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News, reviews and independent buying advice for phones, PDAs and other devices that fit in your pocket.

Apple patch OS x 10.6.4 – fire sharing security issue fixed

Apple announced a security update for OS X 10.6.4 which has addressed an issue which could allow a remote attacker to gain access to shared folders without a valid password. Security Update 2010-006 was issued yesterday afternoon and it applies to OS X 10.6.4 and X Server 10.6.4. The 1.93MB …

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Apple iPad is killing notebook sales

Best Buy are hinting that the Apple iPad is killing the notebook market, cutting sales by as much as 50 percent. Best Buy announced earlier this week that all 1,093 of their stores in the US would be stocking the iPad later this month. They have also announced a 61 …

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Apple share values reach all time high

Whether you love them, or love to hate them, 2010 has been a very strong year so far from the shiny fruit maker from Cupertino. Their shares lately have been reflecting their business strength and shares closed at an all time high with an increase of $6.35 (up 2.35%). Apple's …

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Android showing staggering growth: iPhone down, as predicted

As KitGuru predicted all the major players are starting to lose ground in the US market to the Android machine which is only starting to gain momentum. ComScore, marketing intelligence leader has published its quarterly Mobile Subscriber Market Share findings which has been tracking smartphone subscribers for three months ending …

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iPad pushed to all 1,093 US Best Buy stores on September 26th

The Apple monster continues to roll and US leading retailer Best Buy are going to start selling the ipad in ALL of the US stores from September the 26th to boost holiday sales. Chris Burritt reported the information on BloomBerg and Apple's Chief Executive officer Brian Dunn said: “Expanding iPad …

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Nokia – attractive phone design important to win customers

Nokia held an event yesterday in London called ‘Nokia World' and they presented four new smartphones to help win back customers from rivals such as Apple. Nokia's design strategy director said that he expects attractive hardware design to become increasingly important in order to win new smartphone buyers as the …

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New iPad coming soon – slimmed down with camera

The iPad has generated a lot of money for Apple, with geeks across the globe latching onto its portable goodness and high quality screen. Latest rumours in however show that a new version is already in the cards for release next year. The Apple iPad is a great product, but …

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Android OS sales to surpass Blackberry and Apple

Make no mistake, Android is going to take over the world. At KitGuru we firmly believe that Googles smartphone operating system is going to dominate the market, if not this year then in 2011. After we reviewed the Dell Streak a while ago, we were in no doubts this would …

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Apple stop free iPhone 4 bumper case deal

Apple have published a statement on their website saying that they are stopping the free bumper case offer for iPhone 4 users. They are claiming that the antenna issues are ‘smaller than they originally thought'. Their statement says: “We now know that the iPhone 4 antenna attenuation issue is even …

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Intel CEO says Apple TV is ‘for mom’

Intel top dog Paul Otellini said in an interview yesterday that the first Google TV devices will start shipping in September. He has also launched a rather scathing attack on Apple TV – probably because it is using an ARM chip rather than a Pentium M. Otellini said that he …

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are Apple really going to sell 28 million iPads in 2011?

UBS Investment Research have estimated that Apple could sell 28 million iPads in 2011, causing delayed customer purchases of traditional notebooks. “Sales of traditional notebooks appear to be feeling pressure from the iPad, causing a scramble by vendors to launch iPad-like tablets,” UBS Investment Research analyst Maynard Um said. “We …

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Is Android the future?

We have been publishing many stories recently on Google's Android operating system and we even reviewed the new Dell Streak which makes full use of the platform. What many people aren't realising however is that the platform is undergoing some staggering growth trends lately. Android in August has taken share …

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iPad set to replace paper in Lloyd’s of London

Apple's iPad has been one of the biggest success stories in the tech world in 2010 with many millions being sold since launch a few months ago. The latest news in is that Lloyds of London are going to be testing out the iPad as a replacement for the paper …

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Apple’s Ping gets hammered with comment spam

On paper, Apple's new social media service Ping was a great idea, but unfortunately according to Sophos it has already been abused by people spamming the system and trying to offload phoney gadgets. The Ping network service integrates with iTunes 10 to let users follow their favourite artists and to …

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Apple TV now $99 – new focus on rentals and streaming

Apple have announced a much smaller and cheaper version of the Apple TV set top box. This new release also heavily promotes the introduction of rentable TV shows, a move that many people have wanted to see from quite some time. The new Apple TV is smaller than a quarter …

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Microsoft Windows Phone 7 released to manufacturing

Microsoft are investing hundreds of millions into their new Windows Phone 7 SmartPhone platform and they reached their release to manufacturing phase yesterday, September 1st 2010. Microsoft are keen to take mobile market share from big players Apple and Google and the RTM stage means that Microsoft's partners can integrate …

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Intel aiming to take over the mobile world

Intel have been spending a huge amount of money lately … $7.7 billion dollars on security company McAfee and recently $1.4 billion on Infineon. It is clear they are focusing on the mobile marketplace with these purchases, especially when the MeeGo mobile operating system partnership with Nokia is taken into …

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Apple may release new iPhone 4 with revised antenna

For the last couple of months, Apple have been taking a high priority in the press with the iPhone 4 antenna issues. The solution was to give everyone who experienced issues a free case. Telcel, a Mexican mobile carrier have said that after September 30th Apple are releasing revised iPhone …

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