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Cooler Master Turbine Master Fan Review

Cooler Master rate the Turbine Master fan as generating 35 cfm airflow at a speed of 800 rpm, aided by the radical 16 blade design. At this given speed the fan is said to emit 13.83 dBa of noise. This is an extremely low level of noise and difficult to accurately measure. Even in our sound stage room electronic devices can emit ambient noise which can interfere with the results.

In this instance we have no need for a system so we are using a silent power supply hooked into the fan. The room rates as 21dBa  – the air conditioning unit in the very far corner of the room causes this.

KitGuru noise guide
10dBA – Normal Breathing/Rustling Leaves
20-25dBA – Whisper
30dBA – High Quality Computer fan
40dBA – A Bubbling Brook, or a Refridgerator
50dBA – Normal Conversation
60dBA – Laughter
70dBA – Vacuum Cleaner or Hairdryer
80dBA – City Traffic or a Garbage Disposal
90dBA – Motorcycle or Lawnmower
100dBA – MP3 player at maximum output
110dBA – Orchestra
120dBA – Front row rock concert/Jet Engine
130dBA – Threshold of Pain
140dBA – Military Jet takeoff/Gunshot (close range)
160dBA – Instant Perforation of eardrum

The Cooler Master Turbine Master fan did not cause our recording equipment to measure anything additional to the final ambient result. This is one of the very few fans that we can state only produces ‘whisper' levels of noise. This noise rating is very close to the Enermax TB Silence Fan that we tested in July last year.

The video below is not a measurement of noise, but the fan in action. We attached a small, high sensitivity microphone to the rear of the Turbine Master chassis to record the airflow over the mic head.

There is a high level of airflow being generated, especially for a ‘silent' fan design. We have no way to precisely measure this, but Cooler Master's modest rating of 35 cfm seems fairly accurate.

The motor design is exceptionally good, easily one of the best on the market.

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  1. Stunning piece of engineering.

  2. Great looking fan, looks like a plane engine !

  3. I will be ordering a few of these when they are out.

  4. Great design around the core motor. Price is excellent too. On my to buy list

  5. Love the appearance, awesome engineering. Looks very exposed at the rear though…

  6. Surprised how good the price is, most average fans are a fiver with old technology in them

  7. They stole my blade idea ! I have been thinking about this design for years, they have nailed the perfect fan design imo