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Montech HyperFlow Silent 360 AIO Cooler – UPDATE 16 March 25

As some of you may have seen, this week we published a review of the Montech HyperFlow Silent 360 AIO cooler, both on the KitGuru website and our YouTube channel. In this review we explained that the HyperFlow Silent 360 AIO cooler has some issues in regards to the new AMD mounting system that Montech adopted...


  1. and to think, google has been collecting all this info for years.

  2. Wasn’t it Target that could tell women were pregnant and provide targeted marketing based on consumer behavior? And that was years ago, so this really shouldn’t come as a surprise.

  3. Claudiattorres1

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  4. Chaotic Entropy

    How much help can a firearm customer support line provide…? O.o

    “Have you tried turning the safety off and on again?”