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Calyos NSG kit for Thermaltake Core P3

At CES Calyos showed its fanless passive cooling kit for Thermaltake Core P3 and we took a good look at the hardware during the KitGuru visit to Calyos in Brussels.

The idea is simple enough: Calyos has taken the hardware used in its NSG-S0 system and applied it to the Thermaltake Core P3. They are finalizing a loop heat pipe cooler for the CPU with the heat exchanger installed on the rear of the chassis. Alongside that is a second loop heat pipe cooler for the GPU and both coolers together can shed 400W of heat.

That is sufficient for a gaming desktop CPU and a GTX 1080 graphics card and of course the system is completely silent.

We asked Calyos why they were interested in developing hardware for such an esoteric and specific chassis as Thermaltake Core P3 and their answer surprised us.

In the first six months after launch in June 2016 Thermaltake sold 100,000 units of the Core P3 which is pretty darned remarkable.

Calyos would have been happy to supply a kit that contains both coolers however Thermaltake was adamant that they CPU and GPU coolers need to be separated to cater for those customers who only want to use the system on one chip or the other.

Detailed images from Calyos HQ visit, Brussels

(Pictures taken by Leo Waldock and Calyos, respective copyrights apply)

KitGuru Says: Once Thermaltake is happy with the finished product we can expect to see the coolers sold by Calyos with an ‘Approved by Thermaltake logo.’ We heard mention of a price ‘below 150 Euros’ for each cooler.

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  1. Looks ugly. In a closed up case it sounds good, though maybe it would heat up enclosed in a case with no fan

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  3. under 150 euros for a cooler like that? please tell me it is AM4 or AM3 compatible

  4. 150 Euros per cooler isn’t too bad. However, that additionalö copper or alu foam cooling is quite expensive last time I checked. Will that be supplied, or will it have to be sourced separately?