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Software & Gaming

Farmville 2 to rescue struggling Zynga?

Farmville was one of the most successful ‘casual' games of all time and the company behind it, Zynga are focusing on the follow up – the aptly titled ‘Farmville 2'. The San Francisco based company released the new game this week and it is set to deliver a more ‘graphically …

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Diablo III Paragon 100 almost reached, already


Despite it having been just over a week since Blizzard introduced what was expected to be a monumental time sink, Paragon Levels, one player known as Alkaizer has already almost hit the maximum. He currently sits at Paragon Level 97 – and considering he's done that in a week, expect it …

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Malware on the rise: highest in 4 years

According to a new McAfee report, Malware attacks are at their highest in 4 years. Mobile devices feature high on the list. McAfee, now owned by Intel issued their quarterly Threats Report and it points out that there is a 1.5 million increase in malware since Q1 this year, a …

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BBC allows mobile iPlayer downloads

BBC followers are now able to watch their favourite tv shows while traveling thanks to a new adjustment to the iPlayer software. Programs can now be downloaded from the iPlayer to smartphones and tablets, for the first time. From today, license fee payers can download media from the iPlayer video …

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Guild Wars 2 hacking woes

Guild Wars 2

While Guild Wars 2 might have been selling extremely well, with players knocking up impressive levelling sprints, it's not without its problems. A few days ago we noted the issue with mispriced items, but now ArenaNet is having to deal with hackers. In quite an ingenious scheme, a few nefarious …

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Guild Wars 2 launch suffers login issues

Guild Wars 2

It seems these days that a big, hotly anticipated game, can't launch without experiencing some sort of problem. Similar to the issues seen with Blizzard's Diablo III launch earlier this year, Guild Wars 2 that officially began its career in the MMO world this morning, has been hit with log-in …

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InWin unveils stunning bladed chassis

Without doubt, i46 is the best Multiplay LAN gaming event ever. We say ‘is', because it doesn't finish until Monday – so there's still time if you want to go along and see what all the fuss is about. This report focuses on a very special chassis coming soon from …

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The Business: More GTA V screenshots

GTA V The Business

Hot off the heels of yesterday's more relaxed looking GTA V screens, featuring tennis courts, parachuting and the sheer beauty of the natural world Rockstar looks to have created for its next Grand Theft Auto title, we have four new screengrabs that showcase scenes with a little more focus on …

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Hacktivists infect 30,000 PCs at Saudi oil company

For as long as there have been computers, there have been hackers. Moving forward in the 21st century, there seems to be an ever increasing risk of activists, with a political agenda and computer skills, attacking major companies without putting themselves at risk in the streets. KitGuru considers this latest …

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Smashing ideas for the future of gaming

While PCs and traditional consoles were busy focusing on how many pixels could be cinematically shaded with ultra-realism a decade ago, the team at Nintendo went in a different direction with the Wii. It was a serious wake up call to the big boys and led to products like Kinect. …

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Masters of Modding at GamesCom 2012

While Apple sells the world on a dream comprised of 50 shades of grey, the hardcore modders among you will crave something a little different. Over at GamesCom 2012, a large section of Hall 11 has been dedicated to the past (retro gaming), present (extreme sports) and the future (experimental …

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GamesCom 2012 Booth Babes: Part Zwei

While every game company spends big to make its stand more attractive than the next, the marketing people who create GamesCom exhibits are not shy of using plain, old-fashioned biology. Here's a second selection of the booth babes being used to pull punters on to stands. Don't worry ladies, you …

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Just how big is GamesCom 2012?

While experts on CNBC spent much of last Wednesday night discussing how likely it was that America would slip into a disastrous 2nd recession in 2013, after the presidential elections, Cologne was gearing up for the first public day of GamesCom 2012. KitGuru operatives sent back some cool shots that …

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