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Software & Gaming

Firefox 5 due for June ’11 release

Mozilla are pushing out software faster than people can download it. Latest information released indicates that Mozilla have set a more aggressive timetable that may see Firefox 5 being released by June 21st. The documentation says “In general, each stage of the process (and activity pertaining to a particular version) …

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Microsoft to patch 64 vulnerabilities

Microsoft had a relatively easy March, having just three bulletins fixing four vulnerabilities. April is a different story, with 17 bulletins being issued, with 64 different vulnerability fixes. This ties with the ‘most bulletins' since December 2010 and takes the top position for the number of flaws fixed. Nine bulletins …

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Anonymous strike out against Sony: websites get hit

Anonymous, renowned hacktivist group have announced a war against Sony, and they appear to have struck the first blow already. They announced on Sunday that Sony's legal actions against hacker Geohot and their other corporate behaviours “have been deemed an unforgivable offense against free speech and internet freedom.” They have …

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Microsoft include ribbon interface in Windows 8

Microsoft are set to unify the appearance of their products, if the leaked screenshots of Windows 8 are anything to go by. New images of the operating system, such as the welcome screen highlight the Windows Phone 7 lock screen, while new navigation techniques used in Office 2010 look to …

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Tt eSports European Cup launched

Europeans are a competitive bunch. Each and every country – no matter how large or small – wants the chance to prove that it is superior to its neighbours. Today sees the launch of the Tt eSports European Cup tournament for Call of Duty 4. Let the competition for Euro-superiority …

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millions potentially affected by Epsilon email breach

Permission email marketing outsourcer Epsilon have announced a data breach which could affect millions of people. In a short statement, they announced that the breach affects a ‘subset' of its customer data, but has yet to disclose the full extent of the problem. The unauthorised entry into its email system …

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Cyberattack hits hundreds of thousands of websites

Hundreds of thousands of websites have been compromised by a huge cyber attack. The attack was based around a well known exploit on other sites to insert a link to their website. Those visiting the cyber crooks webpage were told that their machines were infected with many different viruses. Security …

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Google deny plans for Facial Recognition program

CNN released a story which stated that Google were developing a facial recognition application. Google have since denied it, but the rumours persist. “Google plans to introduce a mobile application that would allow users to snap pictures of people's faces in order to access their personal information, a director for …

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Microsoft Windows Thin PC Beta – for free

Microsoft are offering a locked down version of Windows 7 designed to turn cheap hardware into ‘thin-client' systems. This operating system is geared to administrators who want cheap and easy PC systems for employees, without having to worry about fixing a plethora of user generated problems. This operating system is …

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Firefox breaks record for downloads

Firefox 4 was released last week and KitGuru reported on the early download figures during the day, which were already looking very healthy indeed. The new browser was downloaded 7.1 million times in 24 hours followed by a second day figure of 8.75 million. Firefox 3 in 2008 was downloaded …

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FireFox 4 best browser on the planet?

The final version of Firefox 4 has been released today and is being hailed by many as the best browser on the market today. Users can snag the upgraded software in 75 languages from www.firefox.com. There are versions for Windows, Mac OS and Linux. The new browser was announced in …

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RSA targeted and compromised by sophisicated hackers

The security division of EMC, RSA have been hit with a sophisicated cyber attack which might end reducing the effectiveness of their SecurID authentication services. Executive Chairman Art Coviello sent a letter to RSA customers and documented that the company had recently “identified an extremely sophisticated cyber attack in progress …

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Hewlett Packard will ship PC’s with WebOS

Hewlett Packard will be shipping WebOS on all their PC's starting next year. This will hurt Microsoft badly as their biggest hardware partner will be no longer exclusively tied into the Windows operating system. HP CEO Leo Apotheker has told Bloomberg News that HP ‘lost its soul' under former chief …

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Firefox 4 release candidate unleashed

Mozilla have released the first release candidate of Firefox Version 4. This version is what the development team feel is a finished browser, says Johnathan Nightingale, director of Firefox development. The quality assurance team are still taking feedback from users across the globe in the next few weeks, but if …

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