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Software & Gaming

Playstation Vita announced, with apology

Sony have showcased their new handheld console at the E3 games show in Los Angeles. Jack Tretton, the boss of the US gaming division for the company also used the event to issue an apology for the attacks on the PlayStation Network. Mr Tretton spoke at the Los Angeles event …

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Nintendo to showcase new game console

E3 visitors will have a treat on hand this year. The Los Angeles event will be the launching ground for Nintendo's new upcoming game console. Nintendo said this week that they are going to showcase the Wii replacement at E3. They have not yet given a name for the new …

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FBI partner site hacked

In the latest in a long line of recent hacks, an Atlanta based FBI partner site has been compromised with 180 passwords stolen and leaked on the Internet. The logins belonged to InfraGard, a public/private partnership which was dedicated to sharing information about threats to the US physical and Internet …

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Windows 8 will not require hardware upgrades

Windows 8 is getting a lot of hype this week, and Kitguru has been onhand with several articles detailing the upcoming flagship product from Microsoft. The news that everyone asks ‘will I need a new computer to run it?', has been answered by Microsoft. The answer? no, you will be …

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Windows 8 preview video

Microsoft Windows 8 is the hot topic of conversation right now. Many people are hoping it isn't a repeat of Windows Vista, and more in line with Windows 7 (although I am probably one of the few journalists who liked vista). Microsoft showcased a few aspects of the new “Windows …

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Apple security patch bypassed same day with new trojan

Apple released a new security patch yesterday to stop the dreaded MacDefender malware that has caused a plethora of issues for Macintosh owners. Only a short while later however a new version was released which bypasses Apple's security patch. The trojan is incorporated within a pkg file called mdinstall – …

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CD Projekt patch The Witcher 2 and remove DRM

All PC enthusiast gamers loathe DRM which is being supplied now with more and more games. The Witcher 2: Assassins Of Kings has just received its first official patch and as well as bug fixes, developer CD Projekt have removed the DRM from the title. Gamers will be rejoicing. DRM …

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More info released about Modern Warfare 3

This week there has been a lot of information released from various publications on the upcoming hot first person shooter: Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3. GameHunters had some time to get a hands on with the Spec Ops Survival mode. MW3 gets a new progressive ranking system, online matchmaking …

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BioShock Infinite artwork released

Bioshock has been a very popular game series, selling millions of copies across both the console and PC platforms. The upcoming title Bioshock Infinite isn't due for release yet for some time, but Irrational are building some interest by releasing some information and imagery. Some interesting information is already published …

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Opera Mini 6 released for Apple products

Many Apple owners will be rejoicing to hear that Opera Mini 6 for the iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad was released earlier this week. This comes some time after the BlackBerry and Android versions of the software were released in March. Phillip Gronvold, a product marketing manager at Opera said …

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Microsoft actively replacing hosed 360’s

Last week, we reported on problems faced by Microsoft with the latest Xbox 360 console firmware flash. Microsoft have acknowledged the problem and have said that the issue isn't related to specific older versions or newer versions of the console and they have started a replacement program for those which …

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Is L.A. Noire the hottest game of 2011?

In the UK on Friday one of the years most anticipated games is released, the new title from RockStar Games. This game features new technology for capturing actors movements. L.A. Noire has been released in America and has been receiving rave reviews on many of the major gaming websites. Actor …

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