Yannis Mallat , the CEO of Ubisoft Montreal has thrown his two cents into the always-on argument flames that have raged across the internet in recent weeks thanks to comments by both ex-Microsoft creative director Adam Orth and Epic Games alumni, Cliff Blezinski, suggesting that a lot of people are …
Read More »What happens to spam after you die?
It's an interesting question – and certainly something that can be classified, for now, as a ‘first world problem'. But, sooner or later, the question of ‘What happens to a person's data when they're dead' will come up for almost everyone on the planet. KitGuru plays the theme tune from …
Read More »Ubisoft Uplay hacked, leaked Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon in wild
Ubisoft's hyped Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon spin off, has found its way into the wild on torrent sites and through the official Uplay service, after Ubisoft's servers were hacked, opening up free game downloads to those responsible. Some are pointing the finger at the Russians for this one, with …
Read More »Skype spread trojan could make you a bitcoin miner
A new trojan has been discovered that is being spread through innocuous looking Skype messages, giving ‘hackers' control of your machine. Once they do so however, they aren't creating a botnet, or stealing credit card details, but making you part of a distributed bitcoin mining network. Those hit with the …
Read More »Who can write the most malicious code?
This is the question asked by coding competition, Underhanded C, which pits hackers against each other to create the most nefarious bit of code they can come up with; but the trick is doing so while making it stealthy enough to avoid casual investigation. The setup in this latest competition …
Read More »Unsuspecting users involved in Spamhaus DNS attacks
There may be hundreds of thousands of unsuspecting British computer users involved in cyber attack, because their router has been compromised. Spamhaus, which runs a filtering service used to stop spam emails has been under attack from 18th march after they added a Dutch hosting organisation called CyberBunker to their …
Read More »Faux BBC and CNN news emails contain malware
If you've been getting lookalike news emails from CNN or the BBC in the past few days, you could have been hit by a malware attack and it may well be worth doing a few safe mode scans with popular anti-malware software, if an AVG report on the Blackhole exploit …
Read More »Alienvault director speaks out on South Korean digital security and hacks
Yesterday South Korean computers were hit by a big systems crash across banks and major media, prompting many to point the finger at North Korea. A few sources have suggested that a certain piece of malware was used in the suspected attack that wiped the Master Boot Record – but …
Read More »High profile Microsoft employee Xbox Live accounts hacked
Well I say hacked, in reality I mean social engineered. It turns out that some high profile Microsoft employees have had their accounts taken over by a nefarious few, who used the employees' social security numbers and other services' customer support to gain access. Microsoft has been keen to point …
Read More »Riot announces further player crack downs
With the most popular game in the world right now, it's not surprising that Riot is forced to deal with some irritatingly “toxic” players from time to time. However today's crack down is on an entire team for ELO boosting and one for seeming to DDOS an opposing player mid-game. The near …
Read More »No nuclear power stations, says NATO cyber war manual
A new NATO document on state-sponsored hacking has suggested some targets that are off-limits, in the same way that the UN doesn't allow for the stockpiling or usage of chemical weapons. This manual has suggested that the no-go areas of digital warfare are: hospitals, nuclear power stations, dams and dykes. …
Read More »Hacked casino CCTV nets hackers £22 million
In something that seems more like a scene from 21 or an Ocean's # movie, hackers in Australia have managed to nab over £20 million worth of down under dollars from a casino, after hacking its CCTV security system and using it to spy on the opposition's cards. Like any …
Read More »Billboard hackers given security bounty
Similar to the way that Kim Dotcom's Mega has been doling out rewards to those that manage to find flaws in its security, a pair of hackers from Serbia have been given prizes for hacking into a local billboard and playing space invaders on it. We reported on the duo …
Read More »SimCity is taking a beating for always-on DRM
The latest version of SimCity has only been out for a couple of days, but it's already drawn a lot of flak from gamers. Initially it was because the servers were intermittent at best and now it's because EA took them down in order to improve stability. Of course none …
Read More »Hackers target Czech news media
Hackers hit some of the major news websites in the Czech Republic this morning, bringing many of them to their knees and making most hard, if not impossible to access. These include the country's biggest news sites: ihned.cz, dnes.cz and novinky.cz. The attacks were nothing out of the ordinary, just …
Read More »Evernote reset passwords after hackers steal login info
Evernote, the popular online personal organiser have had to issue a password reset for all their users after hackers penetrated the company's protection systems and accessed login credentials. The company sent out an email to customers. The Evernote team found out about the attack and subsequently blocked ‘suspicious activity on …
Read More »China points cyber finger at US
While we might often hear stories of how the US is being targeted by Chinese hackers, the communist country has now pointed its finger at the US, suggesting most of the attacks against its nation come from the Western one. According to China's defence ministry, last year nearly 150,000 attacks …
Read More »Adobe security updates fix zero day bugs
Everytime I turn on my computer I seem to get another update request for Adobe Flash, as the company seem to be working hard to plug security holes for their ever popular code. February has been a busy month for the update team. The Adobe Product Security Incident Response Team …
Read More »Stuxnet code older than initially thought
Stuxnet is a celebrity among viral code, hitting the headlines some time ago for reportedly hitting an Iranian nuclear facility. A new cyber security report claims it is much older than initially thought. Symantec researchers, one of the firms involved in the initial analysis of the code when it was …
Read More »PlanetSide 2 EU accounts hacked
If you have an EU account with PlanetSide 2, it might be a good idea to change your login information. While the devs are claiming everything is under control, it appears a nefarious few may have managed to steal email addresses and passwords of some European accounts for the MMO …
Read More »McAfee proclaim an (almost) end to Botnet malware
McAfee have gathered 113 million core samples of malware signatures in the last year and they are going to use that information into a new software suite using behavioral heuristics in their code to spot unknown samples. The final result could mean that botnets would be defeated, worldwide. Pat Calhoun, …
Read More »BBC supports idea of HTML DRM
The BBC, an organisation that in the past has championed open standards – according to their own blog – has pledged its support for the W3C proposal put forward by big media giants last week, in an effort to have the standards group push for DRM restrictions on HTML. The …
Read More »Artists claim CNET responsible for all BitTorrent piracy
A collection of artists and billionaire FilmOn founder Alki David, have accused CBS and CNET's run Download.com, as being responsible for most of the world's piracy, simply because it currently and has for a long time, offered torrent software for download. Of course that's like suggesting kitchen utensil sales companies like John …
Read More »US government potentially has social network spy tools
In a report that shows the capabilities of a piece of social networking snooping technology, developed by Raytheon, a US defence contractor, it has emerged that the tool, while not sold to any foreign parties, was shared with the US government in 2010. This means that the technology, dubbed ironically …
Read More »Symantec and Microsoft shutdown search fraud botnet
A botnet that hijacked the clicks and search results of millions of net users has been shut down by Microsoft and Symantec. Apparently the group responsible was netting over a million dollars a year through advertising revenue, generated by the misappropriated traffic. In order to achieve the shut down, the Microsoft Symantec …
Read More »PandaLabs claims a third of world’s computers are infected
Anti-malware firm PandaLabs, has released new information from its 2012 security report, which suggests that just under a third of the world's computers are infected with some sort of malware. It's also been reported that there are 27 million new strains of infective software out there that weren't present before …
Read More »New Android Malware infects smartphone and uses PC to spy
New Android malware called Droidcleaner has been causing problems for many people, infecting smartphones and using a PC to spy on the end user. Researchers at Kaspersky Labs have uncovered the new malware which poses as a ‘cleaner' style application, and one that can ‘free used' memory on devices. It …
Read More »Twitter admit 250,000 users have passwords stolen
Twitter have admitted that 250,000 users have had their passwords and email addresses stolen by hackers. This breach is one of the biggest ever recorded by Twitter, they may have over 200 million users, but a quarter of a million people have had their accounts compromised. Twitter have said they …
Read More »Russian digital security leak has been ongoing for years
Russian researchers have discovered a piece of malware that is believed to have been consistently leaking confidential documents from embassies, government facilities, nuclear research centres and oil and gas companies for almost half a decade. The malware exploited a bug in government systems that allowed it to recover deleted files …
Read More »The War Z got hacked
With all the hate its received and the lack of acceptance of Sergey Titov's apology over the whole War Z “saga,” we should have seen this one coming. Hackers managed to take down zombie survival MMO The War Z for a short period and at the time of writing, Steam …
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