To test the thermal performance of the Aerocool Strike-X Cube we loaded our test system for 15 minutes using Prime95 and Furmark and recorded the maximum temperatures reached using CPUID Hardware Monitor. We then restarted the system and left it for 15 minutes before recording idle temperatures.
Room temperature was maintained at 20 degrees C for the duration of our tests.
These temperatures are pretty good, showcasing the decent thermal performance of the system.
Does it come with the Power Rangers figures, or do I have to buy the arm, leg and torso parts as well?
Thanks for this review, really like it.
You mentioned H75 watercooler as fitable, my big doubt is regarding corsair H45CW which is the model Chosen for my Strike X (red) cube. Does it fit ?
I will check out the other stuff in this site though more reviews about other stuff.