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Motorola now gunning for Apple: seven patent complaint

Apple may be battling Samsung in their high profile court case right now, but Motorola are lining up for their second U.S. Internal Trade Commission complaint against Apple. Motorola claim that Apple have a number of products available which infringe on seven owned patents relating to wireless technology, such as multimedia applications and managing messages.

Motorola are now owned by Google, who purchased the company recently to help strengthen their patent claims. They claim that a handful of Apple devices are infringing – including the iPod touch, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPad 2 and iPad 3. Other products such as the Macintosh Pro, iMac, Mac Mini, MacBook Air and Macbook Pro are also said to infringe on the patents.

Motorola are being represented by Quinn Emanuel, the law firm who are behind Samsung in the current case. This case is in the final stages in California.

A full list of the complaints can be read over at AppleInsider.

Motorola ITC Complaint

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