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Adobe Flash Player 10.1 released – GPU acceleration

Adobe have been in the press almost daily lately, as their feud with Apple continues. Fans of Flash Player will be pleased to hear however that they have finally released 10.1 player to the public today with the mobile version due to hit around October this year. 10.1 is not …

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AMD Graphics Gain Share From Nvidia’s In Q1

AMD, headquartered in Sunnyvale, Calif., gained 8.2 share points in the discrete graphics market in the first quarter of 2010, lifting the chip maker to a 42.1 percent overall share of that market. Nvidia lost 8.2 share points during that same period, according to the research firm. In mobile discrete …

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Michael Dell eating Apple humble pie

It seems impossible to avoid the Apple success story lately and news has just filtered in that Apple are in fact now worth eight times as much as computer giant Dell. In NASDAQ trading today, Apple gained $1.95 to $239.74 to hit a market value of $218.12 billion or more …

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New concerns emerge over Google privacy

Data Protection officials from France, Spain and the Czech Republic have announced plans to analyse Google's collection of data from wireless networks in their respective countries. This could well be the first step in regards to sanctions from European countries. Earlier this week Google made the statement that they had …

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YouTube: 2 billion downloads daily

YouTube made a public announcement stating that they get over two billion hits each day which works out at over twice as many people who watch all three of the biggest US TV networks combined. “I see this great growth opportunity in the online video market and we are positioning …

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Wii sales not so wii – 70 million worldwide

Nintendo's latest financial records are very positive indeed with figures showing that the Wii console has just passed the 70 million mark sales figure. There were 20.53 million sales in the fiscal year which ended March 31st, 2010. 70.93 million means that Nintendo have around 49 percent of the home …

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When technology goes wrong – Volvo test car crashes

Technology is making an impact everywhere (no pun intended) with the latest advanced electronics taking over many of the vehicles we drive today. Volvo have been at the forefront of this technology and have always been a proud purveyor of producing the safest possible cars on the market. That all …

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System builders take a beating from hung parliament

While interesting for the world as a whole, the UK's complete lack of decision when it comes to selecting a government is going to have a potentially disasterous impact on the system builder market. Already working off low margins, the currency market's response to a hung parliament has seen a …

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