Microsoft are going to unleash their upcoming version of Windows tomorrow. The new version, known at this point as Windows 8 is set to generate massive revenue for the company when it is released. The big question everyone is asking is ‘will it be better than Windows 7?'. The reason …
Read More »Windows 8 won’t require a system upgrade
Microsoft executive Tami Reller has spoken out at the Worldwide Partner Conference 2011, which took place yesterday in Los Angeles. She said that any PC today which is capable of running Windows 7 will be able to power the upcoming operating system. Leading UK news site thinq_ ran a story …
Read More »iOS is more secure than Android, according to research
Symantec have published their latest findings after putting both Google Android and Apple iOS through a series of security tests. According to their claims, iOS is more resilient against three out of five types of threat, which include data loss and malware. The security firm also claim that social engineering …
Read More »Popureb malware can destroy a system install
A rather new, and nasty Trojan nicknamed Popureb looks to be incredibly dangerous, forcing users to wipe their operating system to remove it completely. Microsoft have issued a warning saying that there is only one way to be sure that it is gone – to wipe all harddrives in a …
Read More »Ubuntu to replace Firefox with Chrome
Firefox has long been the browser of choice for Ubuntu, but Canonical founder Mark Shuttleworth told Network World that he is a big fan of Google's Chrome. The interesting news is that Canonical may replace Firefox with Chrome as the default browser in the operating system. The indication was that …
Read More »Atom not a crap choice for tablet PCs, says Intel
Walking around the corridors at the Grand Hyatt, you come across all sorts of strange conversations. On the tenth floor, Intel has taken more sweets than a greedy kid in a pick-n-mix. So what has KitGuru heard? ARM has been pwning the tablet space, because Intel needs to work on …
Read More »Windows 8 will not require hardware upgrades
Windows 8 is getting a lot of hype this week, and Kitguru has been onhand with several articles detailing the upcoming flagship product from Microsoft. The news that everyone asks ‘will I need a new computer to run it?', has been answered by Microsoft. The answer? no, you will be …
Read More »Windows 8 preview video
Microsoft Windows 8 is the hot topic of conversation right now. Many people are hoping it isn't a repeat of Windows Vista, and more in line with Windows 7 (although I am probably one of the few journalists who liked vista). Microsoft showcased a few aspects of the new “Windows …
Read More »Microsoft preview Windows 8 – new interface design
Windows 8 demonstrated the next version of their operating system at the All Things D conference on a prototype touch screen tablet, as well as a few laptop systems with a mouse and keyboard attached. Many people are saying that it looks a lot like Windows Phone 7. The interface …
Read More »Microsoft restrict chipmakers for tablet computers
Microsoft have told chipmakers who want to use the upcoming version of Windows for tablet computers to work with only one manufacturer, to speed up the delivery. Bloomberg claim that people close to the companies have detailed the information. Chipmakers who agree to Microsoft's terms will get incentives in exchange …
Read More »Windows 7 is five times more secure than Windows XP
Windows XP has always been promoted as a secure operating system, but latest reports from Microsoft themselves actually show that Windows 7 is a much more secure platform now. While we would normally assume that there is some underhanded move to promote their latest OS, the figures that Microsoft are …
Read More »Chrome OS might launch this week
Rumors are circulating that Google may be launching Chrome OS very shortly at the Google I/O. With the latest news on Samsung's upcoming Chrome OS notebook being released it would certainly seem like good timing. Chrome OS has been in development for some time now, with CR-48 notebooks helping developers …
Read More »IE adds Flash cookie security, but fails to address Silverlight issues
Microsoft's Internet Explorer team have added a new system, making it easier to delete Flash cookies, which threaten user privacy. Unfortunately there is a similar problem in Silverlight which seems to be taking a back seat. Microsoft have been making a big deal of their new system in IE which …
Read More »Internet Explorer 9 falls behind Chrome 10 and Firefox 4
Internet Explorer 9 has been released to high levels of critical acclaim and public feedback has also been strong. Unfortunately for Microsoft, according to NetApplications April browser share data, they are still struggling to get good percentages of adoption. IE9 doesn't even get into the browser version breakdown chart for …
Read More »Microsoft to patch 64 vulnerabilities
Microsoft had a relatively easy March, having just three bulletins fixing four vulnerabilities. April is a different story, with 17 bulletins being issued, with 64 different vulnerability fixes. This ties with the ‘most bulletins' since December 2010 and takes the top position for the number of flaws fixed. Nine bulletins …
Read More »Microsoft include ribbon interface in Windows 8
Microsoft are set to unify the appearance of their products, if the leaked screenshots of Windows 8 are anything to go by. New images of the operating system, such as the welcome screen highlight the Windows Phone 7 lock screen, while new navigation techniques used in Office 2010 look to …
Read More »Microsoft Windows Thin PC Beta – for free
Microsoft are offering a locked down version of Windows 7 designed to turn cheap hardware into ‘thin-client' systems. This operating system is geared to administrators who want cheap and easy PC systems for employees, without having to worry about fixing a plethora of user generated problems. This operating system is …
Read More »Hewlett Packard will ship PC’s with WebOS
Hewlett Packard will be shipping WebOS on all their PC's starting next year. This will hurt Microsoft badly as their biggest hardware partner will be no longer exclusively tied into the Windows operating system. HP CEO Leo Apotheker has told Bloomberg News that HP ‘lost its soul' under former chief …
Read More »Windows 7 SP1 official released
Microsoft have released the first official service pack for Windows 7 today. This update includes all previously released security, performance and stability updates for Windows 7. SP1 includes new improvements for certain features and services in Windows 7 such as improved relability when hooking up HDMI audio devices, printing using …
Read More »Windows 8 beta as soon as Q4 2011? (with ARM support)
A leaked roadmap of Windows 8 Milestone 2 development is hinting that the next version of Windows could be very close to release, educated sources have even indicated that it might get a beta release in Q4 this year. Windows 8 is said to be a hugely progressive release from …
Read More »Skype dumps mobile Windows ?
There are a lot of ways to make calls in the world, and some are stranger than others. One of the more unusual couplings is using a phone call application like Skype to make phone calls over the web connection provided by a phone. KitGuru's heard Rumblings-Over-IP about a possible …
Read More »Windows 7 to get first service pack on Feb 22nd
Microsoft have announced that Windows 7 Service Pack 1 will be released on February 22nd. This will be a 1.2 gigabyte download featuring all of the minor point releases since the operating system launched in July 2009. We all love service packs, they help to gather all the updates into …
Read More »Microsoft to issue 22 bug fixes and 3 zero days next week
Microsoft have announced that it is going to fix 22 vulnerabilities next week across a range of 12 security updates next week. These will target Windows, Internet Explorer, Internet Server and Visio, the companies data diagramming tool. Microsoft also have announced that patches will be released for three bugs it …
Read More »Windows 8 to run on ARM
Microsoft are due to revamp Windows 8 to support ARM processors, the leading hardware platform for mobile computer on tablets and smartphones. Windows 8 however is probably not due until 2012, or possibly 2013. ‘Windows 8' isn't the final release name of the upcoming operating system, but when we use …
Read More »Microsoft patch breaks records, again
For the third time in 2010, Microsoft have just issued another massive, jaw dropping slew of security patches. Their December Bulletin Release contains 17 security bulletins which address 40 vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office, Windows OS, SharePoint Server, Internet Explorer and Exchange. In October they broke their previous record, issuing 16 …
Read More »Google Chrome CR48 Notebook is Atom powered
Google have announced their CR 48 laptop a few days ago, but rumour was circulating that the CPU might be ARM based. It has been confirmed that the processor will in fact be the Intel Atom processor. Rumours have hit Kitguru that two versions will be released, one with a …
Read More »Google launch Chrome OS
Google have launched Chrome OS in their continued expansion into other areas of software. Chrome OS is released as a trial program that users can register for online and will eventually be offered preinstalled on a wide range of computers made by global names such as Samsung and Acer. The …
Read More »Windows 7 SP1 Release Candidate available for download
The day is finally here – Microsoft have made SP1 Release Candidate for Windows 7 freely available for download. This is the final beta download and according to the Microsoft schedule, SP1 will be ready and available for both Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 in the first quarter of …
Read More »Windows 7 sales hit 240,000,000 – breaks records
Microsoft have announced that over 240 million copies of Windows 7 have been sold since releasing the operating system over a year ago. This is now officially the fastest selling OS in their history. Vista was never warmly received, although at KitGuru we think some of the uneducated press damaged …
Read More »Mega Microsoft patch list coming Tuesday – 34 fixes
Microsoft have announced a monster list of security software fixes coming this Tuesday. 34 vulnerabilities are being sorted in this months patch list. This patch list has been confirmed by Microsoft in an advanced notification which they posted on their TechNet site. It lists eight of fourteen security bulletins addressed …
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