Hot off the back of its Instagram gaff, Facebook has suffered another blow to its reputation, as its Midnight Message Delivery app, that was designed to allow people to leave messages for loved ones that would be sent automatically as the New Year rolled around, had a gaping hole in …
Read More »Nintendo 3DS hack gives user full control
The Nintendo 3DS has been under attack by hackers for the last couple of years but Nintendo has been steadfast in its defence of the handheld's security. A couple of weeks ago though, we saw the beginnings to what could be a hack that opens the system up and now …
Read More »McAfee on drugs? Customers shafted for Xmas
When we see the headline ‘McAfee on drugs', it's natural to assume that it relates to the security company's founder – who seems to have picked up a talent for production in the meth lab now that his creation is well and truly in the clutches of Intel. But we're …
Read More »Heroes of Newerth accounts hacked
S2 Games has announced that its MOBA title, Heroes of Newerth, has been hacked and the passwords of user's accounts have been breached. To counter it the developer has reset everyone's passwords and is recommending that any players change any login information elsewhere that shares details with HoN. Showing a …
Read More »Security flaw found in Samsung SOC
A member of the XDA developers forum named ‘alephzain' has claimed that there is a flaw in several Samsung handset and tablets which could allow attackers to access the RAM. The Register ran the story a short while ago. Alephzain posted the information here claiming that “The security hole is …
Read More »Hacker marketplace plundered… by hackers
ExploitHub, a site that offers code that takes advantage of software vulnerabilities for a small fee, has found itself hacked, with a large database of its marketable software made available for free in a site dump. Initially, the site's admins claimed that merely a message board discussion database had been …
Read More »Facebook help FBI arrest 10 for botnet crimes
The FBI have arrested 10 people who are associated with a crime ring. They made the announcement and said that malware had infected 11 million computer systems and caused more than $850 million in losses. “The Department of Justice and the FBI, along with international law enforcement partners, announced the …
Read More »Using IE? Hackers may be able to track your mouse
While this isn't necessarily a vulnerability that could cause problems for the average user, those that make use of virtual keyboards – perhaps those with physical disabilities – are at risk thanks to a vulnerability in the Internet Explorer browser, making it possible for a nefarious few to track mouse …
Read More »iPhone thieves photographed by iGotYa-style app
While Apple itself is not sure about apps that run outside of the Jobs-o-sphere, companies like iGotYa were doing such good trade outside the OSX law, that their software seems to be getting installed more and more. What does it do? Simple. It photographs people that attempt to use your …
Read More »Password security, you should care!
For the last couple of weeks, I have been getting many calls from friends and family members about their computers giving problems. This is nothing unusual, but I have been noticing a plethora of security issues on the computers I have been fixing. One of the computers I have to …
Read More »Is a Polish hacker using your credit card right now?
Are you security aware? Most of us shop online fairly regularly. I use multiple passwords for all my accounts and play it safe, as best as I can. I was asked to help a friend (not the brightest guy you could meet if I was being honest) with his system …
Read More »Android malware is not nearly as bad as what many believe
Android has been given a fair bit of stick recently for being very malware friendly. While the competition, including Steve Ballmer, are clearly rather subjective a recent report from F-Secure has a lot more credibility. Their most recent report for Q3 2012 reveals that there were 51,000 instances of malware, compared …
Read More »Skype exploit lets you steal anyone’s account
Update: Skype has now disabled the password reset link, though there is another one that's supposedly active. Original Story: A new exploit for VOIP software client, Skype, has been discovered that has the potential to allow anyone to steal anyone else's account, if they have the person's login email. Fortunately …
Read More »Do you use an antivirus client or just Windows Defender?
I admit it, I don't like taking risks. I always use an antivirus package on my Windows systems and my friend says that I am unnecessarily ‘slowing down my system' because with safe surfing there is actually no need to install one. If you have installed Windows 8 you may …
Read More »Hacker defaces NBC and Lady Gaga websites
A hacker who calls himself ‘pyknic' has taken credit for defacing some websites belonging to NBC as well as a Lady Gaga website. People who visited the sites yesterday were presented with a message which referenced the failed assassination against King James I of England and King James VI of …
Read More »In Russia, cyber crime is cheap
Whether you're looking to hire a hacker for an hour, or have someone spammed, maybe you want a botnet of your very own, or a trojan that lets you take over a particular computer? All of this can be had for at most, a few hundred pounds – all you …
Read More »Increased Hacker Interest in SQL Injection Attacks
Imperva, Inc. today released its October Hacker Intelligence Initiative report, “Monitoring Hacker Forums,” its second annual analysis of a large hacker forum containing roughly 250,000 members. Imperva has detected a black market for social network fraud. In addition, about one third of discussions in the hacker forum focused on training …
Read More »Kaspersky warns of targeted Cyberbomb MiniFlame threat
Most of KitGuru's readers are probably not schooled in the whole art of nuclear warfare – which is a good thing. Those who grew up prior to the eighties would have been presented with many documentaries on the threat posed by the USSR and its advanced nuclear weapons programmes. Reading …
Read More »Pirate Party speaks out on Gary McKinnon extradition block
Leader of the UK's Pirate Party, Loz Kaye, has been speaking out about the extradition of hacker Gary McKinnon, after it was blocked yesterday by home secretary Theresa May. As you might imagine, he's pleased. “Today's decision is welcome, if long overdue. It's frankly a scandal that Gary McKinnon has been …
Read More »Microsoft issuing bans for Halo 4 pirates
Microsoft has announced that anyone found to have played the early release, pirated edition of Halo 4, will be given a lifetime Xbox Live ban. Some that have already played the game soon found themselves in receipt of an email from Microsoft that charged them with “prerelease title play.” Eurogamer …
Read More »Could gamers be the next-gen security experts?
While we're used to seeing Hollywood depict hacking and computer access as some sort of 3D world to be explored, whether it's in Tron, or Jurassic Park, those seemingly ridiculous scenarios might actually be closer to computer security of the future than we might think. Traditionally, security officials spend their time looking …
Read More »IEEE hack confirmed, 100k plain text passwords vulnerable
After details were revealed by Radu Dragusin over at a few days ago that passwords and user details for some 100,000 members of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers had been made publicly available on the company's FTP server for at least a month, the organisation has now …
Read More »German government warns against IE use
With the latest of serious bugs in IE going unfixed for a couple of days now, Germany's government has taken the surprising move to urge its citizens to stop using the long standing browser, amid fears over its security. Considering the flaw can affect all versions of the browser, it …
Read More »GoDaddy not hacked, claim router table problems
We reported yesterday that an Anonymous source had claimed responsibility for the raft of websites taken down in an ‘attack' on The company issued a statement claiming that the problem was based on corrupted router tables, not ‘external influences'. GoDaddy interim CEO Scott Wagner, wrote a small announcement which …
Read More » hacked, websites down
Millions of websites hosted by were taken down yesterday for a couple of hours before the services started to come back online in the afternoon. A hacker who was apparently associated with the Anonymous group took responsibility on Another Twitter account associated with the group has disputed the …
Read More »Apple ID’s not taken from Federal laptop, say FBI
The FBI are denying claims that well known hacking group AntiSec took 12 million Apple IDs from the laptop of a federal agent. AntiSec said they took 12.36 million ID's from the laptop and they were making some of the details public so they could draw attention to the activities …
Read More »Malware on the rise: highest in 4 years
According to a new McAfee report, Malware attacks are at their highest in 4 years. Mobile devices feature high on the list. McAfee, now owned by Intel issued their quarterly Threats Report and it points out that there is a 1.5 million increase in malware since Q1 this year, a …
Read More »Hacktivists infect 30,000 PCs at Saudi oil company
For as long as there have been computers, there have been hackers. Moving forward in the 21st century, there seems to be an ever increasing risk of activists, with a political agenda and computer skills, attacking major companies without putting themselves at risk in the streets. KitGuru considers this latest …
Read More »Kaspersky needs your help with Gauss malware warhead
Anti-virus maker and web security firm Kaspersky Lab, has begun reaching out to the world wide community with a plea for help. It's looking for those interested in cryptology, numerology and maths, with the hope that someone will be able to help it crack an encryption key for a warhead …
Read More »Gauss virus to hit banking systems. state funded?
Kaspersky Lab have found another virus, which they claim could be state funded. This virus, nicknamed GAUSS appears to be have been written by the same people who handled the Flame, data mining virus. GAUSS has been detected on 2,500 computers, mostly in Lebanon according to Kaspersky. The code tries …
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