Banking institutions that make use of IBM's Trusteer Pinpoint Detect system to help secure their online platforms, will now be able to make use of biometric tracking to prevent fraud. The system is able to track mouse movements, clicks and other interactions, to build up profiles of users, thereby detecting …
Read More »AI could help stop the next Gordon Gecko
I'm not going to pretend to know much about the stock market or share trading, but what I can do is reference '80s movies and tell you that the big bad guys from those Wall Street film productions may become a thing of the past, in the future. Thanks to …
Read More »Ecuador cut off Julian Assange’s internet because of Clinton data
Rumours were abound earlier this week when Wikileaks founder and Ecuadorian embassy resident for the past four years, Julian Assange, found his internet connection severed. We were told it was by a state party and it turns out that party was Ecuador itself, which now admits that it was responsible …
Read More »UK banks may not be reporting all breaches to customers
If one thing has become apparent from breaches of corporate stores of customer information in recent years, it's that the fall out is usually lessened if you give people a heads up that they may have been compromised. An alternative for British banks though, is to just not tell anyone. One security …
Read More »Three quarters of all police websites rated unsecure
A new report from the Centre for Public Safety (CPS) has found that only a quarter of all police websites utilise secure connections, meaning much of the information they receive and transmit is sent in clear text. But it turns out that's just the tip of the iceberg, as many …
Read More »Russia’s head of anti-piracy arrested for ‘fraud’
The head of one of Russia's largest anti-piracy agencies has been arrested and charged with fraud, stemming from an alleged incident where he offered to drop the case against a well known pirate site in exchange for monetary compensation. He is said to have demanded as much as 50 million …
Read More »Snowden 2.0? Another NSA contractor arrested for classified theft
The U.S. Department of Justice has confirmed that a government contractor was arrested in August and charged with removing and retaining classified materials without permission. Other sources have confirmed it was an NSA contractor who was detained, though it isn't clear at this time what information he is alleged to …
Read More »Yahoo responds to ‘misleading’ email scanning reports
Earlier this morning we learned that email provider, Yahoo, had been accused of secretly scanning the emails of all of its users at the request of the United States government. Using a specialised piece of software, Yahoo is said to have scanned the emails of all users for specific phrases …
Read More »TalkTalk fined £400,000 for poor security practises
It has been almost a year since TalkTalk suffered a huge cyber attack, in which the personal information of over 150,000 customers was stolen. Now, the UK-based ISP has to face the consequences, as the firm has been fined a record £400,000 for poor security practices, which left consumer data …
Read More »Yahoo said to be complicit in email scanning for U.S. intelligence
If you're a Yahoo email user, you should be aware that in 2015 the web giant built a specialised piece of software to scan all incoming emails to all Yahoo mail accounts, searching for certain phrases and statements related to U.S. intelligence. Three former employees have claimed to have seen the …
Read More »Street Fighter V PC update removes backdoor security risk
Last month, Capcom tried out a new ‘anti-crack solution' to help prevent Street Fighter V piracy on the PC. Unfortunately, this was achieved by installing a hidden, completely insecure rootkit in Windows, leaving a huge security loophole in people's systems. This obviously led to a lot of complaints from those …
Read More »Yahoo confirms ‘state-sponsored’ hack, 500 million accounts affected
Update: Following on from yesterday's news, Yahoo has officially confirmed that it suffered a major security breach in which the information of 500 million user accounts was stolen. This hack actually took place in late 2014 and similarly to the hack on Sony in 2014, the attack on Yahoo may …
Read More »Yahoo said to confirm major security breach this week
It looks like Yahoo may have suffered a massive security breach recently, which could impact millions of users. So far, Yahoo has yet to publicly confirm the data leak but according to sources close to the situation, the breach is ‘widespread and serious', we should also be getting confirmation from …
Read More »Tesla patches remote braking hack flaw found in Model S
Tesla has released a hotfix for its Model S electric car to close a potentially nasty hole in its security, which could have allowed hackers to remotely take control of the vehicle's Controller Area Network. The researchers who discovered it even showed themselves remotely activating the brakes of a Model S …
Read More »Opera browser’s built in VPN service now available to everyone
If you download the latest version of the Opera browser today, you'll be able to access the new built-in VPN feature which has been discussed for some time now. Originally made available in the developer only version, Opera's VPN can do a good job of obfuscating where you are located …
Read More »Pokémon Go player records own mugging on livestream
In another instance of a Pokémon Go player being attacked by someone unscrupulous, we have a near perfect video account of the crime, since the victim was livestreaming the whole time. In it we see the mugger approach, launch his assault before running away and factory resetting his new phone. …
Read More »British athletes hit by latest hacked data dump
More athlete confidential files have been released by the hackers responsible for cracking into the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) servers and stealing away medical records. Although it appeared that the hack at first targeted U.S. athletes exclusively, now they've released files on several British Olympians too. It appears now that …
Read More »Russian hackers leak U.S. athlete doping test data
WADA, the World Anti-Doping Agency, confirmed yesterday that its databases had been hacked and confidential medical data, some of it on U.S. olympic athletes, had been stolen. Worse still, this hack is actually being laid at the feet of the Russian government, with some claiming it's revenge for WADA's attempt …
Read More »Flash porn videos will soon become a thing of the past
In the gradual disintegration of support for Adobe's Flash player, porn sites are some of the last hold outs, but not for much longer. With browsers like Chrome ending support for it in the near future, many of the world's largest porn peddlers are now announcing that they're moving over to …
Read More »200+ sentenced since new revenge porn laws introduced
During the 2015-2016 year ending in March, a total of 206 people were prosecuted utilising new ‘revenge porn' laws introduced at the start of last year. This comes out of a Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) report, which looks at many aspects of sexual offences against men and women. A big reason for …
Read More »Guccifer hacker sentenced to 4+ years in jail
The Romanian hacker known as Guccifer, has been sentenced to a total of 52 months in jail by a U.S. court, after extradition to the country earlier this year. He plead guilty to several charges relating to hacking various high-profile members of the U.S. political system and has now been …
Read More »Millions of Dropbox passwords have leaked onto the web
Way back in 2012, the Dropbox database was hacked, leading to 68 million users having their details stolen. At the time, Dropbox reported that user email addresses were in-fact stolen but didn't touch on passwords. However, this week, millions of Dropbox passwords leaked onto the web, originating from the attack …
Read More »Earthquake zone residents urged to leave Wi-Fi open
In the wake of the Italian earthquake which has claimed the lives of several hundred people, local residents of stricken areas are being asked to remove the password protection on their Wi-Fi networks, as mobile networks continue to remain down. The Italian Red Cross put the call out first, as …
Read More »The Epic Games forum has been hacked again
In mid-July last year the Epic Games forum had been hacked, leaving thousands of users compromised. Now, just over a year later, history has repeated itself, this time though, over 800,000 logins have been stolen. Records of private messages, email addresses and more were also taken in the attack according …
Read More »PlayStation accounts finally have two-step verification
The PlayStation network has historically not been the most secure. It has suffered at least one major breach over the last several years, during which millions of accounts were compromised. Now, it looks like Sony is beginning to step its game up, as the company has now made two-step verification …
Read More »Denovo’s invincible aura is fading: Inside cracked in six weeks
Denuvo has spent the last year and a half standing tall amidst the pirate throngs that would tear it down, protecting games of all kinds from being played illegally. In recent weeks though it has begun to show its cracks and it may be about to tumble, as it's been breached for …
Read More »Edward Snowden thinks NSA hacker leak was a warning
Yesterday the news hit that an organisation appeared to have hacked the command and control server for an NSA-tied hacking group, purportedly known as Equation Group. Looking at the information and tools released, Edward Snowden thinks this was a warning from a foreign nation. Equation Group is an NSA-linked hacking …
Read More »Hackers claim to have cracked NSA-tied white hat team
Hackers are some of the most security conscious in the world. When you're trying to break safeguards all day, you have a good knowledge of how to protect yourself. So you'd assume a group of white hats tied to the NSA would be doubly safe, but not from everyone. A …
Read More »Dota 2 forum hacked, around 2 million users affected
It looks like the official Dota 2 forum has been targeted by hackers as the site was apparently breached last month, with nearly two million user records accessed, which include email addresses, passwords, IP addresses and usernames. News of the leak first appeared on Leaked Source, a site that gives …
Read More »Chrome to kill Flash by end of year
Following years of security leaks, the world and its dog have decided it's time we ditched Adobe's Flash web standard for good, but we can't just take it out back and shoot it, it needs to be a slow, painful goodbye. That's been happening for a while now, but Chrome …
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