of XFR and SMT combined.

    Yes that’s how powerful the new components are.

  28. No, it’s because APU and FX chips are still being sold in stores, so they are going to massively drop those pricing and fit Ryzen on top of them.

    A Ryzen APU is likely planned which is far more superior than the A10 and FX chips combined, given the performance of the CPU alone.

    And naturally it will perform better, because AM4 requires the ddr4 ram which is at least 2400mhz.

    RYZEN is cheaper, but upgrading or building AM4 or Intel equvilent is getting expensive due to the rising cost of Nand and 3d Nand components needed for Ram, GPUs, and SSD.

    DDR4 alone will net you a $100 cost for a pair of 8-16GB.
    128GB of SSD is close to $100.

  29. I don’t really care. I won’t be upgrading my PC for another couple of years.

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  31. WhateverYouWantItToBe

    They are planning some APUs with Vega graphics, these will be for the lower end and will destroy intel in graphics.

  32. SMT and hyperthreading are the same thing. Also wtf you talking about ?

  33. My wallet is ready! And just in time for the end of the tax year too, I need an 1800x for doing spreadsheet work right?

  34. With AMDs new CEO there is no reason for them to do badly. The companies been revamped so hopefully the AMD of hollow promises and constant delays is a thing of the past as we can return to the good old days of AMD being competitive/cutting edge.

  35. mate, I need an 1800x for printing a word doc,I know how u feel bro.

  36. Nothing wrong with what he/she said to be honest. It’s always a good thing to be sceptical and cautious these days.

  37. Troll comment, and fucking retarded. Games are starting to utilise 6 cores or more, and there have already been shots showing Zen to be right on par with intel for IPC. You are a intel employee, arent you?

  38. Vulcan, now where did you get that rx 460 idea? 😉

  39. IronMetal ㋛ PutoPeludo

    I think it’s called damage control, isn’t it?

  40. SMT = technical term

    HyperThreading = marketing term

    It’s all the same thing….

  41. Given Intel just licensed iGPU tech from AMD, I would have to say even Intel doesnt necessarily agree with you. If Intel uses that tech, AMD will have a a built-in stake in that 70 percent of the consumer market, without even releasing an APU of their own.

  42. That low-end you speak of is the fastest growing segment in gaming, and in considered a key demographic given both its growth, and current significant size. Additionally, the potential for each and every one of those low-end gamers “growing” into an eventual high-end gamer is something neither company can afford to throw away.
    It is also looking likely that the dominant positions enjoyed by Intel and Nvidia in the server and machine learning segments respectively will soon be under the same AMD assault we are seeing with the Ryzen product lineup.

  43. http://www.anandtech.com/show/2594/8

    That’s a 2008 article on hyperthreading being Intel’s marketing term yes, they ‘WERE’ the same if Ryzen is using the same old SMT, but if so there wouldn’t be any performance differences.

    The new SMT is not the same as Intel’s HT, as Intel is more software reliant and Ryzen’s SMT is basically 2.0, with new components built into the CPU to assist.

    AMD dropped SMT a long time ago due to threading issues, and Intel picked it up, simple as that. Had Intel be able to improve or make better use of HT, they would’ve provided it across ALL of their CPUs, not just i7s.

  44. What? Are you crazy? Who wouldn’t want to go to one of these?


  45. He made it up out of thin fanboy air.

  46. I think you should probably read more about that so called licensing partnership.

    It isn’t really what you are implying it is i.e lots of Intel chips with AMD graphics on them.

    Not happening anytime soon.

  47. Gaming is the fastest growing individual PC market but its still only a smaller percentage as illustrated. Intel have dominated that for a decade so I don’t think they are ‘throwing away’ anything, transforming from a low end gamer to a high end one hasn’t just started today.

    Bottom line is without an iGPU then Ryzen can only be competing in a small share of the current and near future market.

  48. Anyone that has been to several ones before and know what they are really like?

  49. Actually I doubt they would include in in every CPU afterall they need something extra to sell the high-end cpus

    Also note HT is on some i3 chips not just i7

  50. True they both benefit from it in the long run, let’s just hope that AMD have enough time to shine before Intel competes again so they can gain market share, that would benefit us all.

  51. Is that Koduri smoking weed? XD

  52. Nah, it’s just a cigar. The marketing department hoards all the ganja. XD

  53. waiting to see some RyZen PC builds on Youtube & see how it preforms with the most demanding PC games at 4k resolution , im going to wait on upgrading my GTX 1080 until the Ti drops & Vega is revealed so i can compare them.

  54. Yeah, AMD has sorted it out when it comes to multi-threading performance issues. While on Intel… I don’t think they will make any innovations regarding processing features like AMD did.

    And I think, AMD has it right.

  55. LoL