Apple managed to get a temporary ban against Samsung tablet computers because the company said they were too alike the Apple iPad 2. A German court however has now granted sales of the new Samsung tablet, called the Galaxy Tab 10.1N, despite the objections of Apple.
The rejection against Apple means that Samsung can chalk up a victory in the ongoing battle between the companies. Dapd, news agency have reported that the state court in Dusseldorf have rejected Apple's call for an injunction preventing sales of the Galaxy Tab 10.1N in Germany.

The ruling says that Samsung have changed the design enough to prevent a breach of Apple's rights or German competition laws.
Kitguru says: The latest ruling however will not diffuse the hostile stance between Apple and Samsung and the battle is ongoing.
I’m sorry, but there is NO WAY a consumer would mistake a Samsung Galaxy for an Apple i-pad. For starters, the apple logo replaced by samsung is a dead giveaway. I am so tired of these patent wars. The whole industry needs to be rewritten similar to prescription pills. The inventor has a predetermined amount of time (in tech, I would say 5 years) where noone can infringe on intellectual property. After those 5 years, it becomes public domain and competitors are allowed to innovate and compete. I for one own an ipad, as I won it from work, but none the less if I wanted a apple or a samsung I would get which I preferred.