The back of the case incorporates 3 watercooling holes, as well as 8 PCI slots.
The keys for the security locks can be seen at the top of the chassis. The PCI slots can be secured in place without any tools, although they were locked very tight and required a screwdriver the first time.
The bottom of the case features 4 very large plastic feet, and these can be swiveled 90 degrees for extra stability.
The Level 10 GT also features removable dust filters, one for the power supply and bottom-mounted fan, as well as one for the side fan. The front intake also features a removable dust filter, but this on the inside of the front panel.
We can see the front panel has its own lock, as well as a lever to adjust the angle of the airflow from the side fan.
The Headset Hanger is designed to be mounted on the side and is a simple but very effective addition to a gaming chassis.
very very sexy looking case, one of the nicest ive seen ever.
I really love this paintjob. id like to see it on the original Level 10, the GT doesnt appeal to me as much.