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KitGuru Photoshop Benchmark – V1(4)

For as long as I can remember enthusiasts around the world have been keen to see how their systems perform with many commercially available benchmarks from such companies as Futuremark. While these applications are extremely useful to a wide audience sometimes it can be helpful to focus on a ‘real world' application which many of us use on an almost daily basis.

When I was in charge of DriverHeaven I wrote a scripted benchmark which was not only used to help users ascertain system specific performance levels but was useful in reviews to accurately measure performance in key areas. Leading tech sites such as Madshrimps, Benchmark Reviews and Hardocp used my benchmark in their reviews also.

Today I am releasing the newest version of my benchmark which is entitled V1(4), because it is the first version for Kitguru.net but actually the fourth iteration I have written for the public domain.

This script is fully compatible with both Macintosh and Windows platforms and is stored in a user friendly zip format. Before you jump into the benchmarking however i would like to detail some information on the following pages which is important to read, and I will also give additional information on what is going on behind the scenes.

This version of the script has been thoroughly tested on Adobe Photoshop CS5 and CS4 and is compatible with Photoshop 7. It is important to document however that different versions of Photoshop give different end results. Adobe have been fine tuning the program over the years and enhancing specific filters and algorithms for better performance (some filters were rewritten during the CS2 time period). This means ultimately that comparing times with users running other versions of Photoshop is not going to give consistent results.

To remain fully ‘in the now' most of the testing and screenshots used in this article for comparison purposes were taken from CS5 on both Macintosh Snow Leopard and Windows 7 operating systems.

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  1. Hi!
    What is the difference between this benchmark and the remarkably similar one on http://www.hardwareheaven.com/photoshop.php ?

  2. i made both, the one here is newer and more intensive.

  3. Please share your KitGuru Photoshop benchmark results here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ouENq7CUMy2GYvx0kC6ZXDSEluE6p4sFrsgUYsN7HAg/edit#gid=0