Raptr, the social themed video game service that comes bundled with AMD's graphics card drivers, has been hacked. According to reports, passwords, usernames, first and last names may have been accessed and as a result, password changes are recommended. Raptr Founder and CEO, Dennis Fong, gave a statement on the security …
Read More »Canada has been spying on everyone too
Oh Canada. So often forgotten during the Edward Snowden leaks. With all the attention on the likes of the US and UK for tapping into undersea cables and New Zealand for going after Kim Dotcom's file locker services, it's easy to forget that Canada, like the aforementioned nations and Australia, …
Read More »EFF wants to teach everyone how to avoid surveillance
As of late, it's become apparent that specific rights to privacy and freedom of expression are being clamped down on by the world's intelligence agencies, as they collect data on the public, often without their knowledge. This makes the job of the The Electronic Frontier Foundation, very difficult, as it's main …
Read More »Facebook Login claims over 60% of customer identity services logins
Facebook has provided a login option for 3rd party since 2008, and in recent years, social logins have become a very popular option to allow users to login to websites securely. Recent statistics from Gigya, a company that provides an identity management platform that bundles login options from several different providers, including Facebook, Google+, Twitter …
Read More »Winklevoss twins to launch Gemini Bitcoin exchange
The Winklevoss twins, most famously known for their part in helping conceive the idea of Facebook and for receiving a payout from the site's founder, Mark Zuckerberg because of it, have announced that they will be launching a Bitcoin exchange called Gemini in the near future. As it stands, they are waiting …
Read More »Google gave Wikileaks staffer emails to US government
One of the worst parts of the Edward Snowden revelations back in 2013, was that they explained how it was possible for the US and other governments to force companies to hand over information on their customers without telling anyone. And that's exactly what looks to have happened in the …
Read More »Malaysia Airlines website goes down to hack – and returns
Malaysia Airlines' website is now online and looking peachy, but it wasn't just a few short hours ago. Earlier this morning, visiting the website would display little but a laughing message from a hacking group, pointing through to their official Twitter account for added evidence of their culpability. The group …
Read More »MEGA launches encrypted MegaChat Skype challenger
Along with MEGA, the successor to MegaUpload, one of the tools that internet entrepreneur Kim Dotcom has been keen to develop since the Edward Snowden revelations in 2013, was an encrypted chat service. Since it came to light that companies like Skype were working with the NSA and could be …
Read More »US hacked North Korea way before Sony attack
Part of the reason the US was so confident in accusing North Korea of being behind last year's attack against Sony, was because it had been invading the nation's computers since 2010, in an attempt to map out the rogue-state's digital defences and capabilities. Not enough was discovered that it …
Read More »MEGA launches new smartphone apps, beta testing MegaChat
The MEGA encrypted file locker service is now looking to expand into more mobile marketplaces, by launching its new swathe of updated smartphone applications for iOS, Android and Windows Phone. On top of that though, the company founder Kim Dotcom has also announced an ongoing beta to use MegaChat, the …
Read More »UK police have arrested second Lizard Squad member
The UK police have arrested a second member of online troll group, Lizard Squad, following the Christmas day DDOS attacks on Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network. An 18 year old was taken in to custody today after being linked directly to the attacks. The arrest was carried out by …
Read More »UK and US to stage hacking wargames
To live test digital defences in both the UK and the US, our national, salaried hackers are going to be going at one another in a series of online wargames, designed to mimic attacks from other nations' digital warriors. It will involve hacks against the financial sector, as well as …
Read More »David Cameron to ban effective encryption if re-elected
David Cameron has had a hard on for banning things online for years now. His big focus in 2013-14 was certain types of pornography, which ultimately led to mandatory filters on new broadband accounts and the banning of such innocuous actions in British porn production as face-sitting and female ejaculation. But …
Read More »Nick Clegg to attack ‘Snooper’s Charter’
Deputy Prime Minister and Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg is set to outline his and his party's continued distaste for the nicknamed, “Snooper's Charter,” after PM David Cameron announced that last week's terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo magazine was a sign we needed greater digital security. The “Snooper's Charter,” or …
Read More »North Korea’s Red Star OS is insecure
North Korea for all of its virtues, is not a country that is known for a thriving software industry, but did you know that they have their own homegrown operating system? Well they do and it's called Red Star OS. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) first launched the OS, which …
Read More »Google publishes Windows 8.1 vulnerability before Microsoft can fix
Google has gone ahead and published a new Windows 8.1 vulnerability that allows low level users to gain administration privileges. The vulnerability was revealed this week but unfortunately, there is currently no fix from Microsoft. According to Google, the company gave Microsoft plenty of time to address the loophole, 90 …
Read More »The Xbox One SDK has been leaked
A group called H4LT has managed to leak the official Xbox One developer SDK, potentially opening the door for homebrew applications as well as giving unapproved developers the ability to create unofficial software for the system. The leak was announced via H4LT's Twitter account, the group also provided screenshots of …
Read More »EA denies false charges on gamers’ FIFA accounts
EA Games has denied claims that some Origin users are discovering charges on their accounts that they had nothing to do with. However, it did encourage anyone that thinks they may be affected, to make sure that their account password is unique and long. This all stems from a number …
Read More »Alleged PSN and Xbox Live hackers arrested
Christmas day was a frustrating one for many, as despite the new games they'd opened from Father Christmas, they were unable to play them online as both Xbox Live and the PlayStation network were down. Laying claim to the DDOS attack that caused it was a hacking group called Lizard Squad, …
Read More »Kim Dotcom pledges to kill NSA spying, Skype with MegaChat
Kim Dotcom may not be everyone's favourite ex-hacker, activist or gamer, but he does have a penchant for building something from ashes. His big move last year was the creation of MEGA, an encrypted file locker platform that was born from the ruins of his previous hit service, MegaUpload and …
Read More »Xbox Live and PSN back online following Christmas day attacks
Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network are back online following the Christmas period DDOS attacks which saw both services suffer from issues for a few days. The attack was carried out by Lizard Squad, a group of ‘hackers' that threatened to take down Microsoft and Sony's respective online services earlier this …
Read More »Irish government and European parliament member side with Microsoft
Today, Microsoft is set to gain two more allies in its defense against the United States government, in an ongoing court case regarding a US warrant for customer data that is being stored in servers in Ireland. Both the Irish government and an European MEP, have now filed amicus briefs in support of the stance …
Read More »Patriot hacker The Jester to retire persona
Even though the '80s and '90s taught us to fear the power of hackers with their cereal box whistles and surprisingly visual interfaces, the '00s and beyond have really brought them to the fore. Not only have we heard about the covert underground of state sponsored hacking on a much …
Read More »North Korean internet returns after suspicious downtime
North Korea's internet went down last night, only returning online in a limited capacity early this morning. While the NK authorities have yet to report on the downing, at least internationally, the story was picked up by US news sources fairly quickly, prompting some to suggest that it may have …
Read More »Sony threatens to sue Twitter over screenshots of leaked emails
Sony has been all over the place as of late, what with getting hacked by North Korea, saying it won't release the film that provoked the hack, The Interview and then changing its mind and saying that it will. On top of all of that, it has asked media outlets …
Read More »FBI officially names North Korea as culprit of Sony hack
After a week or so of unconfirmed reports and rumors suggesting that North Korea was behind the Sony hack, terrorist threat and subsequent cancellation of upcoming film, The Interview, the FBI has finally revealed the results of its investigation. The North Korean government is indeed behind the Sony Pictures hack …
Read More »Hello this is Microsoft, suing tech support scammers
I'm sure most of you have either received a call yourself, or know someone who has, where the person on the other end of the phone claims to be calling from Microsoft and has identified a problem with your Windows PC. Unfortunately while it may be easy for most of …
Read More »Snapchat’s CEO isn’t too happy about the Sony email leaks
Snapchat's CEO, Evan Spiegel, has made his feelings about the Sony hack known after emails between him and Sony Pictures CEO, Michael Lynton, leaked, revealing future business plans and secret company acquisitions. The information contained in the leaked emails offered a good look at the startup's future ambitions and plans. …
Read More »Sony has no future plans to release The Interview
This has not been a good month for Sony, the company was hacked, its emails were leaked, secrets were revealed and movies were prematurely hauled on to torrent sites. All of this, just to stop the release of one movie, The Interview, and unfortunately for those who wanted to see …
Read More »Sony cancels release of The Interview following terror threat
It is official, we already learned earlier today that several big cinema chains would not be showing The Interview next week, the New York premier was canceled and now Sony is calling off the movie's launch altogether following yesterday's threats of violence, issued by the group behind the Sony hack. …
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