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Software & Gaming

GTA V on PC conspiracy theory

Put on your tin foil hats guys, it's time for a good old conspiracy theory. Answer this question though: why isn't GTA V on the PC yet? According to one guy at Intel, it's because some serious money changed hands to make sure it remained a console exclusive; for now …

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John Carmack endorses AMD Mantle API

John Carmack, co-founder of id Software and creator of some of gamings most revolutionary titles, has given a lot more credence to AMD's Mantle API and DirectX workaround, by suggesting that big performance gains should be viable. It's on his Twitter, but that's about as official as you get now outside …

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Grand Theft Auto V breaks a few world records

Well Grand Theft Auto V broke a few world records, are you surprised? The game has been recognized as breaking seven Guinness World Records now making the achievements official. The confirmation came yesterday as Guiness World Records Editor in Chief, Craig Glenda, praised the game with the following statement: “GTA totally deserves …

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Square Enix partnering with Indigogo

Square Enix has announced the launch of its own Steam Greenlight type system called ‘Collective'. As part of it, the publishing giant will be giving Indie developers the chance to pitch ideas and garner enough interest to be put up for crowd funding. The real exciting part however, Square Enix …

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Assassin’s Creed IV has PlayStation exclusive missions

Despite one of its high ranking officials stating just yesterday that console exclusives don't benefit anyone, Sony fans are set to get an hour of extra gameplay in the upcoming Assassin's Creed IV, with an exclusive campaign based around Assassin's Creed Liberation's Aveline de Grandpre. This new miniature campaign was announced …

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BBC Playlister announced

The BBC is launching its new ‘Playlister' service today, which partners with Youtube, Spotify and Deezer allowing you to save songs you hear on the radio to a playlist to listen back to later on one of the partnering services. Last year we suspected the BBC was going to enter …

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Whatsapp website briefly defaced by protestors

A group of protesters demanding peace for Palestine took it upon themselves to paint their message across the Whatsapp website this morning. Taking responsibility, is KDMS, a team of pro-Palestinians claiming to be a part of the Anonymous group. The Whatsapp page title was changed to ‘You got pwned', the reasoning …

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Call of Duty Ghosts hates 32bit too

Ubisoft made the big announcement a few days ago that it would not be supporting 32bit operating systems with its upcoming titles: Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag and Watch Dogs, as each requires upwards of 4GB of RAM to run properly. Well now it's not the only one to leave …

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PlayStation executive says exclusives don’t help anyone

It certainly seems like Sony is taking its pro-developer stance seriously, as one of the PlayStation division's executives has come out and said quite brazenly, that he doesn't believe console exclusives are good for anything but bragging rights and what really helps developers, is cross platform sales. Remember when another …

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Xbox One day one update will take about 20 minutes

Microsoft dug itself into quite a hole earlier this year with its Xbox One reveal. It wasn't so much that every idea was bad, family sharing would have been pretty cool, but other than that all of the restrictions and privacy concerns with Kinect just didn't seem worth it. After …

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Valve files another trademark, guess what for

Valve has been smashing out headlines this past couple of weeks, whether you're talking about the SteamBox, SteamOS, the new touchpad/joypad controller or the Half Life 3 trademark. You can't look left or right without bumping into a new Valve story and today we have another: Valve just trademarked Portal …

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New League of Legends champions crowned

If you haven't been keeping up with the latest season of League of Legends championship series, you may have missed that over the weekend, a new team was crowned champions, netting not only the glory of being the best team in the world for (potentially) a brief moment, but a …

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Adobe security breach outs 3 million customer details

We reported on Adobe's announced hack earlier today, where it was thought likely that nothing too serious had been done, but a few encrypted passwords might have been taken. Now we've had further word from Adobe that it's worse; much worse. The latest revelation, is that over 2.9 million customer …

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Sony boss speaks out about future PS3 support

The PS4 is coming out next month but thats not to say the Playstation 3 doesn't have life left in it, although it might not be as long as you think. Worldwide Studios president, Shuhei Yoshida, in an interview with Games Industry, said that while the PS3 won't get the 5 …

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Instagram to start rolling out ads

If you've been on the Internet for long, you've probably picked up on the proliferation of online advertising. It's how websites and content creators earn money, making it an integral part of the ecosystem, so it's no surprise that Instagram is planning to put ads in users' timeline. Much like …

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Ubisoft is ending support for 32bit

Minimum and recommended specifications for games often initiate one of two feelings from PC gamers: either they're indifferent, or they're horrified. You either look at them and think, “is that it?” and move on with your day, content in the knowledge that your hard working gaming rig is going to …

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Bioshock 2 update drops GFWL, adds DLC

With Microsoft announcing an end to its Games for Windows Live platform earlier this year, it threw the future of many supporting games into jeopardy. Because the service used an authentication system that required connectivity to play the game, without it, many of them wouldn't work. However, in Bioshock 2's …

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Adobe admit network breached – urge password reset

Adobe Systems have admitted that their network has been breached and that customer details may have been lost. They say ‘the attackers may have obtained access to your Adobe ID and encrypted password.' They add ‘We currently have no indication that there has been unauthorized activity on your account. If …

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Terraria 2 is coming

2D blocky builder, Terraria, received its 1.2 patch yesterday, adding in a ton of new content including: 250 new items, 20 vanity sets, 10 new wings, new biomes, new tiles and 60 aesthetic changes. Despite the recent overhaul, lead developer, Redigit, is looking to the future after confirming he has …

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US government shutdown causing web security issues

If you thought the shutdown of drug marketplace the Silk Road was an indication that the US authorities remain on the ball despite their government technically shutting down due to a disagreement over the budget, think again. Thanks to employees not being able to do their job properly, SSL certifications …

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