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Software & Gaming

GTA 5 unveiling tells us a lot

Game Informer

GTA 5 had its big debut yesterday, with a lot of new information coming out in the latest issue of Game Informer. Dan Houser, one of the co-founders of the GTA series, Dan Houser, explained that the new game would involve heists, multiple playable characters and that each of them …

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Videogame sales drop in October by 25%

The American gaming market isn't looking too healthy, as software sales have dropped by a whopping 25% in October compared to the same month a year before. Data from the NPD Group was released late on Thursday which highlights the concerning drop. Hardware sales are also said to have dropped …

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Razer responds to Naga mouse DRM problems

Razer Naga

You might think that when you spend over £50 on a mouse, that you'll be getting something a bit special. It usually gives you extra features like more buttons, higher build quality and often some impressive backend software to play with. Not in the case of Razer Naga owners, who …

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EA adding Twitch streaming to Origin

Origin Broadcast

In an update that is due for release next week, EA has announced that it will be adding Twitch streaming to its Origin games platform, allowing players to easily share their in-game footage live, with viewers around the world. Apparently it'll be a relatively simply thing to activate too. All …

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No Halo 4 on PC

Halo 4

Halo 4 will not be coming to the PC platform, Microsoft has confirmed, stating that it was designed from the ground up as an Xbox 360 title and that's where it would stay. “Halo 4 was designed specifically for Xbox 360, and while we’re always exploring new ways to expand …

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Final version of Opera 12.10 for desktop released

Today’s web surfers aren’t content just to visit websites to look at cute cat and puppy pictures. Sure, few can resist surfing for cute cat pictures and constantly checking out the latest news, but sometimes plain old browsing isn’t enough. You want more relevant content, faster, and preferably without having …

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Playstation 3 may go on sale in China

For a Westerner it may seem bizarre, but unless you get hold of a grey market import, Consoles are banned from sale in China, since 2000. Sony however may be about to make a landmark move. A report on TechInAsia has highlighted that Sony have received approval for the China …

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Hacker defaces NBC and Lady Gaga websites

A hacker who calls himself ‘pyknic' has taken credit for defacing some websites belonging to NBC as well as a Lady Gaga website. People who visited the sites yesterday were presented with a message which referenced the failed assassination against King James I of England and King James VI of …

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In Russia, cyber crime is cheap


Whether you're looking to hire a hacker for an hour, or have someone spammed, maybe you want a botnet of your very own, or a trojan that lets you take over a particular computer? All of this can be had for at most, a few hundred pounds – all you …

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343 Industries hits out at Xbox sexism


Two of the developers from 343 Industries, the company behind the upcoming Halo 4, have commented on the level of sexism that occurs regularly on the Xbox Live platform, in what seems like simultaneous personal rejection of the practice, as well as a way of distancing the developer's products from it. …

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Grand Theft Auto 5: to be biggest in series

Kitguru Gaming has been releasing information on the upcoming GTA5 as we get it, but the announcement yesterday points out that fans are in for a treat. The game, which is now penciled in to arrive next Spring is said to be groundbreaking. Rockstar issued an announcement yesterday saying that …

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Will Furby be the big kids tech-gift for Xmas?

While ‘wee-tee-kah-wah-tee' won't mean a great deal to most of you, over 40 million people across the world have a fair chance of knowing that it means, “Sing me a song”. To put that number in perspective, it's around the same as the number of people on the planet who …

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Microsoft sold 4 million Windows 8 upgrades, says Ballmer

Steve Ballmer

Current CEO of Microsoft, Steve Ballmer, has announced that over four million Windows 8 upgrades have been sold already. His follow up statement said that the interest in the new operating system had been “stunning.” This announcement was made at Microsoft's Build Developer's conference at the company's main campus in …

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Increased Hacker Interest in SQL Injection Attacks

Imperva, Inc. today released its October Hacker Intelligence Initiative report, “Monitoring Hacker Forums,” its second annual analysis of a large hacker forum containing roughly 250,000 members. Imperva has detected a black market for social network fraud.  In addition, about one third of discussions in the hacker forum focused on training …

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GTA V delayed for PC?

GTA V Poster

While players of previous generation GTAs will have somewhat expected it, new evidence has appeared that suggests the PC version of Grant Theft Auto 5 will be delayed beyond the release of the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game. Over at NeoGaff, one of the forum members managed …

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Square Enix is tracking gamers play styles


It's becoming an increasing trend in gaming, that not only do publishers and developers want you to buy their new releases, but they want to know how you play them. They aren't asking for that information either, they're taking it and that's just what Square Enix has been doing with …

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How many hours went into testing Windows 8?

Windows 8

While I'm sure many of you will immediately jump to the smart ass answer of “not enough,” the actual figure for the man hours put into testing Windows 8 is quite staggering. The one that came out of Microsoft today during its official launch event for the new operating system, …

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First GTA V artwork released


The first artwork for Grand Theft Auto V has been released by Rockstar and true to tradition it's done in the same cartoonish style we've seen in the past. It comes with the promise from the developer that there will be: “lots of info coming next month,” and a warning …

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Asus launches ET2300 All-in-One for Windows 8

While PC users across the globe will be complaining bitterly about the Windows 8 interface change, there's no doubt that it will work wonders for tablet and other touch screen users. Asus already has a brand new product ready for your special touch. KitGuru gives its dirty fingers a good …

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Weak consoles blamed for stagnantion of gaming market

If there's one thing making the hardware market stagnate, it's the gaming console. That's according to you, the KitGuru reader. Without amazing new games coming through in droves, where's the drive to buy new hardware? KitGuru's loyal followers lay the blame at the collective doors of Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo. …

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