A Lenovo executive has spoken to the Guardian newspaper saying that Samsung have only sold 20,000 of 1,000,000 tablets that it shipped last year. He claims that they are trying to buy share from market leader Apple.
This low figure has came as a shock to many but Andrew Darrow, director of consumer products and pricing for Lenovo Western Europe spoke to the Guardian newspaper and said that “the problem with trying to substantially undercut the price of the Apple iPad, of which around 30m have so far been sold, was that “any [manufacturer] would be giving money away.”
Samsung did claim that they shipped 1 million 7 inch Galaxy devices last year, however Darrow says that this might be right, but they in fact only sold 20,000 of them. Samsung did not reply to the Guardian's efforts for clarification on the matter.

Samsung have said they did ship more than they sold, but the details never emerged. If the figures are drastically different to Darrow's claims, then they will assuredly issue some kind of statement this week.
Lenovo are releasing their IdeaPad K1 very soon and said “We don't feel the need to buy share from Apple. If the product sells, it sells.”
If Samsung have only sold 20,000 of the 1 million units then they could be seen as ‘channel stuffing' which means that manufacturers can claim huge shipments to hype the product. Even if actual sales are poor.
As we reported earlier today however, Samsung have other problems to deal with right now.
Kitguru says: It is not Samsung's common practice to flood the market with product, if it isn't selling but the claims are interesting. Samsung should hopefully make a comment soon.
Samsung are a sleeping giant that make some weird mistakes, but their potential is huge. The used to make good mp3 players, but then only give them code names like djh3423jsdf – and then wonder why they didn’t sell. I’m writing on a £1300 Samsung laptop that was an absolute steal for the spec and quality, but it drops the wireless if you plug a USB3 device in (note to self, complain again). They’re finally getting their cameras about right and have taken some interesting steps in that field, but still you expect them to do something careless and blow it all.
But I think they’re much more ‘on it’ than the Japanese who are slow moving, and still some way ahead of the Chinese, they really need to prosper now before China gets going. I think they should look towards a fully integrated laptop /storage/ tv / camera / music range with a clear unity in design, branding and nomenclature that all instantly recognises each other without pfaffing around… a bit like err… that other company… what are they called? Point is, Samsung already have the right range of products to really give Apple a scare, they should act before Apple TVs and Cameras appear. But they’ve been locked into pseudo-Japanese thinking for too long and are going about it the wrong way..
Haven’t Samsungs G-Tab & a couple of their phone models been prevented from going on sale in some western territories?
Several of my friends have samsung G-Tabs & phones, they seem to be doing well as far as I can see!
Is he releasing a competing product perhaps?