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Software & Gaming

Electronic Arts purchase Popcap: £815m

Popcap, the maker of successful entertainment games such as Plants V Zombies have been bought over by Electronic Arts, in a deal worth around £815 million. EA have been aiming to compete in the ‘casual games' sector, against Zynga and this move will help them enhance their portfolio. EA are …

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Get Microsoft Office 365 today – free of charge

The cloud is coming, cried the crowd. For once, it wasn't tennis fanatics at Wimbledon, this time it's Microsoft's online Office marketing team. KitGuru goes online to see what the fuss is about. Roll back 30 years and everyone used mainframes, where storage was remote and backed up centrally. So, …

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Devs get access to Internet Explorer 10 Preview 2

Developers will be busy this weekend as Microsoft have released the second preview of Internet Explorer 10. The IE10 preview launches help support developers to get access to the new features and behind the scenes interface for software development. Dean Hachamovitch from Microsoft said that developers will be able to …

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Violence and gore: does it sell games?

Yesterday we reported that the video game ban in California was rejected by the court, however two researchers who have based careers on the subject believe that the debate on the subject isn't over. The Supreme Court in California ruled that the video game industry should be allowed to continue …

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Classic shooter Marathon coming to iPad

Older Mac lovers will remember playing Marathon on their 68030 or 68040 powered computer many eons ago. The latest news is that the 1994 genre redefining shooter is coming to the iPad. Bungie, the makers of the original game however won't be involved because the port is being handled by …

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Valve to develop games for Wii U?

Valve co-founder Gabe Newell spoke to Joystiq at the 2011 Games For Change Festival and was happy to give his views on the upcoming Nintendo Wii U console. He said that the new Wii U console “sort of fits better into the scalability in terms of graphics performance and CPU …

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Dirt 3 competition winners

We would like to thank everyone for entering the Dirt 3 competition and we had many entries in the last couple of weeks. The five lucky winners are David Holt ‘Bruno' Padre Schlauch Kurt san juan Edmund Trent Please check your email for the key to get your game online …

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Nintendo say Wii U will have no DVD or Bluray playback

The WII U won't make for an ideal media console as it won't support either DVD or BluRay technology, according to Nintendo. Currently the Xbox 360 supports DVD and the Playstation 3 both DVD and Bluray discs. Nintendo spoke to analysts at a question and answer sessions at the E3 …

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AMD release new Catalyst 11.6 driver

The latest AMD driver was released last night – Catalyst 11.6, which is the first driver release which supports the new Llano based APUs. The latest driver highlights some new additions, such as the feature called ‘Steady Video'. This helps with stabilisation for video content which we first noticed in …

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Is Adobe Flash a major security problem?

Steve Jobs has called Adobe Flash a security risk. This is part of the reason he refuses to support it on any of the Apple devices. For the second time in nine days Adobe has patched a critical vulnerability in Flash Player which the hacking community was already exploiting. We …

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EA under fire for cashing in with Battlefield 3 pre-orders

Electronic Arts have had to issue a statement after they have came under fire for making a special edition of Battlefield 3 available to Game or Gamestation shops. The problem occured when EA announced that they were releasing a special version of the game with the ‘Physical Warfare Pack'. This …

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Google enhance search speeds in Chrome

Google have released information on a new search feature, which they are calling ‘Instant Pages'. This will give Chrome users faster connections to websites from links on search results. Instant Pages will apparently reduce times taken with a search process and it will be included in the latest test version …

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Ubuntu to replace Firefox with Chrome

Firefox has long been the browser of choice for Ubuntu, but Canonical founder Mark Shuttleworth told Network World that he is a big fan of Google's Chrome. The interesting news is that Canonical may replace Firefox with Chrome as the default browser in the operating system. The indication was that …

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Game analyst claims Wii U is ‘two years too late’

Nintendo are banking much of their future revenue on the Wii U launch. Analysts however are already saying that the release of the Wii U is not going to have the impact that Nintendo might expect. Michael Pachter, a highly respected Gaming financial analyst says that the chances of the …

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Senate site is hacked by Lulzsec

Lulzsec, a well known hacking group managed to break into the Senate website at the weekend. US officials have ordered a security review into the incident to ensure it doesn't happen again. Lulzsec are a high profile group of hackers who have previously targeted Nintendo, Sony and Fox News. An …

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Assassins Creed Revelations – hottest game this year?

Assassins Creed Revelations has been getting a lot of attention after the amazing gameplay demo at E3 this week. Fans of the stealth games look to be getting worked up on the latest exploits of Ezio, the double jointed Assassin. For Ubisoft, there is no better source of income than …

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Skype facing ongoing problems

Skype have been dealing with multiple issues lately and they are down, again. Two weeks after initial problems users are reporting more log in problems from the VOIP service. Skype have acknowledged the problems on their Twitter page saying “A small number of you may have problems signing in to …

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Will Nintendo stop developing for the Wii ?

Nintendo are putting all their efforts into the new Wii U and The Nintendo 3DS. At the recent press conference they held the Wii was not even a point of focus at all. Is the Wii finally at the end of its cycle? Gamepro have an interesting article up on …

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