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Is Apple’s Final Cut Pro X really that bad?

Apple's latest video editing package Final Cut Pro X has received a tremendous amount of negative feedback. We reported a while ago that many users were saying it was a cheaper, ‘dumbed down' version that didn't fulfill their demands.

Apple initially tried to play the problems down a little, but in recent weeks they have issued a guide online which helps people work around some of their concerns. While it might not be ideal for business oriented or ‘hard core' users, it seems that some of the mainstream Apple press are defending it as a ‘more friendly' approach from Apple.

Respected Apple writer Michael Gartenberg, who handles a column for Macworld said:

“But the overall experience is much friendlier to a prosumer user like me than previous versions were. The fact that the price is $299, not $999, is important as well. No matter your thoughts on the specifics of the app and what it offers, Apple’s moves here show a good deal about how Apple works, its overall strategy, and how it thinks about growing its business.”

Gartenberg also says that perhaps they should have renamed the product so professional users would be more aware of the ‘under the hood' changes to the program. He points out that people just have to accept change and that Apple will keep improving the technology as they go.

“Sure, the video pros are upset with Final Cut Pro X, and perhaps Apple should keep the old version around until some of the feature issues get addressed. But the reality is, the new version will attract a multitude of new users who would have never needed, purchased or learned how to use the old version. Change is hard. But at the end of the day Apple will keep pushing the technology ahead, even if that means alienating some along the way.”

Kitguru says: Perhaps the answer was to release an updated, high end version of the program with a similar pricing scheme as before, but then release a ‘lite' version at the much reduced price, for the new users who wouldn't need a lot of the ‘professional' oriented functionality?

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  1. If you don’t need the missing features, its fine, its actually great. Its got Multi-Core Support, 64-Bit Support, bla, bla, bla. And the new Motion is… Unbelievable. I’m surprised its not actually priced for more. Compressor is a bit of a disappointment. It has new features and all, but they didn’t bother to update the UI, so it still has the same can’t-even-remember-how-old window thing, instead of being all-in-one like Motion and FCP. That makes me think they rushed the end a bit.

    Most of the people that whine don’t actually use all of the missing features, I think mostly they’re just pissed because they can no longer work on their Final Cut Pro 7 projects on the next FCPX, meaning they need to keep the old FCP around, then they hear the word “missing featureS” (multiple) and go on a nerd rage about “how dare Apple remove stuff, bla bla bla.”

    I mean one of the missing features is the ability to import DV Tapes. Nobody who is buying FCPX should be using tapes anymore. Seriously.

  2. Its obviously targeting a home audience, which I think is a good move. Surely there is nothing wrong with pros using the older model/version, or were they waiting on something new from the latest version which didn’t appear?

  3. Im curious.

    You can’t buy this in a retail store, right? How on earth do you learn about it? is a thick manual supplied in PDF format? sounds really messy IMO

  4. Some complaints are justified, least IMO. The new Magnetic Timeline for example removes the freedom people had with the old one.

    The whole “FCPX” naming thing is a bit wrong, but since they released a new Motion and Compressor they had to name it Final Cut something, so they went with Pro X. Final Cut X might have been better, and while its aimed a bit more at the Prosumer market, its also at the same time trying to get Pro Users to move onto new tech and new ways of editing. Some Pros don’t want to, so they’ll switch to AVID or Adobe or whatever, and some will, over time, as the swelling on their bruised egos starts to go down.

    The reviews will probably continue to be mixed however, since Apple has no plans to add in backwards compatibility with FCP 7. Someone else will just have to code something for that. Some sort of 3rd-Party Conversion Tool, if its possible. From what I gather however its harder than it looks, so it’ll probably be a while.

    Far as features, most of the expected (and requested) features (as far as I’m aware) arrived. Multi-Core Support, 64-Bit, Cocoa Coding, Bugs were solved, and a bunch of other stuff. Lack of 3D but then again, Apple hasn’t even started supporting 3D Monitors yet.

    Yes, you can’t buy it at a Retail Store, Apple is aiming to having customers buy their Software from the OS X App Store (as much as possible), so that’s where they’re selling everything now.