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Software & Gaming

Facebook to release a ‘gmail killer’

Facebook are reportedly going to release a messaging system which will rival Google's Gmail. The social networking giant who already have over 500 million users are going to host a special event in San Francisco on Monday. Facebook will apparently announce their own email address system @facebook.com and perhaps even …

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New Firefox 4 beta is faster

A new version of Firefox 4 Beta was released which proves to be faster than the previous build. As a self proclaimed Firefox addict I spent most of yesterday playing with the new beta to judge the performance gains. The new version is clearly faster when running Javascript thanks to …

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Microsoft patch 11 security vulnerabilites

Microsoft have patched a total of 11 security vulnerabilities this month, with a critical bug in Outlook also being fixed. Compared to October, the fixes in the Nov 9th listing seem small, with just three security bulletins. These bulletins cover a total of 11 vulnerabilities across Microsoft Office and Forefront …

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Hacker breaks Kinect from Xbox – PC control

An amateur hacker has apparently already broken the ties between the Kinetic and the Xbox, allowing the device to be controlled from his Windows based PC. The information was released by a member of the Natural User Interface Group and it shows the motorized tilt being controlled with the moveup …

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Queen Elizabeth II to launch Facebook page

Queen Elizabeth II is to launch her own Facebook page, according to Royal Household reports. The 84 British monarch is apparently going to be making her own videos, as well as uploading photos and posting news updates on the site, her office said yesterday. Users can send messages to Buckingham …

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GPU Caps Viewer 1.9.4 released

Our good friend JeGX has just released a new version of his GPU Caps Viewer over at Geeks3d. This version supports all current video cards including the upcoming GTX580. It is similar to GPUZ but actually offers quite a few more options. You can grab it directly from their site …

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Xbox Kinect is not racist: tests confirm

Consumer reports have dismissed the claims that Microsoft's new hands free control platform for the Xbox 360 does not work with people with darker skin tones. The Xbox Kinetic uses cameras and other sensors to track human movements to translate them into onscreen in game actions. Some blogs however have …

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Do violent video games really damage kids?

California is defending its ban on selling ultra violent video games to minors before the Supreme court today, but we ask ourselves, do violent games really affect kids or young adults? California will ask the justice department to exempt a type of violent content from the First Amendment's protection of …

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Windows 7 sales hit 240,000,000 – breaks records

Microsoft have announced that over 240 million copies of Windows 7 have been sold since releasing the operating system over a year ago. This is now officially the fastest selling OS in their history. Vista was never warmly received, although at KitGuru we think some of the uneducated press damaged …

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Microsoft issue patches for 49 bugs

Yesterday Microsoft issues patches for 49 security holes in Internet Explorer, Windows and other software. This is the largest number of bugs to be squashed in a single Tuesday release. The 49 fixes were classed as critical, one of the highest security ratings that generally indicates potential ‘rogue takeover' issues. …

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Ban sick PC’s from internet say Microsoft

A senior researcher at Microsoft says that virus infected computers that pose a threat to other PC's should be blocked from accessing the internet. Scott Charney of the trustworthy computing team said that this concept follows ideas learned from public health situations. Putting infected computers into a temporary quarantine would …

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Youtube Employs Trained Monkeys

KitGuru is an old fart who likes nothing better than watching old Metallica videos while munching breakfast and preparing for a day under the radar of the world's leading technology companies. Who knew ? Imagine our surprise this morning when tried to go from Enter Sandman at the Freddie Mercury …

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ZeuS Trojan hybrids prove unstoppable

ZeuS malware has been used for some time now to steal personal information from online accounts and while several arrests have taken place in the US and the UK this Trojan is proving difficult to stop. Arresting several organisations unfortunately won't suddenly mean that this nasty piece of software vanishes. …

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Order Medal of Honor and get Battlefield 3, FREE

As you know, KitGuru is powered by Multiplay – the world's leading online gaming and LAN event organisation. They're massive, with the ability to host more than 100,000 simultaneous gamers. Big Stuff!  But what many of you may not know is that Multiplay also owns Fileplay. KitGuru sticks in its …

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JPEG to be replaced by WebP ? Google hope so

The Joint Photographic Experts Group format (or JPEG as it is more commonly known) has become such a part of our lives in 2010, it is hard to image it ever being replaced. If Google have their way however, their new image format called ‘WeBp' will do just that. Google …

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Google say Bing is a threat, not Facebook

Outspoken Google CEO Eric Schmidt has dismissed the potential threat from social networking giant Facebook and has instead pointed to Bing as being Google's main competitor. Schmidt has said that Bing is ‘doing well' and is owned by a company who has more cash and resources than Google and has …

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Facebook facing worst downtime in four years

Facebook has not been having a good week, facing the second wave of downtime, the most it has faced in four years. This time it has been throwing out continuous error messages which was due to an internal system error. With a blog post they have explained the outage was …

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Napster hits iOS devices

Apple owners rejoice because Napster have finally released an application for the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. Historians among us will remember that Best Buy bought Napster for $121 million which has helped its survival in this tough climate. The NAPSTER application allows the end user to list to over …

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64 bit Flash previewed

A 64 bit version of Flash has been on the ‘want list' of many enthusiast users for a very long time now and they will be pleased to hear that Adobe have just launched a new Flash Player with 64 bit support across all major operating systems. This is welcome …

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