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Software & Gaming

64 bit Flash previewed

A 64 bit version of Flash has been on the ‘want list' of many enthusiast users for a very long time now and they will be pleased to hear that Adobe have just launched a new Flash Player with 64 bit support across all major operating systems. This is welcome …

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Dangerous 64 bit Rootkit spreading

A new version of dangerous rootkit Alureon is back – this time in the shape of a 64 bit edition. We are always dismayed to hear about new security issues, but this one looks to be particularly nasty as it has been designed to specifically target the ever expanding 64 …

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Microsoft Russia leaks new IE9 appearance

A Russian website has revealed details about the new Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) which showcases the user interface – highlighting new features such as quick release tabs and a ‘Chrome' style address search bar. Microsoft have issued several developer previews of IE9 since March but they have all, to date, …

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AVG and McAfee to merge within 6 months?

KitGuru reported that Intel bought McAfee yesterday for $7.68 billion. That's interesting enough. But when you consider Intel's other investments, it leads to some intersting possibilities. KitGuru investigates. When Jan Gritzbach and Tomas Hofer got together in 1991, it wasn't the AVG antivirus program they developed that had the biggest …

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Mega Microsoft patch list coming Tuesday – 34 fixes

Microsoft have announced a monster list of security software fixes coming this Tuesday. 34 vulnerabilities are being sorted in this months patch list. This patch list has been confirmed by Microsoft in an advanced notification which they posted on their TechNet site. It lists eight of fourteen security bulletins addressed …

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Google cancel ‘Google Wave’

Net giant Google have decided to cancel Google Wave after it was released last year. Australian developed Google Wave was released with the intention of radically changing email and group communication. Unfortunately the platform did not reach expected adoption figures. Australian Lars Rasmussen was the brains behind the idea which …

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Microsoft patch Windows Shortcut Exploit

Microsoft have released a new patch which is an out of band security update for the Windows Shortcut vulnerability. This out of band patch is important as it locks down a loophole which allowed hackers access to user rights of an affected system by code related to Windows Shortcut Files …

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Marketing companies and other spammers thank BBC

When you're a news journalist, it's hard to know when reporting on a story just makes it worse. KitGuru has already heard from 3 different marketing companies who learned that a database of over 100 million people's details has been made publicly available, by reading the story on the BBC. …

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Windows 7 SP-1 download available for professionals

KitGuru loves Windows 7. There. We've said it. We have big love for the Snow Leopard, but there's still plenty of room in our hearts for Bill Gate's latest incarnation. So how much better can it get? KitGuru receives flash-traffic from Microsoft's Technet, authenticates, inserts twin brass keys and prepares …

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Buffalo beefs up wireless routers with DD-WRT

KitGuru has reviewed quite a few Buffalo products since we opened a few months ago and so far we have admired their combination of competitive pricing and performance. Many people don't know however that Buffalo offer alternative open source firmwares for their wireless routers which are meant to deliver an …

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Starcraft 2 Gallery and Concept artwork

With one of the most hotly awaited PC gamers ever to launch in the next day, we thought it would be a good idea to present a gallery to our regular KitGuru readers who have been hotly awaiting this title. Statistics in show that millions of people are still playing …

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Google overhaul image search service

The Google image search is a massively popular aspect of their online portfolio and the people in charge at the company feel its time it underwent some coding surgery. Google are adding a raft of new features which allow end users to find online pictures and art more easily. This …

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Facebook hit a milestone – 500 million users

Facebook are due to announce that they have managed to achieve a user base of 500 million users. This prediction was originally set earlier in the year when analysts judged that in 2010 they would hit half a billion users. Interestingly they have launched Facebook Stories – a ‘visual memorial' …

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Xbox 360 slim helps Microsoft outsell the Wii

June 2010 has been a very strong month for Microsofts Xbox 360. We have been looking at data from the NPD Group which details that the Xbox 360 Slim has helped push sales above the two main rivals, the Nintendo Wii and the Sony Playstation 3. In June Microsoft sold …

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Kaspersky block BBC news – by accident

Kaspersky have a great reputation as one of the finest security companies on the net. Recently however they made a bit of a blunder which blocked the entire BBC News site. The Russian companies Internet Security 2011 software suite blocked the updated BBC news site, marking it as a ‘phishing …

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Pakbugs hack site shut down

Pakistani authorities have closed down the Pakbugs hacking and carding forum. This site was apparently linked to a series of hack attacks and website defacements across the globe over the last year. The Pakspider blog reports that Pakbugs has been blamed for destroying thousands of websites belonging to various government …

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Windows 7 SP1 Public beta available

KitGuru reported a few weeks ago that a public beta of Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1) was coming soon. Microsoft have delivered on time and you can now get the public beta for yourself. “As Gavriella Schuster and I have mentioned in previous blogs, SP1 for Windows 7 does …

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Facebook to protect children with new app

The all encompassing social networking site Facebook has agreed to use an application which should help protect the online safety of the younger userbase, according to a Reuters report. This application will appear on a user profile page when they add/bookmark it and it will allow children to report suspicious …

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Windows XP SP2 32 bit support stops tomorrow

With all the nVidia GTX460 excitement today it would be easy to forget that Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) is no longer being supported by updates from tomorrow. Yes, in case you missed it, Microsoft stop support for XP SP2 tomorrow, the six year old edition of the operating …

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Pirate Bay gets plundered

Pirates Bay, favourite site of the RIAA was recently hacked by an Argentinian expert, and he has managed to grab email and IP address of over 4 million Pirates Bay users in the process. Hacker CH Russo has stated in a blog post that he only hacked the site to …

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