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Intel could save the discrete graphics market. But will they?

The GPU market is in shambles and has been for some time. Graphics card prices are through the roof and 2021 saw an array of lacklustre launches from both AMD and Nvidia, who many accuse of cashing in on the crisis. Fortunately for Intel, however, such events have conspired in their favour as the company is now presented with a monumental opportunity to seize the discrete GPU market. They simply can't miss - can they?

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Yes, you can still overclock Intel’s 12th Gen Core non-K processors

Intel's 'non-K' processors are not supposed to be overclockable. However, enthusiasts have had success in the past when trying to overclock them via the BCLK, significantly improving the performance of such chips. So it was only a matter of time before someone tried it out with Intel's 12th Gen Core processors, and that someone was no other than Der8auer...

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Nvidia announces new DLDSR downsampling feature and advanced Freestyle filters

Nvidia's upcomingGeForce Game Ready driver sure sounds promising. The new graphics driver will bring DLSS and Reflex support for God of War PC and Rainbow Six Extraction, optimisations and enhancements for Grit, The Anacrusis and Hitman III Year 2. The real highlights, however, are the advanced Freestyle filters and new DLDSR upscaling technology.

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