Anonymous, renowned hacktivist group have announced a war against Sony, and they appear to have struck the first blow already. They announced on Sunday that Sony's legal actions against hacker Geohot and their other corporate behaviours “have been deemed an unforgivable offense against free speech and internet freedom.” They have …
Read More »millions potentially affected by Epsilon email breach
Permission email marketing outsourcer Epsilon have announced a data breach which could affect millions of people. In a short statement, they announced that the breach affects a ‘subset' of its customer data, but has yet to disclose the full extent of the problem. The unauthorised entry into its email system …
Read More »Cyberattack hits hundreds of thousands of websites
Hundreds of thousands of websites have been compromised by a huge cyber attack. The attack was based around a well known exploit on other sites to insert a link to their website. Those visiting the cyber crooks webpage were told that their machines were infected with many different viruses. Security …
Read More »RSA targeted and compromised by sophisicated hackers
The security division of EMC, RSA have been hit with a sophisicated cyber attack which might end reducing the effectiveness of their SecurID authentication services. Executive Chairman Art Coviello sent a letter to RSA customers and documented that the company had recently “identified an extremely sophisticated cyber attack in progress …
Read More »High profile DDoS attack originates from China
The recent high profile denial of service attack (DDoS) that hit the blog publishing platform last week has now been shown to have originated from China, according to the sites founder. DDoS attacks are particularly nasty, as they simultaneously attack a web site with data so it becomes overwhelmed. …
Read More »WinAmp forums attacked, hacked and personal info leaked
AOL have suffered a rather embarassing security breach as the Winamp forums were attacked and email addresses and password details were stolen. Winamp forums general manager Geno Yoham sent an email to all registered members of the community warning that his team had ‘quickly detected and blocked' an attack on …
Read More »Kaspersky security violated by old hack
Despite the fact that Kaspersky has been dealing with threats for more than 13 years, KitGuru spies have smuggled footage to HQ which proves categorically that its security was completely exposed by one of the oldest hacks we know. KitGuru dons night vision goggles to explain. Kaspersky is arguably the …
Read More »100,000 US PSP users sued in last year
Collated publically available information on US cases against P2P filesharers shows that 100,000 US peer to peer users have been sued in the last year. The findings also highlight that the adult entertainment business is high on the prosecution list. Out of the 99,924 people sued, the vast majority are …
Read More »Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook page gets hacked
It was bound to happen, especially after the release of the recent movie, but Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's page was hacked on Tuesday. This is certainly a good indication that the security in place still needs to be improved. The message that the hackers left read “Let the hacking begin: …
Read More »Hacker selling government websites
Security group Imperva accidentally came across a hacker's offer in an underground forum in the black market of a US Army's Communications Electronics Command (CECOM) website. Imperva said the hacker claims websites control that includes military, universities and government websites. The hacker is charging between $33 and $499 depending on …
Read More »Stuxnet worm a US and Israel project ?
One of the most serious security issues in recent years was the release of the Stuxnet worm. Latest reports from The New York Times suggest that the creation was a joint project between the US and Israeli governments. The report suggests that the virus was created by the Israelis while …
Read More »U.S. clamps down hard on piracy – 70 websites shut
The U.S. federal forces are coming down hard on websites that are selling counterfeit and pirated products – shutting down 70 websites last week. These websites offered many goods, such as golf clothing and equipment, scarves and even rap music. The domain names have been seized by the U.S. Immigration …
Read More »Stuxnet super virus – the end of the world as we know it ?
The Stuxnet super virus is a new breed of viruses which is worrying governments across the globe. It has already disrupted the Iran Nuclear programme earlier this year. Latest reports from various news sources suggest it is now on the black market and could be used by terrorists. Sky News …
Read More »Ban sick PC’s from internet say Microsoft
A senior researcher at Microsoft says that virus infected computers that pose a threat to other PC's should be blocked from accessing the internet. Scott Charney of the trustworthy computing team said that this concept follows ideas learned from public health situations. Putting infected computers into a temporary quarantine would …
Read More »ZeuS Trojan hybrids prove unstoppable
ZeuS malware has been used for some time now to steal personal information from online accounts and while several arrests have taken place in the US and the UK this Trojan is proving difficult to stop. Arresting several organisations unfortunately won't suddenly mean that this nasty piece of software vanishes. …
Read More »AVG and McAfee to merge within 6 months?
KitGuru reported that Intel bought McAfee yesterday for $7.68 billion. That's interesting enough. But when you consider Intel's other investments, it leads to some intersting possibilities. KitGuru investigates. When Jan Gritzbach and Tomas Hofer got together in 1991, it wasn't the AVG antivirus program they developed that had the biggest …
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