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Mustafa Mahmoud

You can now watch Twitch on your Switch

When the Nintendo Switch first launched, it was positioned as a game-focused device. As such, no media apps were made available. Slowly but surely, more have been added, with Twitch now available on the Nintendo Switch. Making the announcement, Nintendo said “Watch livestream gaming videos, Esports and any IRL broadcast …

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KitGuru Games: The Metaverse is killing the video games industry

"The collaboration between Fortnite and fashion brand Balenciaga is an interesting case study showing how far Fortnite has fallen down the metaverse rabbit hole. Thanks to this collaboration, you could now spend real money to go to a digital shop to buy a digital Fortnite x Balenciaga hoodie, and then back in the real world spend real money on a real version of a digital hoodie which you already spent real money on. Don’t worry though, the hoodie only costs you $725."

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