Home / Software & Gaming / Games Industry analyst reckons PC gamers are all ‘arrogant twits’

Games Industry analyst reckons PC gamers are all ‘arrogant twits’

Earlier this month, Sony not only announced the PS4 Pro, but the company also confirmed that the console was built in an effort to compete with the PC platform on a graphical level, rather than the Xbox One. It hasn't taken long for games industry analyst, Michael Pachter to weigh in on this topic, in short, he doesn't think the PS4 Pro will tempt PC gamers, mostly because he reckons we are all “arrogant twits” who share a lot in common with racists… Because that's a sensible comparison to make.

In an interview with the Daily Star this week, Pachter was asked if he thought the PS4 Pro would tempt any PC gamers, at which point he entered some form of triggered state and replied: “I think PC Gamers are like racists; they only like their own kind and they have no interest in venturing out and mixing with other races. PC gamers are arrogant twits who are convinced what they do is better than what anybody else can possibly do”.


Obviously, Pachter's statement completely disregards the fact that there are plenty of platform-loyal console gamers too, after all, the console wars didn't sprout from the minds of Matt Stone and Trey Parker as a plot point for a series of hilarious South Park episodes. You can find a degree of ‘fanboyism' with anything these days.

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KitGuru Says: It sounds like someone has taken the PC Master Race thing a little too seriously…

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  1. Michael Pachter .. ’nuff said

  2. WhateverYouWantItToBe

    Console just doesn’t offer what I want for a platform. And that’s cool, just as PC might not serve a console player the way they want.

  3. Tomorrow news

    Game analyst fired for offence comments

  4. We all play on what we like. You if a having a great time on the platform you are playing on then it’s all great.
    90% of all gamers have it that why. the problem is the last 10% that a speaking so loud and try to defend the platform they have chosen and also try to convince others that their platform is the best.

  5. It still makes me laugh when the AAA industry acts shocked, SHOCKED, when they’re considered out of touch and their games don’t appeal to the market.

  6. Pachter calling other people arrogant 😀 this guy is incredibly full of himself and seldom right. God knows why the industry still takes him seriously.

  7. I guess it is why I got no real life close friends to play with. But I accept it. I met some good people from the PC Master Race, especially when stepping into Star Citizen. We love talking about the high end, especially people’s plans for next upgrades. Yeah, whoever asks we help, and if he is a console gamer we kick!

  8. hmmm I have no idea who the Michael Patcher is but he’s a little of the mark there. There are a LOT of PC gamers who own other platforms, the real gamers amongst us don’t care what people play on just as long as they play and finally he should learn a bit more about the English language, the comparison he should have used was bigoted as the definition of that word describes a person who will not change their views even though solid evidence is given to them time and time again. But no matter what word he used he is still wrong and even the worst trolls amongst us probably couldn’t care less about other peoples gaming habits………The guy is a fucking idiot.

  9. Who cares what the “console peasants” think. Let them upgrade to a new console every three years, pay for online etc and complain that PC is too expensive. I’ll just go and play that 5 year old game I enjoy and don’t need remastered to play.

  10. lel, and then you realise all the benefits of these new consoles are carbon copies of what pc’s have been doing for years. good job m8, you built a system based on something, and then ridiculed those who literally handed you the ideas for your new product. 10/10

  11. I enjoy playing League of Legends or Age of Empires on the computer. I enjoy playing Beyond two Souls on the PS4. Why would you be loyal to one platform? I don’t get it. It’s so stupidly shortsighted. There is not even a thing to prove other than the fact you are a total douchebag. Could it be related to Soccer? Lots of neural deficient fools that seem to be overly loyal to one club. Maybe it’s like the article said. There is Fanboyism anywhere. The only astute statement I could make of it is that Fanboys are generally of lesser intelligence..

  12. Loud minority versus quiet majority, that’s all this comes down to. The majority of PC gamers aren’t giving out their opinion, either they don’t care or too busy playing games. But the minority of PC gamers, however, are louder; they talk, they are opinionated, they are arrogant.

    I think the comparison to racists is spot-on with the loud minority, they are the first ones to fire shots at anything that isn’t shining light on what they buy for themeselves. They take offense and get defensive if anything they don’t like is somehow flourishing. About the only error is Patcher’s comments is that he lumps everyone into the same box, not all PC gamers have a PC Master Race mentality nor do they have to. We can be customers without being fanboys or fanatics about what we buy.

    But fanboys and fanatics don’t see objectivity, they think in absolutes: You’re either with us or against us– it’s this idiocy that Micheal Patcher’s comments are really geared towards, not all PC gamers. Therefore, i don’t know why any of you are taking offense to his comments if he’s clearly not talking about you, I don’t care. To me, consoles and PC, of any brand, will sink the same rate if thrown into a lake; what’s the big deal then? There isn’t one, but those that make a big deal are the ones that Patcher is talking about.

  13. I play on both PC and PS4.

  14. I like pc for what it does besides gaming. I spend what I’d spend on a console to upgrade the pc and I get all multiplatform games, many indies, full modding and emulators. We get some exclusives too. And after I’m done gaming I can draw in photoshop, watch videos, film, manage socials, look for informations about everything, listen to music while doing all the rest.
    If you only want to play games or you really want that exclusive from Sony… then console is probably better for you. It’s faster to boot, play and switch off than pc and you don’t have to deal with drivers, virus or whatever. Pc is of course more powerful, that’s because it’s not only for gaming. Being more powerful though, it also allows for smoother and higher quality gaming.

  15. Faster to boot? Buy a $50 SSD for your OS.
    Drivers? Most of them have a program that automatically updates them anymore.
    Viruses? At this point you have to go out of your way or being VERY sketchy stuff to find yourself a virus – though I suppose it’s not impossible to achieve for someone not used to computers.

    The things that made a console better are no longer true anymore, the only reason anyone should play console is because their friends use it.

  16. Maybe a decade ago, yes. Back then console gamers labeled PC gamers with the MasterRace term as an insult for use in flamewars… but the internet found it funny and decided to adopt it as a badge of pride. Pachter has interpreted this stale meme literally…

  17. I also play on both the pc and ps4. do you happen to follow the lcs at all or do the drafts during the seasons? as that is very similar to following a football club. people tie them selves to a club in any sport or brand. it does not lesser someones intelligence to do so. i am sure you have a preference to what equipment you use, I can’t use madcatz gear as i have had a bad experience with them or razer others swear by them saying that they are the best gear each to there own

  18. The only thing that is worse than his comments is his predictions xD

  19. He does know most the times its PC gamers trolling them cuz its funny to see how dumb console peasants can get. Side note you are not a console peasant if you play on console its only when you think your console is over all better then a PC even when the facts are so stacked against you. I mean there are people that defined xbox live and PS+ like really guys come on you guys should have have to pay even more for the other 3/4 of your system. Its not that we really think you are below us as gamers but you are below us as far as the hardware goes and that also hurts us as PC gamers cuz the games have to be dumbed down and made to look bad to run on consoles. I mean even when the ps4 pro comes out it will be outdated so yea.

  20. I have an xbox one my son uses it i use it for netflix and the occasional console exclusive but when your rocking a skylake i7 16gb ddr4 and a 980ti why would i game mostly on console each to thier own i say. 🙂

  21. Yes I follow LCS. No I do not have a single preference and I certainly wouldn’t smack someones face in just because he prefers a team I do not, like so many other fanboys would do. I obviously wasn’t talking about preference. When you prefer a certain brand out of utility and comfort then go for it. Atleast then you have a solid argument to back up your reasoning.