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NZXT Switch 810 Full Tower Review

We take the issue of noise very seriously at KitGuru and this is why we have built our test system to be as quiet as possible. We can eliminate secondary noise pollution in the test room and concentrate specifically on the individual components we are testing. It also brings us slightly closer to industry standards, such as DIN 45635.

Today to test the chassis we have taken it into our acoustics room and have set our Digital Sound Level Noise Decibel Meter Style 2 one meter away from the case. This represents a real world situation and gives us an accurate reading of the noise level produced by the fans in the NZXT Switch 810 Full Tower. During this series of tests the processor fan will be controlled by the Smart Fan feature in the BIOS. We have this enabled to keep the noise generated by the cooler to a minimum so there will be less chance of distorting results.

As this can be a little confusing for people, here are various dBa ratings in with real world situations to help describe the various levels.

KitGuru noise guide
10dBA – Normal Breathing/Rustling Leaves
20-25dBA – Whisper
30dBA – High Quality Computer fan
40dBA – A Bubbling Brook, or a Refrigerator
50dBA – Normal Conversation
60dBA – Laughter
70dBA – Vacuum Cleaner or Hairdryer
80dBA – City Traffic or a Garbage Disposal
90dBA – Motorcycle or Lawnmower
100dBA – MP3 player at maximum output
110dBA – Orchestra
120dBA – Front row rock concert/Jet Engine
130dBA – Threshold of Pain
140dBA – Military Jet takeoff/Gunshot (close range)
160dBA – Instant Perforation of eardrum

The system is far from quiet, but considering it is targeting the performance audience, it is acceptable. Closing the top vent cuts the noise level to 38.5 dBA, not a large reduction but noticeable.

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  1. The weight puts me off, same as the coolermaster case they recently released at over 20kg. I move my case around sometimes, im not dealing with that, even with castors as they ruin the wood floor I have.

  2. I like the styling but I wonder why they omitted a fan controller? I dont want to run many fans at full speed. you would need to spend a fair bit of cash getting silent fans for this case without the controller.