Home / Software & Gaming / PUBG unknowingly adds female crotch details, promising to change it shortly

PUBG unknowingly adds female crotch details, promising to change it shortly

It's been a big weekend for PUBG after announcing its release date for PC at The Game Awards and proceeding to win the award for Best Multiplayer Game, beating out Destiny 2, Call of Duty: WWII and others. What it also seemed to do was introduce crotch definition where there was none before.

The new detail was pointed out by character artist Liz Edwards, showcasing the difference between the current server and the recently updated Test Server that houses the new desert map, Miramar. The difference is quite overt, even on angles that make it less apparent and seemingly only affected female character models.

Of course, community members took to the internet for answers, with many offended at the representation the model offered. PlayerUnknown himself, Brendan Greene tackled the issue head-on, promising that the detail will be rectified as soon as possible.

As explained by Greene, the model itself came from an outsourcer and hasn't actually been changed in 2 years. This does raise more questions as to how it's not been noticed thus far, or why it seems more apparent in the comparison images before and after.

Greene has managed to quell backlash promptly, however and it looks like this is soon to be a non-issue. No time frame for the changes were given aside from “shortly,” however the full release has been announced for the 20th.

KitGuru Says: Specifically modelling the female crotch, while realistic, offers nothing to the gameplay so it is understandable why players would question why it was implemented in the first place. Props to Greene, who seems on top of everything as per usual. 

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  1. Suuuuuuuuure I get to see bulges every where but a little moose knuckle and the fight for equality is no longer in question. /s

  2. i’ve been screaming about censoring male nipples for years, but no one ever listens…

  3. OMG & LMFAO ok I am done…:)
    So the toon model has been around for 2 years but no one said anything then you get some little gimp or some female that gets offended by this and the internet goes crazy this crap is priceless you can’t make crap like this up…lol

    By the By most females will show some sort of cameo toe like this if wearing panties it is not like they had the toon running around nude or anything. This is stupid oh well whaty yea gonna do when the world now gets offended by the smallest of small things.

  4. They really need to start thinking about those of us with sensitive nipples.

  5. Model was not used until this patch – and there goes most of ur entire arguement.

    Nobody got offended – it’s a test server meant for feedback, the folk said about it, the dev fixed it.

    Nobody went OMFG PUBG WHAT IS THIS? SORT THIS SHIT OUT – no they showed them it, they went ‘oh contractor error, we’ll fix’

    Sorry to say if you’re gonna go mental about SJWS/Feminists etc ruining your games, this definately isn’t the case – however you may want to rethink your own attitude after calling these folks ‘little gimps’ because you seem more butthurt than the folks you claim to be against.

  6. Hmm. Fair enough. It is pointlessly garish, and a little out of place when you take into account that the men have zero bulge.

    Either that, or the men are modelled after that French guard from Black Adder.

  7. you seem to have missed my whole comment was pretty much just being sarcastic I rerally don’t care myself since I do not play the game.

    But if you took the time to read the article it clearly says the image has not been changed in 2 years and they wondered how no one has not noticed it before now. Hell even the game dev states that…so anyways.

    The gimps part was basically referring to the tender flake generation we have now where they get offended by pretty much everything that happens around them.

  8. I never said you cared about the game, I said you were making more of a fuss by insulting randoms which you are. I can also read an article if that wasn’t clear, no need for that comment. It’s also a tad worrying with relation to your earlier comment that you wrote ‘female’ rather than a gender neutral kind of term like ‘gimps’ – might suggest a little about your character but hey ho.

    Game developers can use many assets for their games and it isn’t uncommon for something like this to go through especially if they are working with outsourced materials – they likely have a few different models and don’t exactly look at the crouch area for any long period of time and if they did they likely wouldn’t be the kind that would mention this sort of thing.

    They did not wonder anything : nothing in their post states about nobody noticing – this model was added in last patch or at least the ability to see it was there within that patch.

    People have complained about PUGB’s female character model before and they haven’t changed anything to do with the breasts or bras (an issue highlighted). This is not a case of people killing ‘realism’ and PUBG giving into pressure.

  9. Should be an option to enable/disable haha….

  10. How is this offensive? Camel toe is a thing and it’s nothing to be ashamed of…

  11. “Nobody got offended” If so, then why do you think they said “sorry for any offense caused”. I’ll give you a hint, it’s not because nobody got offended.

  12. Nikolas Karampelas

    first world problems…

  13. There wasn’t a need for it in the game – no actual functionality and it wasn’t there before so at that point it is random sexualisation(nobody says that is wrong but when it isn’t done to both characters for the design they are looking for then it might suggest sexualisation/objectifying only women which of course is wrong)

    It’s a simple courtesy to say sorry incase but nobody was particularly mental about the issue just expressed a dislike,
    Folks just thought it wasn’t right.

    The folks actually giving harassment towards these folks for saying about it are delusional and looking for excuses to be terrible.

    Cry harder if you think this is a case of SJW/Snowflakes ruining ur games. Find the idiots who take this as an opportunity to harass people and sort their shit out.

  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WAVgeTZYrQ

    i guess it could just be a roll of socks in there…

  15. Graphics isn’t needed then, it brings no functionality whatsoever, get rid of all detail in game graphics. It’s unnecessary.

  16. Despite your sarcasm 😉 Graphics is needed to represent the game world, a random ass camel toe doesn’t improve that functionality – it doesn’t change anything just does one job of random sexualisation (the actual problem here you and many others completely fail to understand) .

    Fair enough if they had the man with a similar crouch features and they were aiming for that sexualised design but that wasn’t the case and it was against their overall design idea as stated by them – contractor error. If you don’t balance the books on these things it’s clear you objectify/sexualise a side of gender which is not right.

  17. Of course, but it adds little detail. I would be happy if the detail would be added to male characters as well, as I believe that level of detail is necessary to the feel of a game.

  18. When I said They wondered how no one noticed I was referring to this statement in the news post.

    “As explained by Greene, the model itself came from an outsourcer and hasn’t actually been changed in 2 years. This does raise more questions as to how it’s not been noticed thus far, or why it seems more apparent in the comparison images before and after.”

    It also clearly says the the model itself has not been changed in 2 years no mention of it just becoming public in the game.

    The gimps part may have been a bit harsh but the female part was spot on because if you go back and look at the main news post they clearly tag a Twitter post where some random female person goes “Nooooooooooo” & I will also go as far as to say she was probably the one that brought all of this up because from the looks of it she took the time to clip both pics from the game showing the models before and after. Well that is if this person is actually a female or woman it could be just some guy using a female account you never know these days.

    For the part of gender neutral I call it like it is if it is a guy I will say male or man if it is a lady they are referred to female or woman. That is what each of them are as there are no gender neutral people in the real world. Some may think they are but the fact is they either have a shrong or they don’t simple as that. Sorry if that offends some people but fact is fact and everyone is entitled to think how they want about them selves just do not try to force those thoughts on the rest of the world.

    Anyway if you got this far in my post here is a simple fix that will make everyone happy. Why do these game insist on having you start out in your shorts or bra and panties? Why not have them wear a bit of clothes like a T-shirt and and gym shorts. it would solve everything and besides that it is not like anyone would ever leave the house to go out and go out and do battle in bra & panties or shorts you would at least put some cover up on I hear those bee stings can get pretty nasty on bare skin..lol

    As I said I do not play this game I have watched other play it on the internet and have always wondered why the toons start out almost nude heck they even go into a gun fight without a gun & ammo so I guess forgetting to get dressed should be expected as well. in case you missed it that was me being sarcastic again with my last point here.

    It is only a game it is not real so with that said I found it extremely funny that people were getting so upset over a simple game and how the crotch area was drawn on a simple toon. The easy fix is to just have the toons start out with some cover clothes on as stated here by me a couple of times in this post.

    Wow this was a long post sorry about that.

  19. You hit the nail on the head right there.

  20. I think what should be considered more out of place would be the fact that both male & female toons go out and start out battle in their bra & panties and shorts. Who would do that if your going out to do battle I am sure 100% of the people would put on some clothing lol. Those bug bites can get nasty after all…lol

  21. Is that where everyone keeps their spare Rolo’s for later? lmao to funny

  22. Two things. Firstly, my game doesn’t look like that, so, eh. Secondly, your point?