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Is Amazon Cloud a breeding ground for hack attacks?

Earlier in the week, we reported that Sony were compromised by hackers renting servers from Amazon. This hacker used Amazon's Elastic Computer Cloud (EC2) service to attack Sony's online entertainment systems last month. The intruder set up a fake name to use the account, and managed to get away with …

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Sony begin rebooting of Playstation Network

Sony have been working on bringing back the PlayStation Network, and yesterday they started a limited restoration, with further restoration in the plans for today. Sony have said they would begin bringing their PlayStation Network back online in the Middle East, New Zealand, Australia, Europe and America regions. The network …

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Playstation hack came from Amazon EC2

Bloomberg news have reported that the hackers who breached the Sony Playstation Network security used Amazon's web services cloud to launch the attack. According to the story, the hacker(s) rented a server from Amazon's EC2 service and breached the network from there, mentioning an unnamed person with knowledge of the …

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Facebook deny Symantec ‘security risk’ report

Symantec recently wrote a report on FaceBook security issues, highlighting that millions of people had personal data at risk. Yesterday Facebook made a statement arguing with the points that Symantec published. Facebook spokeswoman Malorie Lucich sent out an email to ComputerWorld which read “We appreciate Symantec raising this issue and …

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WebGL exploit opening browser users to serious attacks

The US Computer Emergency Readiness Team is advising users of Firefox and Opera users to disable WebGL. An exploit means that machines can be remotely controlled by malicious users. The webstandard WebGL has a weakness which opens the browsers to serious attacks, including the remote execution of malicious code, according …

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US Lawsuit targets 23,000 Bitorrent users

Over 23,000 people are facing legal action after downloading the 2010 Sylvester Stallone movie ‘The Expendables'. This is the largest Bittorrent file sharing lawsuit in U.S. history. Legal action in the U.S. is targeting more than 140,000 BitTorrent downloaders, many of which involve cases for porn and B-Rated movies. Film …

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Diablo III beta coming in Q3 2011

Blizzard aim to launch a beta for Diablo III in Q3 this year. Many games have been waiting for this title for a long time, hoping that it will recapture the magic of the series with an up to date engine. Blizzard CEO Mike Morhaime said in an investor call …

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Chrome OS might launch this week

Rumors are circulating that Google may be launching Chrome OS very shortly at the Google I/O. With the latest news on Samsung's upcoming Chrome OS notebook being released it would certainly seem like good timing. Chrome OS has been in development for some time now, with CR-48 notebooks helping developers …

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Sony users: should you cancel your credit card?

With the recent news of Sony's network being hacked and credit card information being stolen, should you cancel your credit card? With more than 100 million potentially affected worldwide how are the UK banks taking the news? Sony have said that so far, it appears that none of the information …

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Sony claim Anonymous may be behind attacks

Sony have said that the hackers who stole more than 100 million users personal details from the recent intrusion left a file implicating Anonymouse, the well known hacktivist group. Kazuo Hirai, chairman of Sony, said in a letter to the US Congressional committee that a file was found by investigators …

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Internet Explorer 9 falls behind Chrome 10 and Firefox 4

Internet Explorer 9 has been released to high levels of critical acclaim and public feedback has also been strong. Unfortunately for Microsoft, according to NetApplications April browser share data, they are still struggling to get good percentages of adoption. IE9 doesn't even get into the browser version breakdown chart for …

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Sony confirm credit card information was stolen

Sony have confirmed yesterday that the hack into their PlayStation Network is worse than first expected, saying that the intruder has gotten away with credit and debit card information. The hacker has broken deeply into the Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) network as well as the Playstation Network and the Qriocity …

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Sony to offer freebies to appease customers

Sony have had a rough month, dealing with consumer backlash, after their PlayStation Network was hacked. Kazuo Hirai, Sony’s deputy president finally spoke out offering an apology while bowing “I am deeply sorry for worrying, and inconveniencing, our users.” Many say this apology is too little, too late. He also …

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KitGuru readers lose faith in Sony

There was a time when the Sony brand was trusted by consumers and experts alike. Unfortunately, it seems that the company has engaged in a series of high-profile errors which have totally shaken confidence. KitGuru pulls out a clipboard and researches the market. . . Remember the days when Sony …

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More Portal 2 content due in summer

Portal 2 has been a huge success for gaming aficionados Valve, sales have been high thanks to both critical and public approval of the puzzle based 3D mind melter. Doug Lombardi, Valve's Vice President of marketing says that the studio are already working on new downloadable content which is due …

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