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Software & Gaming

KitGuru Gaming – Weekly Round Up

For those tech readers who don’t always get time to check out our game related content at KitGuru Gaming – here is a round up of content published in the last week. “A Video Game Lasting 10 Years Reveals a Version of the End of the World” One man with …

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Nintendo struggle – will release supersized 3DS

Nintendo have upgraded the 3DS handheld to include a screen almost twice as big as the current model. Analysts feel that the screen size increase is to help Nintendo counter the rising sales from smartphones and tablets. The Nintendo 3DS LL (XL in some markets) will go on sale in …

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KitGuru Gaming – Weekly Round Up

For those tech readers who don’t always get time to check out our game related content at Kitguru gaming – here is a round up of content published in the last week. “The Intro of Matt Stone and Trey Parker's South Park RPG” Remember the excitement surrounding the announcement of …

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Prevent Facebook using YOU to sell products

During a BBC documentary that aired just ahead of the Facebook IPO, one of the more worrying aspects of Facebook's future advertising policy was exposed. And quite shocking it was too. But there is a way around it. KitGuru shows you how to hide behind the sofa when Facebook wants …

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Linkedin ‘no reports that member accounts were breached’

Linkedin have been reassuring its business customers that their data is safe. They said they received no reports that member accounts were breached after experiencing a password theft targeting 6.5 million people. These passwords were stolen and then published on a website last week. Security experts said  that Linkedins protection …

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Flame virus ordered to self destruct

Experts spoke out last night to say that the Flame computer virus has received orders to self destruct. Symantec said in a blog post last night that the Flame “command-and-control servers sent an updated command to several compromised computers. This command was designed to completely remove (Flame) from the compromised …

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eHarmony hacked, password breach

Dating site eHarmony have said that they were exposed in a breach yesterday, following shortly after the Linkedin password problems earlier this week. Becky Teraoka of eHarmony's corporate communications said “After investigating reports of compromised passwords, we have found that a small fraction of our user base has been affected.” …

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KitGuru Gaming – Weekly Round Up

For those tech readers who don’t always get time to check out our game related content at Kitguru gaming – here is a round up of content published in the last week. “Need a Friend? Not a Fan of the Outdoors? Find Gaming Partners” GamerPeer is a fairly new company, …

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KitGuru Gaming – Weekly Round Up

For those tech readers who don’t always get time to check out our game related content at Kitguru gaming – here is a round up of content published in the last week. “Bridging the Gap between Hardcore and Casual Games – Can It be Done?” Hardcore gamers vs. casual gamers, …

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Xbox 360 gets US ban ‘recommendation’

GamesIndustry.biz have an interesting news feed up today regarding a possible ban of the Xbox 360 in America. International Trade Commission judge David Shaw has recommended that the Xbox 360 sales are stopped. They spoke to patent expert Florian Mueller who said “I've never seen an ITC judge make any …

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KitGuru Gaming – Weekly Round Up

For those tech readers who don’t always get time to check out our game related content at Kitguru gaming – here is a round up of content published in the last week. “How Parents are Sabotaging the Mobile Gaming Space for their Children's Use” Brennan Knotts, COO of KinderTown, said that …

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Apple push security fixes to protect against malware

Apple have released security fixes for OS 10.5 Leopard, to protect against Flashback malware. The update also disables outdated Java and Flash functionality. Apple machines were infected last month, infecting more than 600,000 Macintosh computers. Apple released two security fixes last night for OS X 10.5 Leopard. Apple have been …

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