Home / Channel / AMD teases Radeon RX Vega exclusively with Linus – press unhappy

AMD teases Radeon RX Vega exclusively with Linus – press unhappy

Right now KitGuru has staff over with AMD in Los Angeles as we prepare our launch articles, but it would appear AMD has been working with LinusTechTips to showcase an exclusive ‘unboxing' of the upcoming RX Vega graphics card. The video is very light on details and has a lot of ‘oohing and aahing' over bundled cables – but it shows Linus on stage with an AMD HoloCube, a 32 thread Alienware Threadripper system and some showcasing of the upcoming Radeon RX Vega. The crowd seem very young and the level of excitement in the video is so insanely high we almost felt as if we were backstage at a Justin Bieber concert. We didn't notice any panties being thrown on the stage, which was a relief.

AMD have a lot riding on the success of the upcoming RX VEGA graphics card and it won't be long before we can give our full analysis on Threadripper – our guy Luke Hill is beavering away on gathering tons of benchmarks as we speak.

While the LinusTechtips video has little tangible benchmarking on show – Linus does manage to run Cinebench and gets a score of 2866 on the 32 thread Threadripper system. He shows a dab hand at changing memory in the Alienware system, as it wouldn't initially even boot up due to some  issues. Someone will likely have had their wrist slapped for that one.

We have noticed that many members of the press aren't that happy about the exclusive given to Linus with journalists such as Cameron Wilmot from Tweaktown posting ‘feeling frustrated' on his own Facebook page about the event. There are many other well known people in the post chipping in to share their views. We noticed key industry people including Scan UK and Nvidia staff members such as Bryan Del Rizzo making some points in Cameron's post.

Cameron uploaded an image which says ‘AMD, you gave exclusive content coverage on new products to Linus. That's like a reverse sellout or something, and totally uncool'.

We do see the AMD shift towards social media influencers in the last year or so rather than traditional tech websites, but Cameron makes the point Maybe for children, but many still want detailed content with a mix of short stuff.'

Well known global tech websites such as Tweaktown have had key staff flown half way around the world to these events so its obvious that some ill feeling is likely to creep in. From our side (and I checked with my boss who seems completely disinterested in this), KitGuru already knew AMD had a very strong relationship with Linus and he has such a huge following on Youtube they obviously feel he needs some special treatment.

Playing Devils Advocate however- its a rather strange move from AMD as key members of the press will likely feel that being left out of this almost negates the purpose of  a ‘unified launch' for some of the most important AMD products in the last decade.

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  1. They reported on a story you didn’t know about. You do now and have spent all day debating it, so they have given you something to do today. Fact.

    Some owner of a tech site and other press aren’t happy about the outcome of an unboxing. That in itself isn’t that exciting, but its sure as shit a lot more exciting that 100% of your posts in every Nvidia post on KitGuru. Its almost like you have a phone alert for ‘AMD’ and ‘NVIDIA” then rush here to devoutly spout AMD propoganda. I remember reading your posts about Anton, and anti AMD this and that. KitGuru then did reviews of All the launch cards and gave them awards. You never once posted a ‘good job’ or ‘yeah thats fair, I was wrong’. You are KitGuru Negative, always have been. But still you waste half your life here arguing with people. So id say it was a successful story, otherwise I see no need for a man of your self entitled intelligence to even be here.

  2. https://www.kitguru.net/tech-news/announcements/zardon/kitguru-apology-regarding-amd-ddr4-memory-news-story/

    So my view of Anton was not valid? This is what i continually talked about and the general feel of his articles as regards AMD products.

    The reason i do not post saying “good job” should be pretty self explanatory… its their job, its how they make money… if your a bin collector why should i congratulate you everyday for collecting bins.. its kinda the bare minimum.

  3. Yum more salt, ive a full cupboard of it today. Thanks, its nice you can see i can make my own mind up. id give you a big hug now, but as you know, this is in the internet.

    How do you know what im doing right now? I could be shagging 14 Swedish women while answering you. I could be in my aircraft about to land in a remote island as I was invited by Linus to a private tech event on his new island he bought with AMD money.

    No need to get personal. I mean I think you are a bit of a twat, but I dont need to say it all the time. You are probably a really nice guy who just comes across as a twat in the comments, but ill give you the benefit of the doubt. You are after all 27 and still watchin LinusTechTips, so I don’t want to be making too much fun of you in case you arent medically sound. That would be rude of me. I am never rude, just honest.

  4. Well I can’t think of anyone as big a movie star as Tom Cruise, didnt mean to insult Linus – count to 10, relax, sorry. If you have anyone bigger than Tom Cruise, then insert him instead into the statement, dont want you stalking me and killing my dog in revenge for insulting Linus or something. its only the internet nepnep. Hey I meant to ask did you get your name from your brother when he twisted your nipples ? My brother was mean too, he used to say ‘nepnep’ as he did that on me. hurt a lot.

  5. This event was in Canada Langley Events Centre…. AMD didn’t fly anyone anywhere.

  6. “But with a brain.”…. Umm… I have some bad news….

  7. SO let me get this right, you were all over facebook at the time, calling Kitguru biased, and attacking one of their reporters. They clearly fired the guy for making mistakes, and followed up with some very positive articles for AMD (and were obviously back on the official AMD sample list). you never once made any kind of positive post I could find about the whole publication for taking action and have never (as far as I can see) have attacked Anton for writing the exact same stuff over at his new job at Anandtech?

    I appreciate the spin, but you are stll an AMD hack Aiden, you are actually well known in certain circles. Some of us think you are one of the AMD choosen 15 team who get freebies and hand outs all the time.

    I admire your loyalty to AMD, seriously I do, I wish to god I had the same level of faith in any company as you have, but to never have any questions about anything AMD have done, on any negative level just begs too many questions for me to take you seriously. All this rallying around Linus now with his AMD deal just smells too much – you have been seen!

  8. Lol the fact that he gets your panties in such a sky high twist is all anyone needs to know. You’re freaking obsessed man. The only thing I can think of is that you have some kind of strange hate-attraction to Linus and just can’t stop watching his stuff and talking about how much it sucks/ drives you crazy in “X” or “Y” way.

  9. I support Nvidia? I don’t remember saying that. All I have said is that I think Linus is an AMD shill when the bucks flow. But its not exclusive to AMD, he is a high bidder shill to any company who pays him – Like the iMac article and the memory advert in the MIDDLE of the article for the same memory he was using in the iMac? Do you know how that works? He would contact all the major memory company and the high bidder gets the memory seen by the teenage audience who go ‘oooohhhh thats good memory’. He gets a new ferrari, has no interest in the memory, probably wouldn’t even use it himself and you all think he loves the company cause he tested it thoroughly for months to give his seal of approval.

    jesus the smell of shit with that just makes me laugh. I think your loyalty to Linus is making your mind make shit up to suit a theory you have. Life isn’t black and white – there are loads of shades of grey. You people are so easy to play, its crazy. you actually deserve it !

  10. Wow I am surprised you can even read this page your head is so far up Linus ass.

    So its ok he is a sellout cause ‘whats good for the goose is good for the gander’? Sweet Jebus and Mother Mary.

    Thank god all you guys will fuck off back to youtube in the next day when Linus uploads another video extoiling the virtues for some random hardware company who gave him a bunch of money the night before. He is welcome to the white noise and sub 20 IQ idiots using macbooks.

  11. Well i dont follow anandtec, so i wouldn’t know his articles from there…. and again congratulating them for performing the job they are supposed to doesn’t make any sense…. again congratulating them for “letting” anton go is simply not something id feel comfortable with.. even though i felt he was clearly bias i dont feel the need to take glee in his loss of a “job”.

    AMD hack? not at all, i simply post when an article drops below a standard of impartiality, well known in circles and chosen 15 team??? i have no clue what circles you roam in or what the hell choosen 15 is…. should i get my tin foil hat out?

    Im not loyal to any brand.. i have an i5 and a rx 480.. however before this i had a 6300 and a geforce 650, i buy the best that i can afford at the time of making the rig….and honestly if i see an article that is clearly bias in AMD’s favor i will post about that too.

    Again im not rallying around “linus”… i am simply pointing out the inaccuracies and context surrounding this article.

  12. He doesnt have 5 million. he has 4.3 million. KitGuru are trying to push him to 5 million with these articles. Gets all the fanboys enraged and subbing their mates. Any PR is good PR. Well apart from some of the posts here from his followers – which shows a disturbing lack of any kind of investigative intelligence.

  13. Steven Morrison

    “”Again im not rallying around “linus”… i am simply pointing out the inaccuracies and context surrounding this article.””

    What inaccuracies did KitGuru make, im confused? Didn’t they just report on what someone posted on their facebook page – someone who owns a tech site and has other editors of other tech sites agreeing?

    Its not KitGuru’s style to attack AMD, never seen them do it. And the only time they had a writer that seemed a little anti AMD he seemed to get himself fired.

    Nothing in this article makes me think AMD are being attacked – just the comments which seems to have changed from a serious discussion on how this could be right or wrong into Nvidia and AMD fans just calling each other assholes and some people defending Linus and others attacking him.

    Seems all a bit ‘bleh’ to me. I am waiting on the KitGuru review of Vega and Threadripper. thats all I want now.

  14. Linus can get very techy when he wants, I am guessing AMD purposely told him to keep it light. Good Decision IMO

  15. why not? we have fanboys in the tech industry and most of them are retarded regardless of color

  16. yeah, i can sopt them from miles away, thats why they hate me rofl

  17. I trust Linus more than I would ever trust you.

  18. Jealousy.

  19. Steven Morrison

    Irony? Im pretty sure the debate started off as a point on whether people could trust Linus as he was getting a lot of AMD cash and a worldwide exclusive on upcoming hardware WHILE AMD were flying journalists over to their event detailing the same hardware- while it was meant to be under NDA. I suppose if you think outside your own life, into a life where you were a journalist and traveling across the world to learn about this tech and while you were under an NDA, another journalist (well videographer) was showing it all off on stage you might be a bit annoyed. All this shouting and insulting people and arguing like 4 year old kids is such a waste of time. You like Linus, we get it. So does millions of other people.

  20. Honestly Linus is terrible for AMD. AMD marketing at their best.

  21. Maybe Linus has things a lot of you don’t have? Like millions of fans, the guts to ask for this kind of coverage, and the luck and charisma needed to pull it off without fucking it up?

  22. Steven Morrison

    Yeah me too, looking forward to the KitGuru analysis.

  23. Steven Morrison

    Linus has things a lot of who don’t have? us commenting? I am sure he has. Not sure your point, that Linus is awesome?

  24. Steven Morrison

    I used to follow him, but yeah I see what you mean. 🙁

  25. Steven Morrison


  26. Steven Morrison

    Amd telling any reviewer/blogger/ tech site what to do is never good. Its just a PR slide then, in video form.

  27. Linus Rulezzz the scene … muhahahaa

  28. Steven Morrison

    I know, they are great arent they? I wouldn’t have known anything about this if it wasn’t for Carl’s post today showing how angry some editors are posting on Tweaktowns owners facebook page.

  29. Steven Morrison

    Kitguru aren;t salty – seems to be Tweaktown and a few other editors on his facebook page. The video looks like a trainwreck to me

  30. Steven Morrison

    Hard numbers for me too, Kitguru review should detail it all. Hopefully not too long now, ive been holding off on a GTX1080 for a few months now.

    If they get performance at ~GTX1080 level for less money ill be happy

  31. Steven Morrison

    but it was? its not about appeasing AMD< its about telling your readers or viewers the truth. that should be all that matters at the end of the day

  32. Is Linus getting an exclusive first look going to prevent other tech outlets from testing & benching and publishing the results? No? Moving on, then.

  33. I think Kitguru / this writer realized they are not as relevant as they thought they were. Yes i wont disagree, LTX looked like a Day Care, but to play down linus’s success like this “article” just shows immature jealously.

  34. Steven Morrison

    Kitguru? eh? did you even read it? Its linking to a post on Cameron’s page on Facebook. The owner of Tweaktown who is discussing this with other editors from other tech sites – he has nothing to do with Kitguru. It all started when Linus got an exclusive and aired a video on AMD hardware – and while this happened AMD was flying editors from all over the world to their event in Los Angeles under NDA for the same hardware Linus was showing on stage to his public. What on earth has this got to do with KitGuru – they are merely reporting on the fact. I dont even think half the people here are actually reading the post properly. its bemusing me as it would look like KitGuru is actually exposing this so we can make up our own minds rather than slagging off Linus.

  35. GrimmReaper WithaSpoon

    Oh no, the most famous tech reviewer alive got the chance to be the 1st to unbox a modern piece of technology. Kuh, I wonder what antics will the tech industry get up to next?
    Seriously tho, what the fuck were you expecting? For some small time curmudgeon to get this GPU while they can give it to someone actually fucking famous and therefore promote their product even more than they already did?
    If the entire tech reviewing industry thinks so, then by this time they should have so much egg on their faces you could slap them with a frying pan and call ’em an omelette.

  36. Funny part is while Tweaktown owner and the article emphasizes non co-operation from AMD’s part but people are conveniently making it about LTT. Talk about outrage misfiring.

    But I guess that reflects the demographics of the fella who got the exclusive.

  37. Steven Morrison

    Yes, I would say you are 100% spot on.

  38. Honestly, TweakTown’s site is hot garbage anyway.
    All of those ads.

  39. hahaha wth this article so funny

  40. hahahaha

  41. You seem upset. Everything ok?

  42. Mmmm… The jealousy.

  43. That’s because no one does care. AMD has the right to rep their product how they will. Linus is a well known brand within the computer world to enthusiast and new users alike.

    This is literally reporters being jealous because they are use to loads of free goodies and first dibs. AMD probably notices that in the last few years
    A. They have done a terrible job representing their own product, future, and what it is they are selling.
    B. That technical reporters love to leak things or give their terrible opinions to other sources prior to release.

    Reporters also have a tendency to report their bias and not the facts now days. It has not been widely covered that Nvidia intentionally nerfs products after the next generation releases to increase performance margins but the community knows it well.

    Honestly now days I really don’t trust what technical reporters put out because most of it is overly biased towards the review model supplier. I can aggregate on YouTube from tech personalities more than I can glean from some reporter trying to use over fanciful wording and complete butt kissing.

    Besides many reporters take things like freedom of the press or their open access to mean they own the rights to new money making stories. I have seen it on fires many timea where the reporters try to get in between crews and the line for a picture… When in fact it simply means they can report without cencorship – not be in the center, in front of, and every angle forcing their way to new money making pushing adds and bias.

  44. Cry about it. You guys are useless low quality clickbait, worse than wccftech. Nobody cares.

  45. Yet people will continue accusing Linus of being an Intel shill

  46. People are eggy because Linus, a much beloved self-made PC hardware entertainer, got to touch something before them….


  47. its a tweaktown reporter that wrote it, an it was published here hence the “/”

  48. i would actually be concentrated on learning about the tech and not whining like a hormonal teenager rofl

    yeah, speaking about 14 yo kids, let out all of your frustrations out in a ranting video blog like a proper 13 yo ROFL

  49. How is this about nvidia? What on earth are you talking about – nerfs products? Review model supplier? Aggregate from youtube? And hey YOU might not care but plenty of people do care. Im one of them and i rely on a lot of tech sites before i buy hardware so perhaps its best you go back to youtube. You might make sense over there because every linus supporter is just coming here to spout vitriol when they have only read a few sentences.

  50. Eh? Carl is a kitguru writer (he wrote the story on this page). He doesnt write for tweaktown. Carl wrote a story on how other media arent happy about linus getting an exclusive on vega. Amd are flying press around the world to an event to learn about vega under nda, while linus is showing it off on stage. Kitguru then linked to cameron willmots facebook page, showing him discussing it with other members of the press. Thats it. Carl even said his boss, the boss of kitguru couldnt care less. Thats quite the twisted spin you have on it all. Seems to me carl did quite a bit of investigative journalism.

  51. Kitguru? eh? did you even read it? Its linking to a post on Cameron’s page on Facebook. The owner of Tweaktown who is discussing this with other editors from other tech sites – he has nothing to do with Kitguru. It all started when Linus got an exclusive and aired a video on AMD hardware – and while this happened AMD was flying editors from all over the world to their event in Los Angeles under NDA for the same hardware Linus was showing on stage to his public. What on earth has this got to do with KitGuru – they are merely reporting on the fact. I dont even think half the people here are actually reading the post properly which in itself says something. its bemusing me as it would look like KitGuru is actually exposing this so we can make up our own minds rather than slagging off Linus. Carl, the writer of this article even said his boss (Kitguru boss) couldnt care less.

  52. You mean the same press who help spread the $899 price tag rumor which originated from a ‘source’
    off Reddit?


    Trust me there are plenty more.

  53. like you?

  54. This is just traditional websites being jealous at a YouTuber AGAIN. He has a bigger audience than multiple websites combined so of course they are going to do promotion with him rather than fly people from 20+ websites out. People also trust Linus for information, he’s built a good brand for himself. That’s something websites need to start thinking about. If you aren’t on YouTube you don’t exist Especially when most people can stream a video no matter where they are.

    It doesn’t matter if he has exclusive first coverage because the second his video goes up someone can write an article with all the info and still get traffic from their regulars.

    Vega is an awesome change in architecture but the real magic won’t come until they shrink the fab process down because clock for clock AMD hands Nvidia their ass and nvidias architecture can only go so far clock wise. They stopped working on being efficient with their cycles when they were #1. Meanwhile amd has been getting more and more efficient since Fiji especially with the 2 new APIs that will finally start getting more use this holiday season.

    So while I’ll keep my gtx 1080 chances are when amd releases their next round of cards it will be as powerful or more so than nvidia and it will be cheaper. It also won’t hurt when devs start using the advantages HBM2 bring to the table and since AMD has almost 3 years of real world experience with it in gaming…Nvidia better watch out or they might find themselves looking like Intel.

  55. Oh Jesus the both of you sound like little children. Who cares about who reports what and when?

    Websites had 1 advantage over YouTube and that was comments but these days every tech sites comment section is exactly like youtubes. Just a bunch of idiots yelling at each other and running in circles.

    Crap like that is why websites are less relevant than ever. It’s just a showcase of jealousy in the articles, stolen content and babies in the comments.


  56. Reading this with ? in my hand….become saltier by the minute.

  57. Linus is something to watch to learn what NOT to do when you are in a similar situation. From what I watched of his junk basically it’s a “hey look I get all kinds of stuff just given to me so I can do whatever cool thing and then who cares if I screw it up” kind of person.

    AMD could have done a LOT better than him for a product unveiling and review.

  58. Ahh, the old “Swoop in and call them both little children and babies” trick.
    Nothing beats that momentary rush of faux self esteem, eh?

  59. I hope he gets to keep those items 😀

  60. Linus is a brand. Linus tech tips. You show your colours my friend. I could care less but it is jealousy. Linus is a media personality and You claiming a person who has over 4 million subscribers and whose videos get a ton of views, (I’m a subscriber but not avid fan I’m not sure on the average views) is “Linus is a canadian dude, he isn’t a brand like nike trainers.” Not a brand is at very least a complete lack of research or understanding of the industry “Media” and your job. At most it’s an obvious example of a completely inept and incompetent person who is in over his head. I don’t mean that to sound the way it does and those are the extremes so I expect you are somewhere in the middle but anyone in media is a “Brand” and the information you put out is a “product” Otherwise why do you have ads on this page and what is it that those companies are buying. Your readers are purchasing a product which is your so called news via the ads you post they buy products from and viewing the ads the companies pay you for. This is a real story, you unfortunately do not understand the industry you all are in enough to report on it. I will tell you this, AMD knows Linus Tech Tips is big enough to get attention, they know people are starved for info about Vega and it gets huge hits from fans of Nvidia and Amd alike. They Also know that an exclusive deal on releasing information will garner massive attention which is good for both Linus and Amd. Other media getting pissy and writing stories like this just sweeten the pot. It’s smart.

  61. Steven Morrison

    Its because all the youtubers are here right now from linus page – thats why the comments are just as bad as youtube. They will all move back soon enough thank god.

  62. Steven Morrison

    Why do i have ads on the page? Thats like me saying why do you have ads in linus videos? Im just joe public like you making a comment – you guys dont even understand how a comment system works outside youtube. One thing ive learned from this – is the incredibly low iq of the average youtuber punter (linus fanboy) because they have flocked here attacking everyone for no reason. Without even reading anything, loaded with misinformation,

  63. All they did was show the card there was pictures ALL over the internet a week…. Wow how childish of you. And it was less then a day before the real specs were shown… you were just going to post a picture of the card too… He had a HUGE event so he couldn’t make it to LA there was zero benchmark results beside threadripper

  64. Google is paying 97$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family! !pa66:
    On tuesday I got a great new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $8752 this last four weeks.. Its the most-financialy rewarding I’ve had.. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it
    ➽➽;➽➽ http://GoogleFinancialJobsCash66HomeEnergyGetPay$97Hour ★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★:::::!pa66l..,..

  65. Google is paying 97$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family! !pa66:
    On tuesday I got a great new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $8752 this last four weeks.. Its the most-financialy rewarding I’ve had.. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it
    ➽➽;➽➽ http://GoogleFinancialJobsCash66HomeEnergyGetPay$97Hour ★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★:::::!pa66l..,….

  66. Well the ram swap out was a”FIX”. They had non standard dell ram installed.
    When it failed to post, they swapped out the “RINGER” ram and put back the original Dell RAM.

    It was NON DELL RAM. They re-installed the original RAM the machine would have shipped with

  67. Traditional media in many outlets has a tendency of late just to repost whatever rumour hits Videocardz & WCCFTech, so I don’t particularly blame AMD for going above and beyond with someone with a tonne of subscribers (and thus reach) and isn’t doing too much rumour peddling.

  68. Never said you’re a nvidiot. It’s clear that you’re probably a shintel fanboy that goes to every single place where amd is mentioned and bashes it.

    I don’t even like linus. But idiots like you sure make it more satisfying to watch some quick videos from reviewers like him. You’re literally spending your time by bashing something that you hate.

    It’s especially retarded because when linus was shilling for intel, most people didn’t seem to give a fuck. But now that he’s doing it for amd, people like you are so triggered that another company other than your precious one, is getting coverage. Grow the fuck up. Brand loyalty doesn’t mean shit. People will buy from companies that give them better deals according to their needs. And that is what amd is doing right now.

    Don’t like it? No one’s stopping you from buying an ‘unlocked’ i9 and 1080tis in sli. Have fun throwing your money at anti-consumer companies that constantly try to get rid of competition so they can fuck over their customers.

  69. The worst thing about Linus, isn’t his shilling or his ‘look at me im shocked at this new piece of amazing hardware im testing’ clickbait thumbnail posts. Its his followers – guys like you – who can’t even read, come over here – shit all over everything with loads of self entitlement. Have you seen how many Linus fanboys haven’t even read the KitGuru post, but feel entitled enough to just post jibberish here? Even one of them said ‘Wow I used to think tech site comments were better than youtube’ as he posted more shit, like the other youtuber fanboys who came here to attack Kitguru for posting a news story on something other people said – that was quite funny really. Its like CNN should be blamed for reporting on news – its their fault the earthquake rocked San Francisco! They reported on it but its their fault bringing it to our attention! Doh.

    ‘People will buy from companies that give them better deals, and thats what AMD is doing right now’. With Vega? really? You haven’t seen a single benchmark and are saying its going to be awesome? Thats some crystal ball you have to predict how great its going to be. The Asus and Sapphire versions might be great, but that leaf blower version won’t be. We all know that. Well those of us who dont just blindly accept what a youtube personality tells us. Its like zombie mindwipe – 4.3 million have lost all reasoning and its growing. Its the end of humanity, I tell ya! 😉

  70. https://www.google.com.au/search?q=Salt&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjr2pDEpbPVAhWMFpQKHfuJCyYQ_AUICigB&biw=1920&bih=960#imgrc=IIBlZExwmwSTkM:

  71. linus yes

  72. other techtubers no

  73. “What inaccuracies did KitGuru make, im confused?”

    The fact that they did no research into the matter at hand, all that was posted was a simple repeat of a FB post from a single entity, no mention of where this incident happened and no comments from any party “accept the FB comments” regarding the situation, could of easily reached out to AMD or LTT for a comment on the situation and that would of been reporting…. instead its just a repeat.

    “someone who owns a tech site and has other editors of other tech sites agreeing?”

    Again this only serves to show that most tech sites are just repeat monsters and click grabbers (drama always grabs clicks), see something posted.. reword it, take no time to investigate and repost… effectively just like gossip mags.

    I agree i don’t think this article is attacking AMD, never said it did, however it did imo fall short of an actual tech report and fell firmly into gossip/rumor style journalism.

  74. How do you know they did no research ? are you privvy to behind the site conversations that may or may not have happened? I have read the whole post KitGuru made, and all of the stupid comments in here debating nonsense.

    Its quite simple. Kitguru reported on a post that Cameron Willmot made on his own facebook page. It wasn’t posted on the Tweaktown page. I have read all of Camerons’ thread over on his page and I can see Nvidia staff complaining publicly, I can see SCAN owners complaining about Linus snubbing them, and I can see a few editors I know from other tech sites complaining that AMD flew them across the world to an event under an NDA that Linus didn’t seem to have to adhere to.

    Thats a story. Thats a pretty good story to me. Its interesting – not because of all the way its been sidetracked by people not reading it properly, but the fact that AMD value a youtube video guy over all the othe press for an unboxing. To me, its not really that big a deal, but it shows that AMD are trying to maximise their hits on VEGA and fair play to them, its worked well.

    I fail to see how KitGuru are at fault for anything. You cant blame the reporter. Its not like they need to research what Cameron said – its for everyone to see. Its like blaming the BBC for reporting on what Trump said on his twitter page. You can’t say ‘Fuck you BBC! you didn’t do research on what Trump said.’ They are reporting on what he said, verbatim from a public post we can all see. They never claimed to research it. They just shared the find. happens daily. get used to it.

    The only thing you highlight as a ‘concern’ is some fruity, and rather funny introduction text which you clearly don’t like (which is your view, but hardly important to Kitguru as they can write whatever they like) and an apparent attack on AMD which you seem to be fabricating from thin air.

    You need a new hobby Aiden – thats all I take from this. Because if its so distasteful for you and its clickbait – here you are right in the middle of it.

  75. “The video is very light on details and has a lot of ‘oohing and aahing’ over bundled cables”

    Factually correct, however the video is that of an un-boxing and by its very definition will always lack details of the product, this comment gives a distinct feeling to the article straight off the bat.

    “The crowd seem very young and the level of excitement in the video is so insanely high we almost felt as if we were backstage at a Justin Bieber concert. We didn’t notice any panties being thrown on the stage, which was a relief.”

    Again continuing with the negative feeling, “low iq youtubers attacking everyone for no reason”, its has nothing to do with IQ or what platform people garner entertainment and information from and everything to do with the pathetic article written, the fact you are resorting to petty insults simply shows the kind of IQ you have and the level at which you operate.

  76. Jealous much?

  77. Cool

  78. You are completely inept at reading and forming replies. You act like a child breaking it down to one point that you can escape the conversation with.

    My point, which is written clearly for you is that tech reporters are not trust worthy. Articles like this prove it. Let me spell it out for you *N V I D I A W A S A N E X A M P L E O F W H Y N O T T O T R U S T T E C H W R I T E R S* I’m not a fan boy for Linus, I watch his videos once maybe twice a month and occasionally if he has input on a product I see the pros and cons he has.

    You need to grow up and realize that conversation evolves and people bring in different information to make or validate points. Don’t try and bury your head and pretend you don’t understand in order to hide from making conversations.

  79. so you aren’t a linus fanboy but you are anti Nvidia then ? good recovery!. you tell people they are inept at reading and forming replies and type in capitals to shout online at others. You insult people while telling them not to bury their heads in the sand. You probably didn’t even understand the post here and what you have worked out is ‘Kitguru are attacking AMD’ when in fact they are reporting on posts from key media people on facebook and opening up a topic for discussion. Go annoy the people who made the original comments, or go back to watching Linus dancing around in ninja outfits in his gay little sandals.

    Just fuck off back to youtube Michael. Ive never seen you here before so no one gives a shit what you think. You wouldnt understand a 6,000 page indepth article over 13 pages. you want people dressing up and dancing around trying to hold your attention for more than 10 seconds. Another byproduct of an ADHD world – little twats like you running around spouting opinions and patronising people while sounding like a whingy little bitch. You told someone else not to bury their head in the sand. Im telling you to go do it. Do us all a favour.

  80. Did you even watch the video? were you not laughing? I am pretty sure Carl wrote it as a bit of a joke – it was all hype . light hearted humour – you even understand the concept? You watch McGregor with Mayweather. Thats some funny shit.

    Linus – ‘Here is an HDMI cable!!!!!!’

    Kid audience: ‘WHOOOOOOOOoooooo OMG an HDMI cable! We have never seen one of this – what does that do Linus?’

    Linus ‘Here is a displayport cable!’

    Kid audience ‘OMFG, WHOOOOOooooo a Displayport cable? thats some fucking serious shit man! AMD FUCKING ROCK! NWHOOOOooooo!’

    Linus ‘Here is a converter cable!’

    Kid audience ‘WOOOOOOoooooooo OMG a converter cable? YEAH GO AMD, GO LINUS, WE LOVE YOU!’.

    Linus ‘Here is a CD’

    Kid audience ‘WWHOooooooooo OMG, a CD! WTF is a CD? who cares we just cheer anything at this stage!!!! Woooohooooo’

    Was a complete cringfest. you know it. Don’t blame Carl for having a laugh with it. I fucking pissed myself. If you dont like Linus being the basis for a bit of a laugh on his presentation – thats your fault. I am sure Linus couldn’t give two shits what we say – he is too busy laughing when he looks at his bank balance! You need to go get a good old fashioned blow job Aiden – might make you relax and not take all this shit so seriously. No one gives a shit about any of this anymore. Its just for shits and giggles that all the 14 year old tech babies have their little Toy Story briefs in such a wad.

    Oh yeah, word to Linus kiddy fans – never handle memory the way he did – its how you kill it!

  81. says the guy with Ahahahahah as a user name. Good band though from the 80s to be fair – I like that bloke Morten – real ladies man.

  82. We’ll John, I am glad you are here. Now I have someone to look up to! You sure did up your insult game!

    What I see is amateur writing making a veiled statement and when that viel is torn down the group that has made the statement suddenly wishes to hide and cast off the blame to someone “key” they took it from. Kitguru’s introductory statement in this article repeat the same tone of the article. It does not read as “we are an unbiased party reporting on others views” rather “this guys a kid and we don’t like him”. I see a lot of “these guys are from YouTube” which is a cop out from someone making assertions about your view that you just don’t like. Like I said I watch Linus 1-2 times a month if that – other than ocassionaly watching videos like that I listen to music on YouTube and that is it.

    You and Morrison have the same practice of breaking down a complete conversation to one sentence. This slight of hand is very common in politics and pathological liars. It is a poor tactic used when someone cannot fully understand or create a valid reply. See if your ADHD comment were true I would simply switch tracks with you.

    For your off-topic writing: to focus a technical article into 13 pages from 6,000 would mean you would not understand it either. When you cut down and compress something that much the original meaning is lost.

    Calling people little twats. Going from a conversation pointing out someones ineptitude to actual insults must make you the smartest guy here John! Thanks for showing us how to be smart!

  83. Also John, I run two 1070s, so much for your claiming me being anti-Nvidia comment. I am anti-Nvidia adopting Apple policies though. Software downgrades are an unnaceptable practice.

  84. No problem , anytime my man. I do love helping people. Every saturday i go help some ‘differently challenged’ kids in my neighbourhood. This is almost an extension of that. Its like when you read something and read the words but just make up your own interpretation of those words to suit a paranoia. Thats quite a problem, but we can help you get over it. I mean you are halfway there now. Down to linus videos once or twice a month from earlier stages of linus addiction. You will get there and i am sure the therapist is very proud of you. I know i am.

  85. Of course you do. I own 14 amd cards too – my furyx is my pride and joy – screw people saying 4gb is not enough for 4k gaming! Hah the fools! I even carry a few around with me during the day to show complete strangers that i am not an nvidia fanboy. Some people are impressed with my great taste in hardware but it can be tricky sometimes. My doctor wasnt so impressed with the hd7990 i turned into a necklace, he said it was damaging my neck but i feel its a small price to pay to prove to people i am an amd lover. Between carrying amd gpus around with me during the day and my hd7990 necklace and posting in random comments to complete strangers i dont own nvidia i think im getting away with it.

    My next step is a tattoo on my left hand of linus, and another tattoo on the right with hundreds of thousands of dollars dropping out of a vega card. Thats just going to make all my mates jealous. I reckon it wont be hard to doctor the card tattoo next year to a new nvidia model when amd money dries up and nvidia pay him more.

  86. We’ll bro I’m out. You cannot maintain a conversation, you certainly cannot formulate a reply to the original subject. Have your comments section, I can see this is where you find purpose in life.

  87. Best of luck old micky my man, you will be missed. Ill maybe see you in the comments for the next linus video? Apparently he finds 10 other uses for memory sticks he destroyed by mishandling them – maybe the ones from his alienware threadripper video. One is an elaborate comb crafted from corsair dominator memory. Dont worry, He will make it exciting though and focus on the tech after the elaborate jokes, it will probably start with him in a ninja outfit being chased by fanboys who want him to sign their sandals. Its such a great use of my 4k monitor and amd fury x. OMG i cant wait bro! Big kisses xox

  88. I don’t need faux self esteem my friend. My ego is big enough for them, you and myself.

    As for the post itself…I call it like I see it. Instead of having a genuine conversation about technology they were having a pissing contest. It was childish and since I’m honor bound to be honest and also tired of the inane bs that are internet comments these days…I just couldn’t help it.

    But hey enough about me, how’s your e-peen doing? You hopped in to chastise me for chastising them so which one of us is worse?

    Self esteem doing well right now Mr hypocrite lol, I hope it is because you deserve to feel good about you.

  89. if you want the exclusive coverage then get a bigger audience than LTT. Why would amd choose to do this for a platform with a smaller following theres no favoritism in this its just pure logic and common sense. Also a lot of the details seem to still be under NDA when the video released so why would amd send the card to someone who is going to run a bunch of in depth tests in private when they are not even allowed to release any of them and not gain any pr from the private tests.

  90. you made this comment to complain about linus being immature and cringy, lol the irony.

  91. i know, i just need to make millions doing it now. Have to start somewhere i guess.

  92. You’re missing the point. You are selling something, the ability of your page to draw views. This makes your column, page, or website your brand. It’s not about Linus or bill blogger or fred nobody on blah blah website. Linus Tech tips is the brand, not linus himself. AMD paid for that brand to have exclusive access to product information release because they obviously saw value in it. My point was that being in the same or a similar industry and writing stories you should understand how the industry works and by saying that anyone in that position doesn’t have a brand is a clear lack of understanding of that industry. It wasn’t an attack on you it was bringing to your attention that you are not taking the position you are placing yourself or the industry seriously. I’m not pointing at your opinion, I’m pointing at the fact that you do not see the brand you’re selling or the brand others are selling that the companies are buying by placing those ads. I could care less about Linus and honestly I have not supported him in any way other than a subscribe button which I have used for many other tech youtubers which expresses my interest in tech. I have agreed and disagreed with his opinions and comments and I don’t see him as any more knowledgeable than most of the people I know personally. It’s just a different take on things than others and I’m interested in that opinion if I agree or not. You should at least have an understanding of the industry you’re in and that is the point. Your selling your ability to draw views and it’s your brand they buy into if you understand that it’s a brand or not.

  93. Martin Bülow Sørensen

    ahhhhh are u butt hurt that a better spokes man was giving the tech first. maby you should think about getting ur ass together then and stop being such noobs with ur bias crap all the time. always on nvidias side and talking shiiit about amd. now amd is on the rise once again, and are starting to put nvidia to shame, then u guys are all of the sudden on amds side and all that shiit. u are assholes and its good that amd didint give u shiit, and maby first will have ur shot when everyone else have giving their review.

  94. I’ve watched enough LTTs to know that they’re VERY dependent on sponsorship deals. I imagine the money they get out of Youtube is a small fraction of all the other sponsorships they get.

    So when I said ‘free’ I meant ‘cheap’. Cheaper to get someone else with a big following to do your release for you than do it yourself, especially if they had a platform (their LTX event) already set up. An event that looked like it wasn’t getting much interest at the start.

  95. Sadly, not.

  96. So, I can complain about the fact that I couldnt attend to the CES and can’t see the Exclusive Items and Presentations they had? It is the same, The people of the press who are complaining could attend to cover the exclusive presentation of that CONVENTION.