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AMD Ryzen 9 9950X outperforms predecessor by 22%

We got more AMD Ryzen 9 9950X benchmark results to share, this time using Blender. Compared to the Ryzen 9 7950X, testing suggests that the upcoming Ryzen 9000 series CPU is up to 22% faster in Blender, with both processors running at 230W PPT.

AnandTech forum member Igor_Kavinski claims to have his hands on the Ryzen 9 9950X. While it's important to note that Igor's device is an engineering sample and may differ from the final retail version, initial reports are pretty promising. Even though engineering samples often have lower clock speeds, Igor's device seems to be running at or above the expected levels, displaying no apparent clock speed or power constraints.

Image credit: Anandtech forums and HXL

Igor has shared performance data with the CPU running at different PPTs. Most of the results are from the Blender benchmark, making it relatively easy to compare with other processors currently available. For testing, the CPU was PBO CO-tuned and was cooled by a custom water loop. PPT ranged between 60W and 230W.

The CPU reportedly achieved up to 5.62GHz clock speeds, slightly below AMD's advertised turbo frequency for the Ryzen 9 9950X (5.7GHz). This could be attributed to the limitations of the engineering sample. Remarkably, despite the considerable high PPT, the temperature never exceeded 62ºC.

Another forum member tested his Ryzen 9 7950X at similar PPT levels, claiming that the Ryzen 9 9950X was roughly 22% faster (on Blender Junkshop) than the 7950X at 230W. However, a quick search through the Internet for Ryzen 9 7950X results suggest the performance gap narrows at lower power levels, with the performance of both CPUs almost matching each other at 60W PPT.

The AMD Ryzen 9000 series will hit the shelves on July 31st. Although AMD hasn't officially announced the release date or pricing, rumours indicate it will likely be priced similarly to the Ryzen 9 7950X at launch.

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KitGuru says: We've already got an idea of how much faster the Ryzen 9 9950X is than its predecessor in benchmarks. What's missing is the results of real-world testing and games, but we expect to see those results once reviews start going live. 

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