Home / Software & Gaming / Console / Classic PS2 horror game ‘Siren’ listed by Korean Ratings Board

Classic PS2 horror game ‘Siren’ listed by Korean Ratings Board

One way in which video games are leaked ahead of time can be attributed to games rating boards, who publicly publish their content reports on titles ahead of their release – making such projects visible for all. One of the biggest culprits in this regard is the Korean Games Rating Board – who have now seemingly leaked the return of the much loved ‘Siren’ series.

As discovered by ResetEra user –R, the Korean Game Rating Board has published a listing for Siren by Sony Interactive Entertainment with the same description as the PS2 original.

This seems to suggest that the game is set to get a re-release of sorts; how extensive of a re-release is yet to be seen however.

For context, Siren is already available on PlayStation through Sony’s old PSClassics, which seems to suggest that this listing could be more substantial.

That said, Sony has more recently evolved its PS2 emulation, bringing some notable improvements, and so it could also be a simple case of republishing this improved version of the game?

Last and most likely least, the game could be getting a remaster or remake, something which many fans would certainly welcome – as unexpected as it would be.

Siren is one of Sony’s more niche and forgotten franchises, and so seeing any activity surrounding the IP is exciting. Don’t get your hopes up too high though.

KitGuru says: Did you play Siren back in the day? Would you like to see the series return? What do you think this latest activity signifies? Let us know down below.

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