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Here is what Bioware is fixing in the next Mass Effect Andromeda patch

As fun as I am finding Mass Effect Andromeda at the moment, the game has plenty of shortcomings, some of which include various bugs and in-game issues. Fortunately, Bioware is already working to fix Andromeda's problems, with the next patch focussing on various bugs, performance drops and unintended progression blocks.

While Bioware is still mulling over ways to improve Mass Effect Andromeda's character creation and animation, in the meantime we can expect plenty of cleanup in other areas. For starters, here are the performance fixes coming in the next patch:

  • Enabling Crossfire may not yield to a significant performance increase.
  • Dolby Vision is currently disabled for PC.
  • Screen appears stretched in 4:3 and 5:4 resolutions.
  • Attempting to run the game in 16:9 or 16:10 portrait display may cause the game to crash.
  • Players may experience performance drops in the Storm Canyons.

Some changes are also being made to squadmates to stop them from teleporting on top of the player and following when told not to. The PS4 is getting a few fixes, including a bug that would see Ryder frozen in mid-air if you skipped too many cutscenes. The game will auto save more often and while there is a proper fix coming for specific quests not triggering the next stage, in the meantime players can force progression by leaving a mission area and returning.

Finally, there are a few more ‘general' fixes for all platforms:

  • Running in a zig-zag pattern can result in Ryder entering an unintended animation state.
  • Audio may stop during play. Closing and restarting the game will restore audio.
  • Immediately creating a new Ryder after exiting a current playthrough can result in Journal quest items carrying over and a number of bugson the Hyperion.

KitGuru Says: This patch should start rolling out this week. Hopefully the next batch of fixes follows shortly after, though I must admit, I've encountered way more issues on the Xbox One version of the game compared to the PC. 

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  1. So around November vi can expect the game to be fixed and facial animations not looking like a PS2 game? 😛

  2. Who the hell decided to release the game in such a state?! They clearly did minimal testing and decided to launch it due to an arbitrary date rather then when the game was finished.

  3. “Audio may stop during play. Closing and restarting the game will restore audio.”
    This is my only concern right now its been around since DA:I release.

  4. Mark van der Kamp

    only quest problems i had where with the sick refugee in kadara. you can deliver the uv lamps but not get the medicine. that and the nexus seems to be more of an fps killer than heavy combat

  5. Wonder when they’ll fix Sara’s face. Poster child of autism right there.

  6. Moron.

  7. #triggered

  8. Mine (on PC ) working well (ish) , nothing drastic , definitely a game where patience is a virtue . Explore . pick up the gimme bits. Don’t rush through it . savour your time . At the moment I am ignoring the facial and perambulatory animation cock ups ,

  9. Only fixing framerate drops in Storm Canyons? Hell, there are drops on Habitat 7 and especially on Eos.

  10. ?Just OK Tracer?

    game runs smoothly for me on nexus and other closed up locations. But there are lot of lighting and refractions included so maybe try reducing that setting?

  11. If you’re some sort of a 15 yo kid and you let some face animations ruin the game experience, then yes, fuc**** wait ntil next year ^_^

  12. Uh did I I hit a nerve or something xD Sounds like I hit hardcore fanboy right in the balls 😛 hehe

  13. Sorry, but you can’t call someone out for excepting a game to be finished when they buy it. This game was not and it’s clear as day. BioWare and EA must be called out for this or will continue to happen… oh wait it already does and b/c of people like you, it’s “ok” and we should stop complaining…

  14. Hardcore fanboys of Mass Effect like Raul do not have balls. That’s why they can’t coherently defend Andromeda’s shortcomings.

  15. Am the only one hoping that they will release a High Texture package for pc? I just can’t pass the fact that the character textures looks even or worse than the ones in Mass Effect 1.

  16. The proper way to let them know about issues is to submit a bug report on EA’s help site.


  17. Joel. monserrate

    I guess I wait till the next patch is done then I’ll return to the game

  18. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/99bd2374db9b17ef3cdc2868d1dcb387b66da59829c4a58fb5c3917e6801cd5f.jpg

  19. Bioware should be ashamed.

  20. I’m sure there will be, considering that texture packs have been developed for every other ME game. But​ the textures most definitely do not look worse than ME1 (without mods).

  21. SuperkoopaTrooper

    Replace autism with blacks, jews or anything a long those lines…. You’re a moron. A moron who deflects with #triggered as a tool to dismiss any criticism. At least he’s not triggered over the color of coffee cups. I mean, what can we really expect from someone who jerks off to manga.

  22. EA… Game was probably still 6mo to a year from actually being done, I’m leaning more towards a year, I just keep thinking “what if CD Projekt Red had made this game?”. Only 2 more years (hopefully) until Cyberpunk 2077.

  23. More EA than Bioware, there’s no way they would have released it in this state without being forced, several devs that worked on it have already come out and said as much.

  24. Not even exaggerating, there are so many issues at this point, that most people (me included) are only worrying about the game breaking ones, like how I can only examine and recruit strike teams through the multiplayer screen now.

  25. There are drops everywhere mainly due to bad CPU optimization, at least on pc you can leave some headroom to compensate.

  26. Yeah, it’s weird, I literally have no issues during combat (good thing, well optimized), but I walk around the Nexus and get constant CPU spikes that tank the framerate, I’m talking like 60% to 100% regularly without doing much, I suspect it has something to do with how it’s loading textures and meshes in big chunks, turning down the mesh setting might help, but I don’t want the game to look terrible when looking through a long range scope.

  27. EA should be ashamed, if it was a bad a game I’d say otherwise, but it clearly just needed more time.

  28. Yeah, I’m using ultra textures and I think they look great, though I have had issues with textures not loading in quick enough sometimes, considering the game often reduces character textures when you’re not talking to them, but then ramps back up during many conversations, this can be a big issue. Though it could just be my card, the GTX 970 only has a little over 3GB’s of onboard ram and this game uses all of it, this is def a 1070 type of game if you really want to get the best of it.

  29. We say that about every Bethesda game as well, in that respect while it’s not pushing boundaries it’s not particularly buggy it’s just not well polished.

  30. You’re still a moron.

  31. How old do I have to be to not accept the other animation problems, the overall lack of polish, the combat bugs, and the terrible writing? How old do I need to be to wait for AAA games to be completely finished and professionally polished to be worth my hard earned money?

  32. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDjci1ODoBs

  33. Bioware had FIVE YEARS and all three of their studios. This is on Bioware. Not EA.

  34. No it isn’t. Bioware had five years and all three studios with 200 people working on this game. This is Bioware’s fault. Not EA’s. Early development began in 2012.

    The Witcher 3 took three and a half years.

  35. You seem to be forgetting that they only finished Dragon Age: Inquisition at the end of 2014, their studios work in unison on most of their projects so it’s likely that ME:A didn’t have full support until then. You also seem to be forgetting that this game is probably one of the largest RPG’s ever conceived, it’s only comparison being The Witcher 3 which actually had a company’s full support for 4 years.

    Have you played other EA games, do you know their history, they are notorious for rushing things out the door, and more than anything a good publisher doesn’t put something out until it’s ready, it’s on the publisher to give their devs the time and resources that they need, it’s absolutely clear that they didn’t.

    Your blame is misplaced and your understanding is lacking.

  36. If an FX 8350 can get 60+ FPS in gameplay. I would not say its bad CPU optimized. It may not be as polished as “For Honor” but its not nearly as bad as Ghost Recon Wild-lands.

  37. It has many bugs. At least on Xbox one. Just a few minutes ago the game completely froze right after a vendor opened up their inventory. It has had several issues with quests not completing or reverting to a previous state.

    My Ryder glitched through a mountain and died just yesterday. The most annoying part of that is it was during a quest which I could not save manually and it did not save during the time I had been scaling the mountain. It was such a tedious trek that I almost just abandoned the thought of completing the quest. I have had several quests become bugged. Saving often has been the only reason I am still playing the game. Nav points do not always update which seems to be the issue I see most often.

  38. What can I say? I like triggering cucks who find anything that differs from their world view to be offensive and feel the need to whine about it to an emperor who’s obviously just bored/trolling/a moron.

    Also, my Jesus? #NotMyReligion

    It’s funny you immediately assume me a fascist who worships the very ground Trump walks on. Talk about prejudice.
    Couldn’t care less about that guy.
    Come on, he believes global warming to be a Chinese conspiracy.

  39. I don’t think BioWare is guilty here. EA is infamous for its crazy deadlines and raking the rewards, no matter how the players feel. I am sure a lot of BioWare developers are not happy with that.

  40. Bioware has nothing to do with that. It is EA who always set crazy deadline. They don’t care if it has been 3 days since you haven’t slept because of work – just develop.

  41. links?

  42. RandomShinigami7

    Man I really must of lucked out with Andromeda. Over 50 hours of game time and I’ve only encountered 2 very minor bugs, and those were easily fixed by quiting to the main menu and reloading my last save. Even the frame rate has been mostly solid for me. A couple dips here and there, but still absolutely playable.

  43. Mountain scaling? I’ve driven up a few in the nomad when I didn’t have that patience to go around the way the level designers intended, but I’ve finished the game and the sidequests(convenient time off) already and I can’t think of any missions that required significant climbing up a mountain on foot. I’ve blinked through the scenery a couple of times, but you usually end up in a loop and can just fast travel out.

    There are the odd bugs, inventory and strike team screens cause crashes, but it saves on the transition so worse case is a restart. Very few game breaking bugs for a game of it’s size, compared to say any Elder Scrolls or Fall Out game it’s pretty bug free. All the older Mass Effect games gave more issues, and only the first game was as rough round the edges as this one.

  44. Publishers and investors do this. They don’t care about quality. The want money in their pockets right now, and damn the consequences.

  45. I probably should have pointed out that I am crap at driving the nomad, I tend to drive it off of every hill or cliff or higher ground. I have no idea what my issue is with it, but I suck at driving it. That leads me to giving up and taking obscure mountain paths. At times I get flashbacks of Skyrim, and then I am grateful it is ME. It is more personal preference that I try going where weather and atmosphere allows on foot because of my bad nomad skills. It is a good thing Witcher 3 prepared me for a lot of travelling on foot! I was crap at steering Roach on narrow paths, so we ended up falling down mountains in that game also.

    The visual glitches are more annoying than hindering, so I am glad for that. I didn’t encounter the game breaking bugs in Fallout 4, so I count myself just lucky because my husband ran into some which caused him to stop playing. I enjoy the game even with the bugs I have encountered. I am travelling with Jaal and Drack an awful lot, and find them amusing. I still miss Grunt, but he is my favorite Krogan. I had more probelms in ME 2 than I am having in this one, so there is that.

  46. What can you say? Not much apparently. Certainly nothing well thought out.

    Interesting, you seem to be the most “triggered” person here. Triggered by “cucks”, women, pretty much anyone more left than you, really. Every comment of yours is dripping with “triggered” indignation and impotent rage at whatever group of people currently voicing issues you don’t think are as important as your own.

    And here you are whining about what you find offensive. You’re actually just as bad, if not worse, than those you malign. The anti-SJW that doesn’t realize that he is one. It would be amusing, if you weren’t so trite.

  47. You’re guessing on exactly when the studios combined efforts so that’s irrelevant. It doesn’t matter anyway. It’s just part of a larger point.

    As for largest RPG’s ever conceived, I’d love to see even the slightest bit of evidence to back this up. And The Witcher 3 took 3.5 years. Even at 4 still took less time and only one studio.

    I have played other EA games. It doesn’t matter. They are notorious for rushing games. FIVE YEARS for a single player game is not rushing. Bioware should have had a working product by then.

    No, *your* blame is misplaced. Your excuses are pathetic. Bioware makes bad priorities. They make bad choices, that’s why in five years they have a game that looks and animates worse than previous games in the same series. Yes EA sucks. Yes they should have held the game back but Bioware should have had the game ready by now.

  48. I don’t think you quite understanf the word ‘triggered’. Or ‘rage’.
    I also think you don’t quite know the differencr between being offended by something and making fun of something.

    I see my earlier apparently very ‘offensive’ comment has already been deleted by one of the ‘mods’. So at that point I have nothing that holds me here.

    You have fun making up more ‘arguments’.

    Wish you a nice life.

  49. Trick is mostly to check the map, with practice you can get the nomad up anything if you go slow and use boost in the right places and avoid going airborne at all costs. But if you look at the map there is always a fairly gentle easy path to take, even on Kadara you can go over things, but it’s easier just to go round to the path laid out and it’s rarely a straight line.

    ME1 and 2 were bad, 2 was probably the worst for me IMO for bugs.

    I just finished reading the companion book, despite being short it was actually ok, but it did make me annoyed that the game really did gloss over the exile period and make all the characters pretty flat. Sloane Kelly in particular is interesting in the book, but totally bipolar in the game and does definitely come across in game as having some scenes cut. That’s the biggest issue, the older games had fairly good writing, complex stories and characters that mostly made sense, this one has plot holes and bits that have been bodged.

  50. Lot of expert game designers in the comments telling bioware how this game should have been made. Everyone’s smart enough to complain about everything that’s wrong and even how terrible the writing is but no one was smart enough to stay away from the game until the reviews to decide whether to buy it or not. Either you all are just a bunch of cry baby’s that just want to bitch about everything but not firm enough in your opinion to simply stop playing it or 60$ is such a huge investment for you that its the end of the world to have a few bugs to get through (I personally have seen very few) . Every other comment talks about their hard earned money , maybe you should think long and hard before buying the next game if 60 is such an Investment for you. Truth is the product is already sold, bioware owes you nothing now and it’s only out of their love for their game that they even bother to correct it, God knows if you bought a pile of junk car that broke down after you drove it off the lot its on you and that’s a lot more than 60$. I can’t stand this overly entitled society where no one will ever take any amount of ownership for their own choices . Dont buy something if you’re not sure you’ll like it idiots especially if 60$ is too much money for you and its your own responsibility to make sure what you’re buying isn’t trash, buyer beware.

  51. I wish it were that simple. If you watched me drive the nomad even on flat ground you would see I drive it like a drunk toddler. Not that I have ever seen a drunk toddler, but I would expect them to be awful drivers. I think I seriously have to just take some time out from playing to learn how to drive it in a straight line for a bit.

    Yes, I had most problems with ME 2. As for the writing I totally agree. I am worried for the next Dragon Age and the writing which will be lacking without David Gaider. The characters in Inquisition were well done even if people hate the game. Solas and Dorian were both written so well. All of them were honestly. I haven’t read the companion book, but I would probably enjoy it.

  52. I only really had issues with agility mode on, with that on it’s nearly impossible.

    The characters were ok in DA:I, I think they were mostly the major reason I kept playing it, but unlike the original Dragon Age games I’m not really keen to replay them and honestly may just give the sequels a miss.

    Honestly I’m getting kind of disappointed with games recently in terms of lack of ambition and quality. I’m really looking forward to a major Star Citizen release in the next year or so. I’m so tired of unambitious games and what I’ve played of it so far and the recent videos have really got me excited for a good scifi game with no compromises. ME:A has very much in my book justified the extended wait for the game to come out as it actually had an almost identical scope and budget to ME:A and seeing it I’m glad they doubled down on the scope and time when they got more money.

  53. Personally I have really enjoyed this game. Yeah, occasionally there are animation glitches, but honestly I haven’t encountered all that many, and the ones I have are so infrequent that it’s hardly a glaring problem. I’m playing on PC, though so I can’t speak for console players. But I’ve found complaints about voice actors, and writing to be grossly overstated to the point of sounding like bandwagon complaints. There are some extremely brief encounters that aren’t performed/written all that well but the vast majority of the games voice acting, and writing is superbly done. I hope to see Natalie Dormer return as Lexi, and for her to have an even larger role in the future. The new lead actors for Scott & Sara are fantastic. I found Tann to have a bit of an awkward performance at times, and that’s probably the only one that’s encountered frequently, and even though he can sound a little awkward at times, it isn’t cringey or unbearable, and could even be the way they intended the character to come across as for all I know. It’s a very large game, so it can be overwhelming for people just starting out. I’ve played every Mass Effect game thus far, and this was by far the most ambitious of them, so there is something to be said for that.

    Mass Effect 1 & 2 have always been my favorites respectively, but honestly I think this one is far better than Mass Effect 3 and depending on where they go from here and if they build upon what they’ve created and listen to constructive feedback, I could see the Andromeda game(s) giving the others a run for their money.

  54. Actually there are many places with lemon laws, so one can get back their money for a faulty vehicle. So the reviews should tell us if we should buy a game, or we should be smart enough to know if it has bugs? Is that your meaning or did it just get lost in your rant?

    If you like the game why in the world do you care what other people think about it? Maybe it is just your entitlement in believing you should be able to read comments sections without people listing genuine issues with a game which they were excited to buy and play. The game has bugs and glitches and even some writing issues, but I’m not sorry for buying it and playing it. The writing problems might be lost on someone like yourself, but glaring to others. I also paid more than $60 because I wanted to get the extra stuff and support Bioware’s new game.

  55. I can relate about games. I am looking forward to CDPR next game Cyberpunk. I know it has a few years to go, but I can’t wait. The Witcher 3 is my favorite of all newer games. The Blood and Wine dlc has some of the most beautiful scenery in any game. My husband even stood watching me roam around just because the scenery was so great.

    I was rather annoyed in my first playthrough of Inquisition. I have played it many times since and found myself enjoying the characters and story more as I continued playing. I learned new things I missed before, and even started liking characters I once disliked. I am still shipping Cassandra and Varric. Did you watch the credits for Trespasser? I believe it is Trespasser, but it might be the base game. Cassandra is reading portions of Varric’s book about the Inquisition. It is brilliant. If you missed it you should find it online.

  56. Great review, man. Really. I feel the same way about Andromeda. Sure, it has some quirks that Bioware needs to clean up ASAP, such as a glitch when you speak to Drack on the ship and all of a sudden a second Drack walks in and starts working at the table while you’re conversing with the first one. But, overall, the story is pretty good and there’s a ton of things to do…such as making Jaal your Angara baby-daddy. (yeah, that’s what I’m working on now, haha).

    I just think some people are complaining because someone else started the complaint (facial expressions, lackluster storyline, etc.) Granted, as an avid lover of sci-fi RPGs, I would REALLY like it if the glitches and bugs were at least predominantly cleared up, but nothing has happened with the game that would make me stop playing it, and I hope nothing does. I truly want to love this game. It has awesome potential.

  57. There has been some load screen freezing which is frustrating as hell. Mostly I’ve just seen little things like characters becoming seemingly invisible and enemies doing an impression of Casper, walking through solid rock. That being said I’m only around 10 hours in and there has been a noticeably increase in bugs/glitches the further I’ve gotten. Maybe by Friday it’ll be unplayable.

  58. Hey, you call it whatever you have to to make yourself feel better. The rest of us will call it out for what it is.

    I’ll enjoy watching you skulk off to other threads to whine about those evil liberals, feminists, and black people.

    Good luck!

  59. Always fun to see someone who has no idea about game dev giving out expert opinions. 😀 For one if you don’t like the game there is an easy solution. Don’t buy it.

  60. Even more enjoyable, being told I know nothing by someone who clearly knows less.

  61. Kinda disappointed in the graphics of the game :O the female Ryder hair the customisation T_T ugh so ugly.. Wish they put more time in customisation. Then the inventory space please remove that stupid limit =.= Sinds you can only change you loud out from forward station and ship there should not be any inventory space =.=

    For all the game is okay, some heartfelt mission but i stil feel it lacking compared to other games. But the story is kinda okay :O 600 years to forget the last failure of ME xD.

    But i can see how it is rushed, so many “copy paste” from characters (NPC) and outpost. Doesn’t feel anything unique when im going there. just hope the ending isnt as disappointing as the last game.

  62. I have had no difficulties playing this game with a 2k ultrawide screen and my GPU for PC. I’ve had no crashes with my system and the graphics are awesome and the game play I’ve had no problems or glitches either. my GPU gets a little hot, but I’ve been cooling it down a bit. Whatever these bugs are, I haven’t really noticed them in the game nor had any problems yet with the game so far. I’ve also started the game on insanity and it’s kicking ass. I’m not able to breeze through it like some fucking people are and I’ve got a lot hours already dug into this game, because starting out in insanity you get killed a lot and quickly. So you spend more time developing your shit for battle. if you have a PC that can kick ass in Doom you should be able to play this game w/o any glitches… well I haven’t so far. been finding easter eggs all over… 🙂 i’m really enjoying the game and I absolutely love it. I don’t like how they did the saving format, because I don’t like starting missions all over. I like to play where I leave off at even while in battle mode. I wish they would fix that. Sometimes you have to leave the game for more “important” things in life. sucks you have to keep doing that. otherwise no fucking complaints here as expected.

  63. I agree. don’t buy it. with the pc system I have… I had no problems with this game what so ever nothing. no freezes, no crashes, no weird glitches. I haven’t really notice the bug issues and I’ve been playing at the insanity level, which my GPU gets a little hot, but I’ve been keeping it cooler than when I first started. these games are entertainment. if you think it’s not worth buying then don’t fucking buy no matter what your complaint with the company who is making it. Buy a different game. I’ve been loving the game so far, my only gripe is the saving format. uuuuugh drives me nuts when you have start the fucking shit all over like in Dark Souls. I’ve also had no animation issues either everything seems in sync with the conversations and it isn’t as bad as people are “over dramatizing” the shit. these people just need to get over themselves. I’ve had completely no issues on anything so far stated. didn’t even know they needed a patch. I probably won’t need it, but it will be probably be automatic. and with cross fire and shit, usually not the game, the system and how the GPU’s are sync’d.

  64. Nate Scott Waters

    Id like to add to this.. although the game is full of bugs.. its still a great game.. this is the first mass effect ive played as for the amount of gameplay.. im 48% through game and ive played it 6 days straight.. its the biggest game ive played ever.. every final fantasy game ive completed 100% in under a week, witcher 3 i smashed out 100% including DLC’s in 4 days.. im a heavy gamer and im sorry but this game is massive

  65. Nate Scott Waters

    Oh and just too add the enimations dont look too bad in 4k looks pretty sweet

  66. I must of lucked out and bought on of the “golden disks”! I’ve not had in e crash, or really a single bug worth commenting about. Yea the faces don’t show much emotion, but I haven’t stopped playing every day for at least 4 hours after work, so the story and combat must be doing something right. No the game is not anywhere close to being perfect but my lord, the crying and whining over this is laughable. 7.5-8/10 for me!

  67. rob your a dumb ass,.. and this is from a person who $60 aint shit to and i do not pre-order games unless i’m almost 100% sure it will be a hit game with minimal glitches.
    but back to why you are a stupid ass (i up-graded you) rob,.. eventhough i agree people should stop pre-ordering games as a protest,.. there is what we intelligent humans call a “lemon law” in regards to a car. you evidently do not fight for yourself in ANY regards,.. feel sorry for your wife or girlfriend assuming you have one, they don’t have a chance if molested by a stranger in front of you. you would just lay down.

    people here who are voicing their dissatisfaction with the game are bringing up far better points then your coward way of looking at things like : ” God knows if you bought a pile of junk car that broke down after you drove it off the lot its on you and that’s a lot more than 60$.” dumb -ass robs quote not mine,… your education must had stopped at mid-high school.

  68. Hey did someone call for someone who has worked in game development?

    Hi how are you? Yea Bioware messed up big time here. After the ea buyout they started having multiple large teams as well as the ability to farm work out to smaller studios. Mass Effect and Dragon age has no effect on each other.

    The issue with Mass Effect was every long time member of the main studio quiting and going elsewhere. The game we worked on by people who really don’t get what bioware was which always happens after a studio has a major change in leadership and staff.

    As for Witcher vs dragon age….Witcher 3 is alot bigger. It has a bigger map, it has way significantly more quests and more variety in those quests. It also has more involved gameplay. In dragon age you can beat the game by spamming certain attacks. In Witcher unless you play on the easiest mode if you don’t prepare for certain fights with oils you are dead. If you are in a normal fight and you spam an attack you are dead. The game requires some form of skill and practice. Dragon age doesnt and if you really are bad at games you can be a mage and just spam super long range attacks forever.

    Hope that helped. Although I doubt it.

    Vzx for life, bring it on in womp! (Little in joke that about 70 people who probably won’t see this will love, just ignore it)

  69. You really are an internet tough guy aren’t you. Fighting people all over the place. Where do you get the URLs to the stories?

    Is it n4g or the Google Assistant news feed? Tell me it’s google so I can shut it off…. Please.

  70. 4k doesn’t make animation look better. Animation looks the same in 240p.

    I take it you own a 6 core i7, at least 16 gigs of ddr4 and a GTX 1080 or a 1080ti.

    Of course you could play at 4k with a lower end card if you like to lower all the settings and play at 30 fps with some crazy frame pacing issues.

  71. Actually ea gave bioware all the time they needed on this game and dragon age. I doubt that will be the case going forward.

    Don’t be shocked when one of biowares studios are closed then if the next game flops we see bioware become a studio that just makes games that ea tells them to make.

    EA has plenty of money to make great mass effect games without bioware. In fact ea isn’t happy with them at all right now. What with the racist guy posting on Twitter and all the issues with the game and no I’m not talking about bugs

  72. Same here, but some people just feel personally threatened by the fact that someone released a game they don’t like. And then go and give expert opinions on how BW messed up animations, even though the problem actually has nothing to do with anims but rather with configs and QA.

  73. Just reading your post here, dude, are you hearing yourself? The things you are brushing off are TOTALLY unacceptable lol. I am a huge Mass Effect fan, but plan on leaving it 6 months before i pick this up. Bugs ruin the emersion for me.

  74. CD Projekt is a better studio though, its unfair to make that comparison.

  75. They are the same with every RPG I’ve ever played, hell the first two witcher games needed 12 months of work and a free 2.0 update to get into truly playable states. The bugs in andromeda are annoying, but not really game breaking and so better than most bethesda games which I don’t think I’ve played one that I have had to go back to a much earlier save or take a total write off and start again.

    If it’s an issue for you that’s fine, but a game without bugs is a rare beast so I don’t bother.

    Also it’s immersion, emmersion isn’t a word and if it was it would probably mean you liked LARPing the game instead of playing it on the computer. Although it you do that it’s totally fine, its a good hobby.

  76. ??TheDoge?? [Pervert King]

    Let the pro “game developers in the comments who obviously are professional in the field since they know how to blame any game company” state their arguments. I am sure they make games that are top notch and perfect.

  77. ??TheDoge?? [Pervert King]

    They want to elevate their ego or copy the guy who said ‘it’s bad’ to feel better about themselves, let them.

  78. I agree, it does look better to the trained eye at 4k 🙂

  79. Mark van der Kamp

    the best place to see it is the transporter tube. if i turn off v-sync i have a 900fps to 1fps fluctuations going up and down. almost as if it loads the nexus and hyperion in one go

  80. Mark van der Kamp

    then again most of the animation problems are in the fase as far as i have seen them popup so WTF cares about that for the 2 min you spend without your helmet 😛

  81. I laugh when stupid people think that fixing facial animations is as simple as a patch.

  82. what about enemies spawning out of thin air behind back in clean room, burst shooting sniper precise with AR on 100+m (i’m unable to shot em back with sniper), enemies shooting through walls?

  83. When on the nexus the tram only let’s me go to operations will not let me go to Hyperion to finish sam node

  84. What should I do

  85. I miss Dorian.
    On the nomad point, the nomad has a low grip driving mode that you maybe installed and are using it turns off its grip so you can do donuts and all sorts of crazy things, but makes normal driving a bit hard.

  86. they need to fix the fps drops with no reasons ASAP

  87. And I just want to know when they’re going to fix multiplayer so I can actually play

  88. It’s complete fair to make a comparison. The fact that CDProjektRed is better is the basis of the comparison.

  89. CD projekt red has less people and less budget,if you are calling about talent then too bad it’s a negotiation in the gaming development/publish world

  90. you have to be so old that you are blind and senile ,to barely see the problem and to forget it each time.

  91. You keep pretending that pointing out blatant animation flaws is a proclamation of expertise. You are literally arguing a point no one is making. you keep using phrases like “expert opinions”. No, it’s stating the obvious. The animations are messed up. On a product people paid money for. A huge AAA game.

    You use one excuse made by an animator as confirmation bias to tell everyone complaining to to shut up as if they are wrong. But nothing the animator said makes the criticisms false. Only that they have an excuse.

    You’re the one claiming expert opinion at this point and you’re full of shit. the animations are definitely screwed up. Configs and QA? Really?!? What kind of blame shifting fanboy BS is that?

  92. Good call “pervert king”. Just like Ivo wants to make himself feel better for supporting Bioware long after they stopped giving any sensible human being cause for doing so.

  93. You really don’t seem to understand what an internet tough guy is. Apparently I’m not allowed to fight back when someone gets in my face. Did you actually read the conversation here? Ivo picked a fight with me, not the other way around. He’s the one who decided to get in my face and insult my intelligence. You want to talk about fights talk to him.

  94. I have no idea what you meant to say.

  95. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humour

  96. I’m sure you’re right. I’m sure 90% of the game is perfectly fine. It’s not nearly as bad as videos and critics make it sound. Games seldom are.

    My friend just finished MEA in 60 hours. He still has side missions left. But all signs point toward this game being a large but nothing out of the ordinary game. I don’t know. I haven’t played it yet. I will eventually. I have other games on priority right now. I’ll wait until the DLC is out and price dips.

  97. That old fanboy chestnut “You can’t make something better, so you can’t criticize”. Well I’m not really 200 people with millions of dollars, so…

    Yeah, good argument. Because when you get piece of under cooked meat you clearly need to be a classically trained chef to send it back to the kitchen. Choke it down. What do you think you are, an expert?

  98. You’d be surprised how many people make those kinds of statements with complete sincerity.

  99. ??TheDoge?? [Pervert King]

    All i got was , “if had 200 people with millions I can do better, hold my beer.”

    I want to see if that is true or not

  100. I recorded all my glitches with the xbox on the Alpha Jedi gamer tag. also can anyone help me with when missions won’t progress on the Watchers mission.

  101. Najeet Ramlakhan

    People keep saying there isn’t any game breaking bugs. I’ve have to progressively reload saves so far back that I lost 6 hours of progress because they game won’t load saves. Or I randomly lose the ability to move. Not game breaking at all.

  102. Yeah me too, and I’d love to help ya out guy, but unless you got the money and people I’m afraid you’re out of luck.

    All I’m getting out of you is “I don’t have good arguments so here are the same ancient fallacies all fanboys trot out to defend their favorite garbage”

    But the wonderful thing about criticism, is I don’t really have to make a better game to know I’ve actually PLAYED better games. Some of which are from the same company. I KNOW Bioware is capable of better than this. If you don’t think they are, and gladly accept this tripe then more power to you.

    but the whole “you do better, then” is a coward’s argument. One you know can’t be fulfilled, so you hide behind it.

  103. Auto correct.

    Word of advice, if you’re going to correct someone, don’t make spelling (and grammar) errors in your reply. It doesn’t look very clever. I am not nearly nerdy enough to know what LARPing is…

  104. Chief of MSN!, is notifying consumers to get started with “Work at home” method, that Loads of people have been doing more than a year now. This season only, I made approximately $36k presently with nothing but my desktop as well as some extra time, although i have a fulltime 9 to five job. Even people newbie in this, can make $50/per h easily and the income might be much higher over a period of time… This is how i started >> http://urlfat­.­com/4BH

  105. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humour

  106. Wrong. Budget was twice as much for Witcher 3.

  107. it’s 40 mil for development, EA has not released the numbers for how much it cost them to make andromeda

  108. Spelling errors, my auto correct can’t spot any, and since I wrote the original on my phone I checked as I write this on chrome and the only error is emmersion/emersion which isn’t a currently in use word. Although if it were it would be a double em due to the latin root of immersion and the application of i and e in English. I also don’t add unnecessary grammar when posting from a phone, if it can’t do it automatically and doesn’t change the meaning I don’t bother.

    Apparently your own autocorrect is as defective as your sense of humour and ability to google LARPing.

  109. So far I’ve got two game stopping glitches and a bunch of manageable ones.

    Stopping ones are: On Voeld, can’t talk to the rescued angara, meaning I can’t storm the base, take down the shield place OR complete the forgotten history mission.

    And while tracking down all the containers on the map, there’s one merged with a rock on Kadara (tried reloading, resetting, everything) that you literally just can’t interact with it meaning you can’t clear it off of your map.
    There’s one on Voeld which I’m pretty sure is impossible to get to unless you glitch out the map like I did (so at least I cleared that one off the map).
    And there’s one on Elaaden in the Krogan colony which I’m pretty sure is under the map and thus you can’t interact with it either.

    Still on my first playthrough but I like to do everything I can and the fact that I’m now locked out of a minimum of 4 missions because of that Voeld glitch and can’t clear all the collectibles and things on my map because of other glitches is annoying me quite a bit.

  110. woosh

  111. realdealbearsfan54

    5 years in the waiting to find out they removed ALL the awesome characters and their cool personas,just the way they related to you,the joking and such!The humour of MORDIN SOLES.The combat so nopw you cant do the combos you want to do,the sound of cryo explosions and the broken glass effects.I guess they really simplified the combat because todays gen couldnt figure out the color coding of power combinations and such! I honestly think that manveers racist views to white people are so obvious in this game!Thats why the ryders who had absolutely handsome and gorgeous models in real life,are made to appear like some form of ugly inbreeding.To the hardcore ME fans this game simply resembles the play of a ME but the two main unique features that got people addicted are non existant.The vehicle is a fail compared to the batmobile of arkham knight.I just dont get where the DEVS think this is a good game!Where was quality control or game testers?paid to be quite

  112. I get that the facial animations are bad, but they’re not bad throughout the whole game. Every video I’ve watched they’re just cherry picking the worst spots. Most of the game is quite playable, some of it is excellent.

    Honestly, I’ve enjoyed the game a ton so far and haven’t had almost any problems, no problems that were permanent or serious at all.

  113. I just make fun of it because half the internet lost their shit over it 😛 My biggest problem with MEA is that after I have talked to a friend who play the same games I do (we are RPG fans) everything from the story, side quests and bugs just don’t sounds worth it for 60$.

  114. Maybe I’m biased or a fan boy, I honestly can’t tell. I think it’s very much on par with the other games, and I really like the explorer aspect instead of military. The trilogy always made me feel rushed, like I couldn’t spend time on the side stuff or do what I wanted- had to save the galaxy ASAP. This one feels slower, but I still like the plot a lot, side quests included. Taking my time, playing when I can… haven’t played much multiplayer and after like “82 hours” (left it on while I was gone twice, maybe ~15 of those hours) I feel like I’ve got a ton left to do.

    Either way, I also noticed it’s gone on sale to 45 at least once, and the deluxe doesn’t really do much for you. If you’re that unsure, isthereanydeal will let you know when it drops down to a more reasonable price.

  115. Thanks for the link 🙂

    I play games like Yakuza 0 and soon Persona 5. These games don’t have HIGH END real looking graphics. But they work for the art style they use. I think many have expected damn good looking graphics and animations from MEA since it uses Frostbite (it looks damn good in BF1 and mirror’s edge catalyst). To be honest, the facial animation is up and down in MEA and some time it down right ugly and unfinished to look at. Which is weird after 5 year and 40 mil.

    I think MEA as many great ideas and I think it great they dropped the SAVE THE GALAXY plot (has been done to death) and let people play at a slower pace. ME2’s writing and cast is a though one to beat. It’s love by many and to beat a classic like that is hard.

  116. This game is a piece of shit.

  117. I paid money to play this horrid thing.

  118. You are a tool when you believe I will suck cock for this, but nix surely will suck the cock off a leper

  119. Huh

  120. All I got to say is this game is awful.

  121. Hopefully they’ll fix the save bugs and the enemy spawning inside walls. Not a lot of fun when they can shoot a you and you can’t shoot back.

  122. Detailed bug reports, continuity problems and poor gameplay issues all listed here; http://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/Everything-I-ve-found-wrong-in-ME-A-feel-free-to-add-anything-I/td-p/6010303, post the link to Bioware on Twitter, report issues for PC in the EA forum link, with one big effort hopefully we will eventually get a game worthy of the Mass Effect name.

  123. Black Super Saiyan Gawd™

    Mass Effect 1 = Good story
    Mass Effect 2 = Good gameplay mechanics and the best story in the trilogy
    Mass Effect 3 = Best gameplay mechanics, an otherwise excellent and potentially better story than ME2 but completely ruined by Bioware’s shoddy mediocre third act of the trilogy storyline trying to please everyone of all ages and races instead of a single and cohesive ending.

    Andromeda isn’t even their first launch they fucked up miserably either anyway. Because ME Andromeda is reviewed as a step back in all aspects between the 3 originals I’m just gonna wait until next year and pick up the deluxe edition with all of the DLC bundled in and the patches ironed out well since Mass Effect 2 and 3 suffered the same fate as Andromeda but they were actually good games that I and the community can attest to. I won’t make the mistake and buy a Bioware game at launch ever again I fell for that twice too many times.