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Firewatch dev plans to DMCA PewDiePie videos following recent racial slur

Sean Vanaman, the lead developer behind Firewatch, has revealed his plans to issue DMCA Takedown notices against PewDiePie's videos following a new controversy surrounding the YouTuber. Going forward, Vanaman says the studio plans to take down any PewDiePie video featuring a Campo Santo game after the video maker blurted out the N-word during a livestream.

While streaming PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds over the weekend, PewDiePie hit a moment of frustration, which ended in him calling his teammate the N-word. Given how large of a following PewDiePie has, clips of the incident began doing the rounds very quickly and various YouTubers and gaming industry folk began talking about it. Vanaman was the first developer to bring up DMCA takedowns in response to this latest controversy.

In a series of tweets, Vanaman said: “We're filing a DMCA takedown of PewDiePie's Firewatch content and any future Campo Santo games. There is a bit of leeway you have to have with the internet when you wake up every day and make video games. There's also a breaking point. I am sick of this child getting more and more chances to make money off of what we make.”

From there, Vanaman said that he would like to see more developers pull footage of their games from PewDiePie's channel: “I'd urge other developers & will be reaching out to folks much larger than us to cut him off from the content that has made him a milionaire. Furthermore, we're complicit: I'm sure we've made money off of the 5.7M views that video has and that's something for us to think about.”

So far, PewDiePie hasn't responded but he will likely post a video at some point. . Update: PewDiePie has uploaded his own response to the situation. You can find an updated article on that, HERE. 

At the time of writing, his videos on Firewatch have been taken down though this looks to be a manual change to avoid any incoming DMCA strikes.

For those wondering about the legality of Campo Santo's DMCA plans, according to lawyer Ryan Morrison, the studio is within its legal rights to issue takedown requests against Let's Play content.

KitGuru Says: It feels like people only just got over the Nazi joke situation from earlier this year but now with this latest incident, things are going to stir back up again. What do you guys think of this new situation? 

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  1. Mr Wilson, Any chance we can have the rest of the facts with this piece? Like the devs site that CLEARLY says anyone can use their games in fair use, and monetise them? Legally, they’ve already shot themselves in the foot with that statement alone!

  2. Fa

  3. That’s why I linked to Ryan Morrison, a real lawyer. He explained it all very well. The statement on that website is not a binding contract and can be revoked at any time. The developer is within their rights here. I’m not saying its the right way to do things but that’s the law right now.

  4. “I am sick of this child getting more and more chances to make money off of what we make.” He isn’t though, he is selling a brand an a personality.

    This is just firewatch owners swinging high to grab some of that publicity pewdiepie gets.

  5. If you’ve been in any recent public schooling this doesn’t even make most flinch. It’s the people who have been out of touch with the social system that younger generations still have.

    “But it’s not the adult thing to do!” Well yeah it isn’t. But if anything it makes it more real and relatable to most of the audience watching his videos, ie kids under the age of 18. The only ones getting offended by anything is the people who think they’ve “outgrown” that stage of life.

  6. James Stephen Edge

    IMO if they follow through with this threat then all Youtubers should boycott making videos including footage of their games. Using false copyright claims to cause strikes against legitimate channels is the type of grade A abuse of power that should never be tolerated.

  7. What sort of reasoning is “Other people use racial slurs, so it’s acceptable to join in”? This isn’t about “flinching”, it’s about setting an example, and not using racist language should be standard.

    “More real and relatable”? What sort of logic are you using to come to that decision? If he had used a non-racist term, would his message have been lost? No, it wouldn’t have, so it’s just, at best, lazy for him to use that language and at worst, flat out racist.

    If you think this is about merely being offended, then you have a lot of growing up to do.

  8. So let me get this right…You think that game developers shouldn’t have a problem with people reviewing their games who casually use racial slurs?

  9. I really agree with that. His content is shit-posting at best now. He’s a pretty good example of everything wrong with Youtube right now.

  10. There is a childish approach on Feelix’s videos, then again the vast majority of his viewership are children and adults that have not yet fully matured into the more “serious” lifestyle (not a bad thing, merely circumstantial).

    We are talking about video games after all. So in this regard, I’d say the only responsibility Feelix has, is whether his scripts or improvised dialog follow certain ethics that don’t promote a cringe worthy attitude to younger minds.

    Based on the above train of thought, I’d side with the developers of any game being used with that particularly unorthodox approach.

    But there are more factors weighing in the equation. There are many games that promote racist slurs and obscene language, there are gaming communities that are toxic and immature, and most importantly, there’s a free ocean of information out there that will, one way or the other, promote that nastiness anyway. There is really nothing more than the schedule of a profit-oriented agenda trying to expand right here.

    Comparing Feelix’s videos to all other sources, it’s the least malfunctioning link of the chain. So if people want real change in what kids see and absorb these days, they would definitely not start from this. It might end here, but definitely not start here.

    Plus, I firmly believe that the use of ANY kind of word or phrase within a specific context, is not open to interpretation. The amount of education someone bears alongside his character in this world, will define his reaction, and that’s on all cases absolute. If I dislike PewDiePie, I will condemn every joke he makes, even in good will. Egoistic, but it’s the very human nature everyone hides from admitting.

    Based on that, parent-ship plays a far bigger role to a growing human being than a part of society in electronic form, which is a video of any kind.

    It’s rare to see common sense being applied nowadays. Like, simple, authentic approaches. All there is, it’s publicity, profit oriented. Everything changes to fit one’s desires – binding contracts, non-binding contracts, small letters, legal loopholes, yada yada yada.

    The fun part is that publicity of a far better quality can be achieved through more efficient ways and channels. But guess what – there’s a notable lack of creativity and willingness to work as hard as previous generations did. And when those emerge, strong and promising, someone sidetracks them, corrupts them.

    TL;DR: Look at the bigger picture and fuck those kind of chick fights. Something truly unacceptable will amass the best part of the world and will eventually be mutually dismissed, or even worse for the creator, ignored.

  11. What you’re arguing is far beyond the point he’s making. The developers are openly threatening to abuse a system in a way that it shouldn’t be used. It doesn’t matter if morally they’re in the right or the wrong, they shouldn’t be abusing a power and instead go through a more proper process.

  12. But he played firewatch more then a year ago now, and there where no racial slurs there?

    This was during an online session where he played PUBG….

  13. What’s wrong with normalising racist terms? Black people did it. Now their own insulting word literally means friend to them. Did Felix use the word in a way that offends anyone? Did he direct it at anyone in a way that specifically was meant to offend and degrade? I watched the 21 second clip that says no he didn’t. In that specific case it was less a racist term and more just another word

  14. What a load of crap. Pewdiepie is playing the game just like many other gamers. I can’t imagine how much more harsh the namecalling will be than Pewdiepie saying nigger. Just because of his popularity this is a problem to some. Firewatch should grow a pair and let youtube streamers make letsplay’s. They are probably damaging their own income and repuation by doing so.

  15. He used the term disparagingly, not as a term of endearment.

    TL;DR: Lean what context is.

    And as soon as you start trying to normalise racial slurs, that is attempting to normalise racism. You kids have a lot of growing up to do, plus it speaks volumes about his audience when so many are trying to justify it with “other people do it, it’s fine”.

  16. As soon as you start trying to normalise racial slurs, that’s a slippery slope to normalising racism. Here’s a tip: if it’s something white supremacists would like to see, probably best not to do it.

  17. Since your reading skills are letting your education level shine through I’ll explain it a little better: What is racism? It is the act of unfairly insulting someone based on their race. What is a racist term? It is a tool or weapon used to convey racism. By preserving the power of the word it remains a tool of racism for bad people to use against others. Congratulations you silly cracker, you’re now part of the problem.

    What a stupid insult that was, right? Well guess what, Cracker is a racist term used by black people to insult white people. In all and every respect it is the exact equivalent of the term in question here today. Did you give a shit about being called a cracker? I very much doubt it. Because the word was normalised and its insulting factor wasn’t preserved. Now it’s remains what it always has been: A mere word.

    “I would like some cheese on my cracker” … OH FUCK. I’M A RACIST NOW.
    Context, my friend.

  18. Don’t type. I know you didn’t give enough time to read the whole thing

  19. “It is the act of unfairly insulting someone based on their race. ”

    Are you implying you could fairly insult someone based on their race? Feel free to question my education (higher than yours), whereas I’m going to question your Storm Front post count 😉

    Using a racial slurs, especially in a disparaging manner is not acceptable. Please, go ahead and tell me how phrases born out of centuries of repression is okay to use. There’s some context for you, now go pick up a history book.

    “Don’t type”. Don’t be salty m8.

  20. Again, reading skills are shining that education level brighter then my very namesake. Refer to my message below next time <3

  21. Actually, using racial slurs is a problem. It’s amazing how indifferent kids seem to be to racism nowadays when it clearly is still a major problem.

    In the real world, you’d be fired on the spot for using such a term. What the Firewatch devs are doing is being adults surrounded by a bunch of racist basement shut-ins.

  22. Don’t be salty m8, I know you’re a racist and all, but try harder, k?

  23. So when sports players are caught beating their wives or involved in fights, sponsors say “we sponsored him before any of that, chill guys”?

    Firewatch don’t want to be associated with someone who is happy to throw around racist terms. What they are doing is standard in business.

  24. Not wanting to be associated with someone who happily uses racist terms seems a sensible decision to make. You’re getting salty saying that a company is abusing it’s power, but cool with some guy using racial slurs. Step away from burning crosses m8, you have issues.

  25. Lord as my witness you’ve enlightened me!

    So if I wanted to cut you out of my life I shouldn’t go through proper procedure to get a restraining order. No no no. It’s much simpler and far more effective to just abuse a countries execution laws instead!

    Same shit , different story.

  26. Lolwat m8, you’re so salty (and racist), you’re beginning to lose your mind. Like Trump. Nice going racist. If you actually had a job, you’d understand what the Firewatch devs are doing.

  27. I choose a path that’s not right for someone that would welcome change, since idleness achieves nothing. That’s to completely ignore supremacism and people involved with the ideology.

    For one, I can barely believe that in our era, supremacists still exist with an active concept, while it’s easy to demolish all arguments that a race, or gender, or whatever, is superior to an other. It is simply not worth my time even trying to fight over this.

    Though while idleness achieves nothing, I’d like to believe that in a developing world, the ideology will fade by simply ignoring it as it doesn’t fit in. This is one of the reasons why our community as a whole is not mature enough yet.

    But, quite luckily, I have yet to get acquainted with a single person that’s a supremacist, while you could meet plenty years back. So things are not exactly tragic.

    If the media didn’t have such a huge impact on delivering bad/shocking news 24/7, the realization that the world’s mainly consisted of good and thoughtful people, capable of taking logical actions (even upon clarification and further agreement), would be much more profound to everyone.

  28. I wouldn’t be comparing live streaming as a standard job, however. He is gaming while people are watching him. Any gamer will have tendencies to get very frustrated. When that happens, physical or verbal outbursts can happen. If firewatch does not accept that then by any means, go on and file a DMCA.

    But I’m pretty sure they will be one’s own worst enemy, as pewdiepie built enough persona to just play something else, while the games from firewatch are going to be slammed due to pewdiepie’s popularity. I for one am with him here. He doesn’t even mean what he’s saying, he’s just angry at that moment. People should take everything a little more relative and stop being mad about every fart someone lets out.

  29. “It is the act of unfairly insulting someone based on their race. “Are you implying you could fairly insult someone based on their race? Feel free to question my education (higher than yours), whereas I’m going to question your Storm Front post count ;)Using a racial slurs, especially in a disparaging manner is not acceptable. Please, go ahead and tell me how phrases born out of centuries of repression is okay to use. There’s some context for you, now go pick up a history book.”Don’t type”. Don’t be salty m8.

  30. I think maybe “Campo Santo” will be loosing some money,, BTW Lets ban most of all rap songs.. lets do it right.

  31. Doesn’t matter because his business isn’t self-contained. It relies on the good will of other companies (Google, game publishers etc) to exist, therefore he needs to be professional, and, y’know, not racist.

    I don’t know what sort of trailer park people here were raised in, but where I’m from, only white trash would use racial slurs so nonchalantly.

    “He doesn’t even mean what he’s saying”. The fact that such a word has become a reflex for him is alarming, and the fact you think it’s acceptable is pathetic. No wonder the US still is fighting racism when so many people are willing to give it a free pass. Also comparing a fart to using racial slurs is pathetic, you really need to grow up and see the bigger picture – making racial slurs acceptable is a step backwards.

  32. The only thing that can be classified as pathetic around here is how quickly you resorted to assuming and insulting rather than staying on the discussion at hand. Categorizing a certain group of people as ‘white thrash’ is a little alarming as well won’t you say? I can’t even fathom how you are able to place yourself on a pedestal compared to other people using ‘racial slurs’ while you do the exact same thing. It’s hypocritical and very disappointing at the same time. I won’t be surprised if the ‘you really need to grow up’ part is hypocritical as well.

    More on topic, I believe that racism has to be taken seriously, but I do think that there are differences in using ‘racial slurs’. If someone is using a word like that out of an act of self induced frustration without intentionally aiming it towards someone, it’s far less destructive as deliberately calling someone a ‘nigger’ with the intention to hurt his feelings, followed by actually despising black people on a stereotype basis, pretty much just like you’re categorizing trailer park people and white thrash. Shame on you.

  33. I believe that racism has to be taken seriously, but I do think that there are differences in using ‘racial slurs’. If someone is using a word like that out of an act of self induced frustration without intentionally aiming it towards someone, it’s far less destructive as deliberately calling someone a ‘nigger’ with the intention to hurt his feelings, followed by actually despising black people on a stereotype basis, pretty much just like you’re categorizing trailer park people and white thrash.

    The only thing that can be classified as pathetic around here is how quickly you resorted to assuming and insulting rather than staying on the discussion at hand. Categorizing a certain group of people as ‘white thrash’ is a little alarming as well won’t you say? I can’t even fathom how you are able to place yourself on a pedestal compared to other people using ‘racial slurs’ while you do the exact same thing. It’s hypocritical and very disappointing at the same time. I won’t be surprised if the ‘you really need to grow up’ part is hypocritical as well.

  34. “I am sick of this child getting more and more chances to make money off of what we make.” He isn’t though, he is selling a brand an a personality.This is just firewatch owners swinging high to grab some of that publicity pewdiepie gets.

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  36. “but where I’m from, only white trash would use racial slurs so nonchalantly.”

    It’s a statement, not an assumption, or an insult. It’s worrying how many people here clearly see using racial slurs as the norm. If you really are trying to compare the phrase “white trash” to one born from centuries of oppression and slavery, go ahead, it’ll show how little you understand about racism.

  37. Categorizing a group of people under the name ‘white thrash’ is both an assumption and an insult at the same time. And I’m not comparing anything to anyone as I don’t give a rats ass about any of these terms. It’s not about the color of your skin to me, but about someone as a person.

    Mazty, just out of curiosity. Might you be slightly tanned yourself? Cause I have the idea that you are slightly biased towards the subject.

  38. I could say “people who frequent white supremacist organisations and tend to be white”, but really “white trash” is easier to say. What PDP said is not something that should be an “easy” go-to term, because it has an incredibly evil history associated to it.

    Amazingly, I’m going to tell you the color of my skin doesn’t matter.

  39. You don’t have to tell me that your skin color doesn’t matter as I already told you that I don’t give two shits about your skin color. I remain sided with the idea that words ‘with incredibly evil history associated to it’ should be interpreted by ones intentions. Also, I don’t think deeds are good or evil. These words (just like nigger and other words) are social constructs based on societal morals. They’re subjective! Which doesn’t mean you should be calling everyone a nigger, not at all.

  40. “I don’t care about your skin color”
    *Asks about skin color*


  41. Dude, you’re literally seeking out racist related arguments at every single comment. Holy crap :’). Don’t you have something better to do? Does your master even know you’re using a computer?

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  43. Stop pretending to be dimwitted. Obviously I meant that I don’t give a shit about whether you are black, white, green or purple for that matter. But I do sense that you are really biased towards the subject. I’m just wondering why you are that biased. I have the hypothesis here that you are quite tanned yourself and that this is a reason for you to try and see every single thing in life as racism.

  44. Apparently seeing someone use a racial slur in a demeaning manner is imaging racism? Looks to me like that’s some twisted logic. Maybe you’re just trying to brush off blatant racism so you don’t have to address some of your past behaviour?

  45. I agree.
    Blaming someone else’s behaviour for your own is cowardly. You choose to use them, and someone else who uses them can’t rightfully blame you for their choice to do so.
    Anyone who does that sounds just like my nephew “but he started it”.
    It is your choice to continue propagating it.

  46. Not really. I never really participated in racism in real life as far as I’m concerned. At least not deliberately. Could you please stop answering my questions with another question? No more dancing around please. Are you black, white, green or cyan?

  47. Not participated in racism from your view point, which could be you burnt crosses and wore white gowns “for the lolz” if your mental gymnastics is anything to go by.

  48. Sure. Just like you could hypothetically speaking deem something to be racism the moment someone opens his mouth or types something.

  49. So your logic is “someone uses a racist slur. It’s not racist.”

    10 out of 10, mental gymnastics at their best.

  50. No, your logic is “Someone communicates, he must be a racist”. My logic is “You must be oh so bitter”. Don’t turn things around now.

  51. My logic is “If someone uses a racial slur, that’s a racist comment”. Your logic is “If someone uses a racial slur, that’s not a racist comment”.

    Keep up those mental gymnastics. It’s sad I’m having to explain to you why using a racial slur is racist.

  52. My logic is that not every ‘nigger’ word is racism directly. Your logic is that every word in particular is racism. There’s a difference there. Pewdiepie shouted it to relieve stress or anger. Not to upset black people and not to upset you. Or should that be one and the same?

  53. It’s an inherently racist term. Using it therefore is promoting racism, even if more subtly than other situations and therefore it shouldn’t be used at all. Stop making excuses for the guy.

  54. Like any sane person would be more willing to call black people “niggers” after they heard pewdiepie saying it. People would probably be more willing to endorse racism after a guy calls them racist without any argumentation other than ‘the word is used for it’. It’s like people starting to hate veganists for trying to convert them.

  55. But you are doing just that by saying “it happens all the time” therefore you now claim it’s ok. Where do you draw the line? You can’t claim Pewdiepie wouldn’t influence people to think it’s an acceptable term when your entire justification for it not being racist is that others do it, therefore it’s ok…

    We live in a sad world where people defend a millionaire for using a racial slur.

  56. Why does it matter that he is a millionaire. Even if he would be broke, if he wants to curse using the word ‘nigger’ or ‘fucking black shit’ then they should be free to do so without being shut down by a company. And to firewatch, it’s not even about the curse. Like you so aptly put, he’s a youtuber that became a millionaire : “I am sick of this child getting more and more chances to make money off of what we make.”

  57. Thankfully companies can distance themselves from racists, and those who use racist language, and so that is exactly what is happening. However a bunch of children are getting worked up that their favourite crap talker on youtube is now being taken to task over it. Welcome to the real world kids, you can’t be racist here.

  58. You do realize that this is pretty much an exception? 99.9% of all the other youtubers have companies as sponsors that are not over reacting on a single racial slur. Again, the only one that will regret this decision will be Firewatch themselves. Furthermore nobody cares about someone shouting nigger when they screwed up something in a game. Nor should you.

  59. Please find me examples of large companies who happily sponsor people who frequently use racial slurs.

    “No one cares”. Apart from it seems that a lot do, and you’re just trying to excuse racist behaviour.

  60. That’s the whole point. A racial slur is not ‘racist behaviour’. As I’ve said multiple times before, there is a clear difference in behaving like a racist and using the word to swear without a target to aim it towards. I suppose that you won’t be able to understand this as an obvious anti-racism patriot as you are most likely used to throwing up roadblocks like this.

    Also, If you’re looking for a clear statement from a company who allows full on racism then obviously you will be disappointed. Yet again, they can see the difference between using racial slurs rather than Firewatch, who have a grudge for Pewdiepie to begin with, which is obvious as well when you read what they say about him.

  61. Please find me examples of large companies who happily sponsor people who frequently use racial slurs.

    “No one cares”. Apart from it seems that a lot do, and you’re just trying to excuse racist behaviour.

  62. Read my previous comment and answer accordingly, otherwise I rest my case as we are leading to nowhere.

  63. You can’t provide an example because no company would want to be associated with someone who uses racial slurs.

    As for “using the word to swear without a target to aim it towards” you can’t use a racial slur like he did without inadvertently aiming it towards people of color; it’s clear that you don’t want to see the inherent racism of the word.

  64. Yes you can. It’s all in the eye of the beholder. Plenty of black people who don’t flinch an inch when someone bumps their head and shouts ‘nigger’ in their presence. But I would probably be beaten to a pulp when I had an argument with them and called them nigger. And then they are (up to a point) right to do so. Hell, black people even call each other niggers as a sign of kinship. But that is accepted because hey, you’re black so it doesn’t matter. Just don’t be white. Positive discrimination that’s called.

    I remain with my original point, people need to stop acting so sour on every soul using the word out of undirected frustration. You can say that I don’t want to see the inherent racism in the world as much as you want, but you couldn’t be more wrong. You have no idea to what degree I’m involved in condemning racial behaviour. I don’t know anything about you either. I wouldn’t know whether you are white or black yourself or had some negative racism involved experiences yourself and if that catalyses your strong opinion somewhat. But our key opinions about what racism really is differs. That can’t be helped apparently.

  65. Different spelling, different meaning between the two words, showing cultural ignorance on your behalf. The way PDP used it was clearly in the context of the racial slur, hence why his comment was racist. It isn’t healthy using such a word in frustration because that’d show an alarming level of comfort with a deeply racist word. At this stage I’m feeling that this is just you trying to defend what may be your own personal fleeting moments of racism by brushing it off as “normal”.

  66. You may feel whatever you want, I don’t care. It’s you who is showing clear ignorance here though. And you’re maintaining a very black/white approach about racism too, which is awfully shortsighted and conservative. Again, our key opinions about what racism really is differ. I’m glad there are many people that start using the word a little less like a death sentence. For the last time: I think that racism is not just about shouting a word, but about the context the word is used with and ESPECIALLY about how a person behaves towards a coloured person. If I refuse to hire someone in my company because he is black, THAT is full on racism. Words are merely tools to strengthen your view. People are not directly a racist in heart and lungs for shouting nigger out loud without any ‘guilty mind’ and direction, it just doesn’t work that way. Get it through your head.

    Now, I’m not going to spend any more time discussing the semantics of racism with you, I’m through with that. Your opinion clearly doesn’t change, nor will mine. I rest my case in that regard.

  67. You think a word born from slavery and centuries of unquestionable atrocities and clear racism is, somehow, not racist.

    You’re just trying to justify everyday racism and most likely your past behaviour.

  68. Again, I’m not. But I’m slowly starting to think you lack the cognitive capabilities to understand the seemingly complex ideology behind racism. You’re just shouting “YOU SAID NIGGER! You must be a racist”. And yet there are millions of people in the world using the word to curse with, yet they’re not being racists to people at all. It’s this narrow minded view of yours that is in the way. I truly start to think that you are black or at least.. not white and that you have experienced a lot of actual racism yourself. It has made you irrational and bitter. I’m truly sorry for you, but stop trying to blame the entire world for it. I would indefinitely be against racists. But they would really have to show. I would not punish someone shouting that word after he lost a match or hurt himself by accident. Again, not everyone using the word is a racist and should be treated like that. And if you truly think so, then there is nothing that can be done about that apparently and this fruitless discussion would be over.

  69. There is no complex ideology behind racism. It’s no more than “you are X because of your skin color”.

    No, there are not millions who use the word to cuss. That’s just your attempt to normalise a racist mentality. Once you accept it’s not normal to say it in frustration, then you’ll see why it’s racist, but you’re just living in a bubble that helps you to sleep easy at night rather than ask the question “am I a bit racist?”

  70. I’m not a racist :’). I’m actually an activist myself on the contrary of your beliefs most likely. If you compare our ideas of racism with the christian religion then I’m a preacher and you are the leader of the westboro baptist church. So there is literally no use talking to someone who thinks in such extremes nor has the comprehension to do so otherwise.

    Racism is what it is, racism. I agree with that. But using a curse word once used for that is not racism. Too many people who use it NOT in a racist context. Even black people themselves use it a lot. if you’re going to deny that, sure. But when you refuse to believe millions of people us it, you’re the one to joke at dude. Same goes for pewdiepie. Let the man do his thing. As long as he’s not truly calling names to specifically black people its more than fine.

    With that being said, I’m going to kindly reject any further comments as I think both of us have wasted enough time discussing now. Though I did enjoy it.

  71. You’re not a racist, yet you happily excuse using arguably the most racially charged term frequently. You’re clearly an activist looking to compensate for his own racist ideology.
    There is no logical way in which you can argue using a racist term isn’t racist.

  72. I’m not happily excusing anything as there is not much to excuse. The boy was angry, shouted nigger. What’s the big deal really? Did he directly offend you?

    If so, then I can’t believe what a sourpuss you are. You’re punishing people for using that word while they’re not being a racist to someone. I’ll keep telling people that this is not the same. He might as well use cancer or aids to curse with. Many people with aids. But he’s not directly offending them. You keep doing whatever you think is right, but it’s far from rational thought. Don’t pretend it is. Whatever floats your boat though. I’m unfollowing this post now. Peace out.

  73. The boy was angry and so shouts a racial slur. The issue is his subconscious behaviour shouldn’t be to use racist language! You’re excusing everyday racism. You’re part of the reason why racism is still such a large problem!

  74. James Stephen Edge

    No, I think that game developers busing their power by issuing fraudulent copyright strikes against Youtube users in an effort to hurt them and their livelihood should not be tolerated.

  75. It’s not fraudulent. The only way PDP can have game content on his channel is through the permission of the publishers, who can revoke it at any time.