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Kaspersky security violated by old hack

Despite the fact that Kaspersky has been dealing with threats for more than 13 years, KitGuru spies have smuggled footage to HQ which proves categorically that its security was completely exposed by one of the oldest hacks we know. KitGuru dons night vision goggles to explain. Kaspersky is arguably the …

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Warning against counterfeit software on Apple store

The Macintosh App Store has a problem with Counterfeit software, according to developer Wolfire. The company added a game called Lugaru HD last month, and this was quickly followed by a title called ‘Lugaru', a pirated version uploaded by another developer and charging only a tenth of the price. The …

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100,000 US PSP users sued in last year

Collated publically available information on US cases against P2P filesharers shows that 100,000 US peer to peer users have been sued in the last year. The findings also highlight that the adult entertainment business is high on the prosecution list. Out of the 99,924 people sued, the vast majority are …

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The new Sony PSP – iPad on steroids

Sony have been in the spotlight since they announced the hardware configuration of the upcoming Sony PSP. The new Sony product will be using an ARM processor however it is significantly more powerful than anything else on the market right now. They are using the Cortex A9 core which is …

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Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook page gets hacked

It was bound to happen, especially after the release of the recent movie, but Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's page was hacked on Tuesday. This is certainly a good indication that the security in place still needs to be improved. The message that the hackers left read “Let the hacking begin: …

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Hacker selling government websites

Security group Imperva accidentally came across a hacker's offer in an underground forum in the black market of a US Army's Communications Electronics Command (CECOM) website. Imperva said the hacker claims websites control that includes military, universities and government websites. The hacker is charging between $33 and $499 depending on …

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Nintendo 3DS to launch March 27th for $250

Nintendo have announced that the 3DS will be on sale from March 27th and the price will be set at $249.99. This long awaited gadget will play video games in 3D without the need for glasses, and it can also take 3D photographs and display them on screen. Nifty. At …

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Work stops on KitGuru

Every now and then, something comes along that is totally engaging and completely useless. The frog ring tone and the Rubic's Cube are two examples. Sunday morning, KitGuru received a link in the inbox (ouch!), opened it and spent the next half hour doing nothing productive whatsoever. You have been …

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Stuxnet worm a US and Israel project ?

One of the most serious security issues in recent years was the release of the Stuxnet worm. Latest reports from The New York Times suggest that the creation was a joint project between the US and Israeli governments. The report suggests that the virus was created by the Israelis while …

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Nintendo president says 3DS ‘isn’t dangerous’

KitGuru reported on the Nintendo 3DS last month when they issued a warning saying that the 3DS wasn't suitable for very young children in 3D mode. President Satoru Iwata has said that the 3DS isn't dangerous. “We are being proactive about informing our customer, even though it may not necessarily …

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Skype purchase Qik

Skype, the leading VOIP software package has announced that they are buying Qik, a small firm who specialise in mobile video software and services. Qik's software enables users to share video clips. Skype have announced this at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. California based Qik was only founded …

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Firefox surpasses Internet Explorer in Europe

Following on from our news yesterday, we wanted to follow up with some ‘European' specific information on the browser wars. Internet Explorer leads the way in most parts of the world, however it appears that Europe are adopting Firefox faster than anywhere else. Web Analytics firm StatCounter show that it …

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Windows Graphic Rendering Security Vulnerability

Microsoft have announced a new security vulnerability which is related to the Windows Graphic Rendering Engine. Apparently it can be used by an attacker to run arbitrary code in the context of the logged on user. Angela Gunn, senior marketing communications manager of Trustworthy computing at Microsoft said “Today we …

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Hotmail bug hits over 17 thousand users

KitGuru reported yesterday that Hotmail was giving a lot of people problems, with over 500 pages now of complaints on their support forums. Microsoft spokeswomen Catherine Brooker said “At this point it appears to be a limited issue, and Microsoft is working with individual users who are impacted. We apologize …

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Internet Explorer 9 beta, over 20 million downloads

Microsoft have issued download statistics for Internet Explorer 9 beta. A staggering 20 million+ downloads in three and a half months. This figure is a record breaker for a Microsoft beta release according to the companies blog posting recently. The beta launched on September the 15th and now accounts for …

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Hackers break PlayStation 3 ‘private key’

It has been a long time coming, but a hacking group called ‘fail0verflow' have announced that they have deciphered the private key that Sony uses to authorise code to run on PlayStation 3 systems. With access to this private key, code can be run as if it was authorised by …

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