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Software & Gaming

Mozilla post user names and passwords, by accident

Many people are in for a shock today as their add on website addons.mozilla.org have accidentally posted their usernames and passwords. This mistake happened after the browser company posted a file containing email addresses, first and surnames and an md5 hash representation of user passwords on a publicly available web …

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Man spends over 200,000 years playing Black Ops

OK, we cheated a little, it's Man with a capital ‘M' and it includes all of them. Everyone of them. As a species. Including the females. Confused? KitGuru explains!   Data released by software publisher shows that humanity has now spent more than 600,000,000 hours playing BlackOps online since its …

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Windows 8 to run on ARM

Microsoft are due to revamp Windows 8 to support ARM processors, the leading hardware platform for mobile computer on tablets and smartphones. Windows 8 however is probably not due until 2012, or possibly 2013. ‘Windows 8' isn't the final release name of the upcoming operating system, but when we use …

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Firefox 4 beta 8 released, the last of 2010

Mozilla have released Firefox 4 Beta 8, the last preview it will release this year before it makes a leap into the final version in 2011. Beta 8 appeared last night, a day later than original planned and is now available for download on the official Mozilla download site. It …

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Opera 11 released, and its brilliant

Opera is a browser that really doesn't get the credit it deserves, however with over 150 million users, it appears that a growing user base are finding something they like. Three weeks later, after a beta and three release candidates the latest version is now ready for public download. This …

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Google incorporate Flash sandbox to Chrome beta

Google have just released the security sandbox for Adobe's Flash to the beta channel of their Chrome browser. Chrome users already running the beta build will be automatically updated to the version which includes the sandboxed Flash code. A ‘Sandbox' isolates processes on the computer, stalling or halting malware from …

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AMD Catalyst Drivers – best on the planet?

This is a hot topic of debate among enthusiast users – which driver set is better? nVidia or AMD's ? It would be fair to say that years ago the scales would have been tipped favourably in nVidia's direction, but today is the situation reversed? Both sets of drivers have …

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Microsoft patch breaks records, again

For the third time in 2010, Microsoft have just issued another massive, jaw dropping slew of security patches. Their December Bulletin Release contains 17 security bulletins which address 40 vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office, Windows OS, SharePoint Server, Internet Explorer and Exchange. In October they broke their previous record, issuing 16 …

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Amazon avoid DDOS attack and Wikileaks book is pulled

Amazon have denyed removing am e-book detailing Wikileaks conspiracies saying that the author himself removed it from sale. An Amazon spokesperson said “We did not remove the title, and are verifying that it was removed from sale by the author.” Amazon were also fortunate to escape a denial of service …

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Google launch Chrome OS

Google have launched Chrome OS in their continued expansion into other areas of software. Chrome OS is released as a trial program that users can register for online and will eventually be offered preinstalled on a wide range of computers made by global names such as Samsung and Acer. The …

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Google to demote poor web sellers via search

Google said yesterday that it plans to change the way it ranks search results so that dodgy dealers will find it harder to appear high in the listing via their search algorithms. This change started after an article in the New York Times, detailing a Brooklyn based online seller of …

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U.S. clamps down hard on piracy – 70 websites shut

The U.S. federal forces are coming down hard on websites that are selling counterfeit and pirated products – shutting down 70 websites last week. These websites offered many goods, such as golf clothing and equipment, scarves and even rap music. The domain names have been seized by the U.S. Immigration …

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Beatles sell 2,000,000 songs in a week on iTunes

The Beatles finally made their entrance into the world of online digitial music downloads last week, and latest reports show that they have sold 450,000 albums, totalling 2 million songs. Apple announced the deal with the Beatles music catalogue last week, including a digital box set that includes 13 studio …

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3DMark 2011 due for release

The extremely popular benchmark 3DMark is due for an update at the end of this month. Futuremark have announced the official launch date as November 30th 2010. 3DMark 2011 is a Direct X 11 only benchmark and is going to be made available in three versions, Basic, Advanced and Professional. …

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Apple patch Safari security holes

Apple have released a huge patch for Safari, to fix an array of security issues in their premium browser software. Apple have offered the 39.2MB update for download for both OS X and Windows platforms, which fixes 27 holes in the browser, many of which can allow maliciously designed web …

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