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Adult tablet adoption: 19% USA, 7% UK

The netbook market was hit hard in 2011 by the growing adoption of tablets. Latest research from the PEW Research Center has revealed their latest figures, which indicate that 19 percent of adults in America are now using a tablet of some kind.

The main bulk of the growth in America has happened in the latter part of the year, with people warming to the idea of reading news, answering emails and surfing the net at night on an instant start up, low power tablet.

The US market is the quickest growing, showing their willingness to jump on the latest tech gadgets when they can afford it. The United Kingdom market hasn't shown figures which are quite as impressive, with around 5 percent of the adult audience owning an iPad. Another 2 percent own other tablet computers, mostly from the budget market. Research by Forrester claim that the figure in the UK will rise to a staggering 34 percent over the next four years (by 2015).

With such growth planned over the coming years, the competition for the tablet sector is set to reach a fever pitch this year. We have already reported that Apple are looking at new ultra high definition screen technologies to further distance themselves from other manufacturers.

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One comment

  1. Americans take more tablets than Brits? Surely not! Who’d a thunked it.