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Software & Gaming

Kim Dotcom working with Newzbin to create encrypted email

Kim Dotcom is a busy man. He's been preparing for his impending extradition trial, playing gamers for charity, announcing a new name for his music service and starting his own political party. Now, on top of all that, he's also got plans for an encrypted email service. The announcement was …

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Here’s what Kinect sees when it looks at you

The Kinect has been a funny old bit of hardware. While it has its uses, like dance games, it's never really enamoured itself with a gaming public. Microsoft didn't do it much of a service either, by suggesting earlier this year, that with the Xbox One it would always be …

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Silk road downed, Bitcoin price could tumble

The online, tor-accessible drugs marketplace, Silk Road, looks to have been taken down by US federal authorities, with a notice posted up on the main page stating as such. Further reports also suggest that the notoriously anonymous admin of the site, Dread Pirates Roberts (DPR) has been identified and arrested …

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Destiny trailer, box art and beta access

Destiny, the long awaited game developed by ‘Halo' creators, Bungie and its partner in crime: Activision, just got it's first game-play trailer along with pre-order beta access details and box art. Destiny is an ambitious game with a persistent growing universe, which Bungie wants to expand over the next 10 …

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Should games consider the rules of war?

As games become more aesthetically realistic and motion capture and improved animation techniques give us the ability to do more things in-game, should obeying the rules of war be something that game developers take into consideration when building these titles we so enjoy? The Red Cross seems to think so, …

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Who wants Mario and Luigi themed Wiimotes?

I do, I do! My wife will too, for sure. Granted it doesn't come down to much more than painting them red or green and sticking a M or L over the speaker port, but this is something Nintendo should have been doing for a long time. Announced yesterday as …

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Valve trademarks Half Life 3

In a move that could rival Valve's recent spate of announcements for its ability to excite the gaming populace, the Steam developer has gone and done it: it's trademarked Half Life 3. Of course with a headline like that, we can expect most of the comments to this piece to …

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Nintendo Direct announcements

Nintendo held a direct conference today, showing off some new games and updates for the Wii U and 3DS. The stream lasted about 30 minutes showing off trailers for all of the new games announced and some game-play. First up on the agenda were the Wii U announcements, starting off …

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A bumpy launch expected for GTA Online

Grand Theft Auto is a massive franchise, but even by its standards, the series has blown up in popularity with this latest release. Suddenly everybody is talking about GTA again and more importantly everybody is playing it. With GTA Online set to launch here in the UK at noon, we're …

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Killzone: Shadow Fall is huge

As we all know, both Sony and Microsoft chose to release next gen systems with 500GB HDD's. That doesn't sound so bad at first, but UK managing director of Sony, Fergal Gara, has just revealed that Killzone: Shadow fall will require 50GB of space to install. That's huge by anyone's …

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ChatOn IM reaches 100 million user milestone

ChatOn, the IM service provided on Samsung phones, has managed to double its user base in the last four months, hitting the 100 million user milestone. The cross platform messaging service is available on: IOS, Android, Blackberry and Samsung's own mobile OS ‘Bada'. Samsung pre-installs this app on its android …

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$100 gadget to block the NSA

John McAfee wants to protect us from the NSA, with a d-central device that communicates directly with your devices to create a private network – this network would be inaccessible to the government. The technology has been planned for a few years, but with the recent NSA leaks, work on …

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UK is building a hacking army

Finally, the future is here. The UK is set to recruit a new generation of cyber soldiers, digital warriors and hacking heroes, in an effort to counter current and future security problems in the digital sphere of combat. No longer will the British isles lag behind countries like the US …

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100 gamers line up to beat Dotcom, one succeeds

Kim Dotcom recently announced his partnership with the New Zealand gaming/tech show, DigitalNationz, which would see him face off against 100 celebrities and competition winning gamers, donating $100 to charity each time he beat one of them, but offering big prizes to the first eight people that beat him. 99 …

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