It looks like uTorrent users are currently running into issues on Windows, as Microsoft's Windows Defender tool has begun flagging the torrent client as a potential threat. Several other anti-virus vendors have also begun labeling the latest version of uTorrent as harmful. It is unclear exactly what triggered this change …
Read More »Researchers claim some Android vendors are hiding missed security patches from users
Over the last few years, Google has been making efforts to keep Android secure by frequently pushing out security patches to Pixel devices, and handing them over to third-party Android phone makers so that they can keep their customers up to date. Unfortunately, it looks like many manufacturers are doing …
Read More »Zuckerberg’s congressional hearing raises data abuse awareness
Somehow, Facebook's most recent data leak has both shocked and failed to surprise large swaths of social media users in a range of emotions that seem to fall on the side of disinterest. The idea of customers becoming the product when using free services that serve up targeted ads feels …
Read More »The CIA Wants To Compromise Your Router
While WikiLeaks isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, if you’re in the IT field and haven’t investigated the Vault 7 release, this article will be of interest to you. In 2017, WikiLeaks published a series of documents describing hacking tools allegedly in use by the CIA. The release published June 15th …
Read More »New ransomware forces targets to play PUBG to get their files back
While most ransomware is designed to squeeze money out of victims, a new ransomware discovered this week simply wants you to play PUBG. This week, the folks at MalwareHunterTeam discovered new ‘PUBG Ransomware', which does exactly what you would expect it to do- it holds your files hostage until you play …
Read More »Facebook will begin notifying 87 million users affected by data harvesting
Over the last few weeks, Facebook has been embroiled in a huge data scandal, after it was revealed that a firm known as Cambridge Analytica harvested the Facebook details of millions of users to help sway elections. Now starting from today, Facebook will begin notifying the 87 million users that …
Read More »Intel halts Spectre patch plans for some older CPUs
Since January, Intel has been working on mitigating the impact of the Spectre vulnerability by releasing microcode updates for past chips. Intel CPUs dating back an entire decade are prone to Spectre, so the company started at the top, and began working its way down towards older generations. Patches for …
Read More »Microsoft’s initial Meltdown patch has opened up a worse security risk
Back in January, Microsoft attempted to smooth over Intel’s buggy Meltdown fixes by issuing a patch of its own. Unfortunately, it seems that the Windows-maker has also dropped the ball on its patch, causing an even greater security hole in the process. It was obvious from the reveal of Spectre …
Read More »Kaspersky supposedly foiled a government operation by revealing Slingshot malware
Two weeks ago, Kaspersky Lab revealed that it had uncovered a strain of malicious malware dubbed Slingshot, that had gone undetected for six years. It turns out that this was, in fact state-sponsored malware targeting terrorism and Kaspersky has ruined years-worth of a government sanctioned operation. Kaspersky went public with …
Read More »AMD responds with its own technical assessment of CTS Labs’ research
AMD has officially responded with a technical assessment of the vulnerabilities published by CTS Labs' last week.
Read More »CTS Labs’ disclosure of supposed AMD security flaws looks shady
There has been a media blitz of reports surrounding AMD Zen processor flaws over the last 24 hours. However, the situation surrounding CTS Labs, its research and its disclosure, is suspicious to say the least.
Read More »Slingshot malware has gone undetected in routers for six years
Researchers have uncovered malware that has kept hidden since 2012, dubbing the malicious strain Slingshot after names found within the files. Despite only 100 systems found infected, Slingshot is sophisticated and no short of a “masterpiece” according to its discoverers. Slingshot was revealed by researchers at Kaspersky Lab as a …
Read More »Select Samsung devices are receiving security updates less than others
While Android offers incredible amounts of versatility, its disparity between manufacturers and carriers can often mean that users are left without the latest update. It seems that Samsung is guilty of this, even issuing security updates less on certain devices than others. The primary reason for the delay in most …
Read More »A more recent version of the PS4’s firmware has now been cracked
Since the launch of the Xbox One and PS4, there has been much speculation over when these consoles will be able to be emulated, or even hacked and modded. In January we got some news on that front after some console modders were able to crack an older version of …
Read More »Cellebrite can now reportedly crack almost any iPhone
Two years ago, one of the biggest stories around was Apple's battle with the FBI over encryption and user privacy. At the time, the FBI wanted to force Apple into cracking an iPhone 5c at the center of a criminal investigation. Apple refused and the FBI spent $900,000 hiring Cellebrite …
Read More »1Password subscribers can now check if their password has been leaked
Data leaks and breaches are increasingly common nowadays, potentially putting user information in harm’s way. Password protection service 1Password has a proof of concept feature that will help further secure its users' accounts, notifying them if their password has been compromised thanks to its integration with Troy Hunt’s Pwned Passwords. …
Read More »uTorrent users urged to update as Google reveals security issues
Given that uTorrent is one of the most popular torrent clients around, there is a good chance that many of you currently use it. If you have it installed, then be sure to upgrade to the latest version, as multiple security flaws were recently discovered in the software, and have …
Read More »Nvidia and Uni security researchers developed a new Spectre and Meltdown exploit
Ever since the Meltdown and Spectre revelations hit at the start of this year, security researchers have been working out the extent of the damage and the various ways it can be exploited in order to help with patch development. This week, experts from Nvidia and Princeton University managed to …
Read More »Microsoft’s latest Windows patch disables Intel’s buggy Spectre 2 fix
Over the last few weeks, Intel, Microsoft and other firms have been working double-time to push out fixes for the Spectre bug following its public unveiling. The bug poses as a serious security concern, so there is plenty of need for swift action. However, that has come at the expense …
Read More »US Gov calls on leading tech firms to explain Spectre and Meltdown secrecy
The public unveiling of the Spectre and Meltdown CPU bugs has caught the tech industry by storm over the last several weeks. We've been getting constant updates on patches and new information on how the bug was handled prior to going public is still coming to light. Now, it turns …
Read More »Two-factor authentication has made its way to Reddit
Reddit has been testing its two-factor authentication (2FA) for months now, attempting to add another layer of security to protect its users’ data. The popular discussion website has worked alongside its users as well as moderators and third-party app developers to ensure Reddit’s new layer of security is up to …
Read More »Uber says its latest security flaw doesn’t “warrant immediate action or a fix”
Uber is no stranger to controversy, as it was revealed at the end of last year the cab firm had covered up a data breach that had affected 57 million users by paying a ransom. Now, it seems the company is passing off a security flaw that allows hacker to …
Read More »Denuvo is about to get tougher after joining forces with security firm Iderto
Over the last few years, Denuvo has made a big name for itself in the gaming world. The anti-tamper technology has had its stumbles, but overall, it has managed to keep many games protected from piracy for rather extensive periods of time. It looks like larger security companies took notice …
Read More »OnePlus confirms 40,000 customers affected by credit card breach
Update 2 (22/01/18): Over the last week, OnePlus has been investigating reports of its customers suffering from credit card fraud shortly after purchasing a phone directly from the company's website. At the time, OnePlus switched off credit card payments as a safety precaution and said that the issue only affected …
Read More »AMD issues update on CPU security: Spectre is a concern, Meltdown is not
There has been a lot of discussion surrounding the Spectre and Meltdown security bugs over the last week. After evaluating the situation, AMD has explained which of these bugs affect its own CPUs and how it plans to solve the problem.
Read More »2018 Wi-Fi routers to get WPA3 wireless protection
Currently, most modern routers boast WPA2 wireless security protocol, but it seems that a replacement is inbound. Wi-Fi Protected Access 3 (WPA3) has actually been around for quite some time, but now might finally be coming into play on upcoming routers. The news was announced by The Wi-Fi Alliance, comprised …
Read More »Microsoft halts security patch after AMD systems fail to boot
Following on from last week's news of a kernel bug affecting x86 systems, OS makers began preparing patches. Microsoft's Windows 10 patch to mitigate this issue was due to arrive today but it seems that it caused issues with AMD systems. As a result, the patch is being halted on …
Read More »Intel updates its kernel flaw statement with performance findings from Microsoft, Apple and others
Earlier this week a security flaw with x86 CPUs went public, which reportedly impacted Intel CPUs the most. The major concern going around was that in order to fix this, OS makers would have to change how Windows, macOS and Linux manage the kernel, which would lead to a performance …
Read More »Intel responds to CPU kernel access security flaw
Yesterday, Intel found itself in a bit of a bind after a security flaw went public. The flaw allowed users with modern CPUs on modern operating systems to gain access to the kernel, which opens PCs up to a range of cyber attacks. At the time, it was believed that …
Read More »OS makers are scrambling to fix Intel CPU design flaw that allows kernel access
(Update 04/01/18): Intel has released a statement over the security concerns raised below. It seems that this may not be an issue unique to Intel's own CPUs and any performance impacts will be mitigated over time. You can find more details HERE. (Original Story 03/01/18): This week it has emerged …
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