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Bit Fenix Colossus exposed – intimate shots taken

Coco Lee, is the driving force behind Bit Fenix, and she is an amazing lady. Whether the world decides that it loves, hates or is completely indifferent to the Bit Fenix Colossus, you have to give credit where it is due. Coco is not only really smart, she also has …

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XFX HD5770 1GB Single Slot in CrossfireX Review

KitGuru has reviewed many HD5770 graphics cards since we opened and we still believe it is one of the best value cards on the market, combining very reasonable pricing with decent DX11 gaming performance. There have already been a massive selection of third party cards in recent months with faster …

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nVidia and XFX burned bridges for good?

XFX are without doubt one of the finest graphics card manufacturers on the planet and whenever they announced they were going to sell ATI graphics card, many analysts and journo's wondered how it would work. After all nVidia are well known to be rather tempremental and difficult to work with …

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NZXT Sentry LXE Review

Over the past few years NZXT have released 3 variations of their Sentry line of fan controllers. The first 2 models were front mounted inside a case which often meant cables everywhere. Today we have their first external fan controller the Sentry LXE in the KitGuru labs.  The Sentry LXE …

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Zotac GTX460 AMP! to retail in UK for £209.99

KitGuru reviewed the stonking new Zotac GTX460 AMP! earlier this week and while pricing wasn't confirmed at the time, we have just heard from Zotac that the retail cost will be £209.99 inc vat. Considering the standard clocked GTX460 is around £199 right now, it seems well worth the extra …

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BitFenix Colossus case to ship September

Bitfenix, a hot new company dealing with chassis designs have a spanking looking case being released in September – entitled the Colossus. The case has undergone some changes since it was originally announced with focus now on adding a steel storage box to improve rigidity and strength. The top and …

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Powercolor launch new low profile HD5750

TUL Corporation, a leading manufacturer of AMD graphics cards, today announced improved gaming performance for HTPC gamers. The PowerColor HD5750 Low Profile Edition is specifically designed for those with HTPC systems or limited space chassis’ who desire the upgraded graphics performance without having to compromise their system size. The PowerColor …

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Intel kills 750 – crowns new champion

Word has just reached KitGuru that one of the most popular enthusiast CPUs in the world, the Core i5 750, has been handed a long sword, pointed in the direction of its family temple at dawn and told to cut out its main intestine before plunging the cold metal into …

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Kingston release new HyperX performance memory

Kingston have just announced the release of HyperX ‘H2O’ water-cooled DDR3 and HyperX ‘blu’ entry-level DDR 2 and DDR3 memory kits. This means that currently Kingston have five different ranges within the HyperX performance memory sector. As this could be confusing for many, let us have a look at the …

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Zotac GTX460 AMP! Edition Review

nVidia's GTX460 is without a doubt the strongest card in their current lineup, the pricing is right and the performance has surprised more than a few naysayers. Even though the reference performance is excellent this hasn't stopped manufacturers from releasing their own modded boards and KitGuru recently reviewed the MSI …

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HIS HD 5850 iCooler V Turbo Review

Today we are looking at another 5000 series card from HIS, the HIS HD5850 iCooler V Turbo.  The last HIS card we reviewed was the IceQ 5 5770 and in a similar fashion the HD5850 shares a factory pre-overclock. This particular product features a center mounted fan to disperse air …

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Antec P193 Review

The PC chassis market now is inundated with models from a plethora of manufacturers, so it gets harder and harder for a design to get noticed, especially by the demanding enthusiast audience. The size has to be right, the airflow has to good enough to cool the latest hot running …

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ATI logo finally gone?

There's a background buzz in the industry right now that says the ATI brand might not make it past Christmas. For almost 25 years, the graphic card buying public has put ATI on its shortlist. KitGuru wonders, could this be the end? The world is full of weird paradoxes , …

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Sandy Bridge Launch line up – info leaked

Computerbase appear to have leaked information on the Intel launch lineup for Sandy bridge. Both mobile and desktop parts are listed and while this is not confirmed it looks to be reasonably realistic going on previous reports. The move to Sandy Bridge will give customers new solutions with power via …

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GTX470 Vs 5770 CrossFire: Get in the ring special

Fourteen floors down, in a secured elevator, Zardon's personal lab is a monstrous affair. Closer to a medieval torture pit than anything you'd see Pepper Potts delivering coffee to Tony Stark in. When you absolutely, positively, definitely need the truth – then Zardon's inner chamber is where the torture testing will happen. However, sometimes …

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NZXT Phantom Case Review

Not long ago NZXT officially announced their upcoming new Full tower chassis The Phantom. This case is targeting the enthusiast market and offers many exciting features. The company spent countless hours working with members of the Case modding community like Craig Brugger and Bill Owen to help bring a product …

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OCZ Agility 2 120GB SSD review

SSD drives haven't quite reached ‘mainstream' yet, however as more enthusiast users are realising the performance benefits, sales figures are increasing and the adoption rate is improving. SSD performance is based around three areas, the Controller, the Firmware and the NAND. The controllers are massively important to the overall unit …

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Toshiba announce new ‘self-wiping’ drives

Toshiba have just detailed new technology in the battle for data security – new drives which can automatically wipe sensitive data. These drives are going to be using AES 256 encryption to store data and while this is nothing new, there is a new system in place to increase data …

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